96 Great Interview Questi*** to Ask Before You Hire 96个经典面试问题 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Plenty of job titles advise on how to handle interview questi***; but too few lend depth to the employer's side - what to ask, and how. Falcone's title is invaluable in telling how to ***anize interviews to best identify high-performance candidates and how to spot evasi*** and untruths. An excellent guide to turning general answers into specifics, and to using these candidates' specifics to assess strengths and weaknesses. -- Midwest Book Review --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Presents insights into underlying reas*** behind interview questi*** and shows you how to interpret the resp***e in a straightforward and useful way. Includes customized, pinpoint questi*** for every hiring scenario, with examples and real-life applicati***. Paper. DLC: Interviewing. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Every harried interviewer knows the result of throwing out vague questi*** to potential employees: vague answers and potentially disastrous hiring decisi***. Presented in a handy question-and-answer format, 96 Great Interview Questi*** to Ask Before You Hire provides readers with the tools they need to elicit honest and complete information from job candidates, plus helpful hints on interpreting the resp***es. The book gives interviewers everything they need to:
identify high-performance job candidates • probe beyond superficial answers • spot “red flags” indicating evasi*** or untruths • get references to provide real information • negotiate job offers to attract winners
Included in this revised and updated edition are new material on background checks, specific challenges posed by the up-and-coming millennial generation, and ideas for reinventing the employment application to gather more in-depth information than ever before. Packed with insightful questi***, this book serves as a ready reference for both managers and human resources professionals alike.
Paul Falcone is Vice President of Employee Relati*** at Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles and was formerly Vice President of Human Resources at Nickelodeon. He is the author of 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews, 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems, and 96 Great Interview Questi*** to Ask Before You Hire. He lives in Valencia, California.
Introduction: The Parable
Putting Candidates at Ease and Building Rapport
Part Ⅰ Interview Questi*** to Identify High-Performance Candidates
1 For Openers: Five Traditional Interview Questi*** and Their Interpretati***
2 Achievement-Anchored Questi***: Measuring Individuals' Awareness of Their Accomplishments
3 Holistic Interview Queries: Challenging Candidates to Assess Themselves
4 Questi*** About Career Stability
5 Searching for Patterns of Progression Through the Ranks
6 Likability Equals Compatibility: Matching Candidates' Personalities to Your Organization's Corporate Culture
7 The College Campus Recruit
8 Millennials-The Future Generation of Your Workforce
9 The Sales Interview: Differentiating Among Top Producers, Rebel Producers, and Those Who Struggle to the Minimums
10 Senior Management Evaluati***: Leaders, Mentors, and Effective Decision Makers
11 Pressure Cooker Interview Questi***: Assessing Grace Under Fire
12 Generic Interview Questi*** Known to Challenge Candidates in the Final Rounds of Hire
Part Ⅱ Selecting Candidates and Making the Offer
13 Reference-Checking Scenarios: Administrative Support Staff
14 Reference-Checking Scenarios: Professional/Technical Candidates
15 Reference-Checking Scenarios: Senior Management Candidates
16 Preempting the Counteroffer: Steering Candidates Clear of Temptation
17 Making the Offer and Closing the Deal: Questi*** to Ensure That Candidates Accept Your Job Offers
Part Ⅲ Key Interviewing, Reference-Checking, and Recruitment Issues
18 StayingWithin the Law: Interview Questi*** to Avoid at All Costs!
19 Telephone Screening Interviews: Formats and Follow-Ups for Swift Information Gathering
20 Getting Real Information from Reference Checks
21 Background Checks
22 Reinventing Your Company's Employment Application
23 Recruitment Brochures: Engaging Invitati*** and Introducti*** to Your Company
24 Maximizing Your Recruitment Resources
Interviewer's Checklist: The 96 Questi***
About the Author
Plenty of job titles advise on how to handle interview questi***; but too few lend depth to the employer's side - what to ask, and how. Falcone's title is invaluable in telling how to ***anize interviews to best identify high-performance candidates and how to spot evasi*** and untruths. An excellent guide to turning general answers into specifics, and to using these candidates' specifics to assess strengths and weaknesses. -- Midwest Book Review
Presents insights into underlying reas*** behind interview questi*** and shows you how to interpret the resp***e in a straightforward and useful way. Includes customized, pinpoint questi*** for every hiring scenario, with examples and real-life applicati***. Paper. DLC: Interviewing.
Every harried interviewer knows the result of throwing out vague questi*** to potential employees: vague answers and potentially disastrous hiring decisi***. Presented in a handy question-and-answer format, 96 Great Interview Questi*** to Ask Before You Hire provides readers with the tools they need to elicit honest and complete information from job candidates, plus helpful hints on interpreting the resp***es. The book gives interviewers everything they need to:
• identify high-performance job candidates
• probe beyond superficial answers
• spot “red flags” indicating evasi*** or untruths
• get references to provide real information
• negotiate job offers to attract winners
Included in this revised and updated edition are new material on background checks, specific challenges posed by the up-and-coming millennial generation, and ideas for reinventing the employment application to gather more in-depth information than ever before. Packed with insightful questi***, this book serves as a ready reference for both managers and human resources professionals alike.
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