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《***P/IP详解》是已故网络专家、著名技术作家W. Richard Stevens的传世之作,内容详尽且极具权威,被誉为***P/IP领域的不朽名著。
本书是《***P/IP详解》的第1卷,主要讲述***P/IP协议,结合大量实例讲述***P/IP协议族的定义原因,以及在各种不同的操作系统中的应用及工作方式。第2版在保留Stevens卓越的知识体系和写作风格的基础上,新加入的作者Kevin R. Fall结合其作为***P/IP协议研究领域领导者的尖端经验来更新本书,反映了最新的协议和最佳的实践方法。首先,他介绍了***P/IP的核心目标和体系结构概念,展示了它们如何能连接不同的网络和支持多个服务同时运行。接着,他详细解释了IPv4和IPv6网络中的互联网地址。然后,他采用自底向上的方式来介绍***P/IP的结构和功能:从链路层协议(如Ethernet和Wi-Fi),经网络层、传输层到应用层。
W. Richard Stevens传奇般的***P/IP指南,现在被顶级网络专家Kevin R. Fall更新,反映了新一代的基于***P/IP的网络技术。
Foreword v
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Architectural Principles 2
1.1.1 Packets, Connecti***, and Datagrams 3
1.1.2 The End-to-End Argument and Fate Sharing 6
1.1.3 Error Control and Flow Control 7
1.2 Design and Implementation 8
1.2.1 Layering 8
1.2.2 Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, and Encapsulation in Layered
Implementati*** 10
1.3 The Architecture and Protocols of the ***P/IP Suite 13
1.3.1 The ARPANET Reference Model 13
1.3.2 Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, and Encapsulation in ***P/IP 16
1.3.3 Port Numbers 17
1.3.4 Names, Addresses, and the DNS 19
1.4 Internets, Intranets, and Extranets 19
1.5 Designing Applicati*** 20
1.5.1 Client/Server 20
1.5.2 Peer-to-Peer 21
1.5.3 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 22
Preface to the Second Edition vii
Adapted Preface to the First Edition xiii
1.6 Standardization Process 22
1.6.1 Request for Comments (RFC) 23
1.6.2 Other Standards 24
1.7 Implementati*** and Software Distributi*** 24
1.8 Attacks Involving the Internet Architecture 25
1.9 Summary 26
1.10 References 28
Chapter 2 The Internet Address Architecture 3
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Expressing IP Addresses 32
2.3 Basic IP Address Structure 34
2.3.1 Classful Addressing 34
2.3.2 Subnet Addressing 36
2.3.3 Subnet Masks 39
2.3.4 Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VL***) 41
2.3.5 Broadcast Addresses 42
2.3.6 IPv6 Addresses and Interface Identifiers 43
2.4 CIDR and Aggregation 46
2.4.1 Prefixes 47
2.4.2 Aggregation 48
2.5 Special-Use Addresses 50
2.5.1 Addressing IPv4/IPv6 Translators 52
2.5.2 Multicast Addresses 53
2.5.3 IPv4 Multicast Addresses 54
2.5.4 IPv6 Multicast Addresses 57
2.5.5 Anycast Addresses 62
2.6 Allocation 62
2.6.1 Unicast 62
2.6.2 Multicast 65
2.7 Unicast Address Assignment 65
2.7.1 Single Provider/No Network/Single Address 66
2.7.2 Single Provider/Single Network/Single Address 67
2.7.3 Single Provider/Multiple Networks/Multiple Addresses 67
2.7.4 Multiple Providers/Multiple Networks/Multiple Addresses
(Multihoming) 68
Contents xvii
2.8 Attacks Involving IP Addresses 70
2.9 Summary 71
2.10 References 72
Chapter 3 Link Layer 79
3.1 Introduction 79
3.2 Ethernet and the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards 80
3.2.1 The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards 82
3.2.2 The Ethernet Frame Format 84
3.2.3 802.1p/q: Virtual LANs and QoS Tagging 89
3.2.4 802.1AX: Link Aggregation (Formerly 802.3ad) 92
3.3 Full Duplex, Power Save, Autonegotiation, and 802.1X Flow Control 94
3.3.1 Duplex Mismatch 96
3.3.2 Wake-on LAN (WoL), Power Saving, and Magic Packets 96
3.3.3 Link-Layer Flow Control 98
3.4 Bridges and Switches 98
3.4.1 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 102
3.4.2 802.1ak: Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) 111
3.5 Wireless LANs—IEEE 802.11(Wi-Fi) 111
3.5.1 802.11 Frames 113
3.5.2 Power Save Mode and the Time Sync Function (T***) 119
3.5.3 802.11 Media Access Control 120
3.5.4 Physical-Layer Details: Rates, Channels, and Frequencies 123
3.5.5 Wi-Fi Security 129
3.5.6 Wi-Fi Mesh (802.11s) 130
3.6 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) 130
3.6.1 Link Control Protocol (LCP) 131
3.6.2 Multi link PPP (MP) 137
3.6.3 Compression Control Protocol (CCP) 139
3.*** PPP Authentication 140
3.6.5 Network Control Protocols (NCPs) 141
3.6.6 Header Compression 142
3.6.7 Example 143
3.7 Loopback 145
3.8 MTU and Path MTU 148
3.9 Tunneling Basics 149
3.9.1 Unidirectional Links 153
x viii Contents
3.10 Attacks on the Link Layer 154
3.11 Summary 156
3.12 References 157
Chapter 4 ARP: Address Resolution Protocol 165
4.1 Introduction 165
4.2 An Example 166
4.2.1 Direct Delivery and ARP 167
4.3 ARP Cache 169
4.4 ARP Frame Format 170
4.5 ARP Examples 171
4.5.1 Normal Example 171
4.5.2 ARP Request to a Nonexistent Host 173
4.6 ARP Cache Timeout 174
4.7 Proxy ARP 174
4.8 Gratuitous ARP and Address Conflict Detection (ACD) 175
4.9 The arp Command 177
4.10 Using ARP to Set an Embedded Device’s IPv4 Address 178
4.11 Attacks Involving ARP 178
4.12 Summary 179
4.13 References 179
Chapter 5 The Internet Protocol (IP) 18
5.1 Introduction 181
5.2 IPv4 and IPv6 Headers 183
5.2.1 IP Header Fields 183
5.2.2 The Internet Checksum 186
5.2.3 DS Field and ECN (Formerly Called the ToS Byte or IPv6 Traffic Class) 188
5.2.4 IP Opti*** 192
5.3 IPv6 Extension Headers 194
5.3.1 IPv6 Opti*** 196
5.3.2 Routing Header 200
5.3.3 Fragment Header 203
5.4 IP Forwarding 208
5.4.1 Forwarding Table 208
5.4.2 IP Forwarding Acti*** 209
Contents xix
5.4.3 Examples 210
5.4.4 Discussion 215
5.5 Mobile IP 215
5.5.1 The Basic Model: Bidirectional Tunneling 216
5.5.2 Route Optimization (RO) 217
5.5.3 Discussion 220
5.6 Host Processing of IP Datagrams 220
5.6.1 Host Models 220
5.6.2 Address Selection 222
5.7 Attacks Involving IP 226
5.8 Summary 226
5.9 References 228
Chapter 6 System Configuration: DHCP and Autoconfiguration 233
6.1 Introduction 233
6.2 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 234
6.2.1 Address Pools and Leases 235
6.2.2 DHCP and BOOTP Message Format 236
6.2.3 DHCP and BOOTP Opti*** 238
6.2.4 DHCP Protocol Operation 239
6.2.5 DHCPv6 252
6.2.6 Using DHCP with Relays 267
6.2.7 DHCP Authentication 271
6.2.8 Reconfigure Extension 273
6.2.9 Rapid Commit 273
6.2.10 Location Information (LCI and LoST) 274
6.2.11 Mobility and Handoff Information (MoS and AND***) 275
6.2.12 DHCP Snooping 276
6.3 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) 276
6.3.1 Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses 276
6.3.2 IPv6 SLAAC for Link-Local Addresses 276
*** DHCP and DNS In***ction 285
6.5 PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) 286
6.6 Attacks Involving System Configuration 292
6.7 Summary 292
6.8 References 293
xx Contents
Chapter 7 Firewalls and Network Address Translation (NAT) 299
7.1 Introduction 299
7.2 Firewalls 300
7.2.1 Packet-Filtering Firewalls 300
7.2.2 Proxy Firewalls 301
7.3 Network Address Translation (NAT) 303
7.3.1 Traditional NAT: Basic NAT and NAPT 305
7.3.2 Address and Port Translation Behavior 311
7.3.3 Filtering Behavior 313
7.3.4 Servers behind NATs 314
7.3.5 Hairpinning and NAT Loopback 314
7.3.6 NAT Editors 315
7.3.7 Service Provider NAT (SPNAT) and Service Provider IPv6
Transition 315
7.4 NAT Traversal 316
7.4.1 Pin***s and Hole Punching 317
7.4.2 UNila***l Self-Address Fixing (UNSAF) 317
7.4.3 Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) 319
7.4.4 Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) 326
7.4.5 In***ctive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) 332
7.5 Configuring Packet-Filtering Firewalls and NATs 334
7.5.1 Firewall Rules 335
7.5.2 NAT Rules 337
7.5.3 Direct In***ction with NATs and Firewalls: UPnP, NAT-PMP,
and PCP 338
7.6 NAT for IPv4/IPv6 Coexistence and Transition 339
7.6.1 Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) 339
7.6.2 IPv4/IPv6 Translation Using NATs and ALGs 340
7.7 Attacks Involving Firewalls and NATs 345
7.8 Summary 346
7.9 References 347
Chapter 8 ICMPv4 and ICMPv6: Internet Control Message Protocol 353
8.1 Introduction 353
8.1.1 Encapsulation in IPv4 and IPv6 354
8.2 ICMP Messages 355
8.2.1 ICMPv4 Messages 356
Contents xxi
8.2.2 ICMPv6 Messages 358
8.2.3 Processing of ICMP Messages 360
8.3 ICMP Error Messages 361
8.3.1 Extended ICMP and Multipart Messages 363
8.3.2 Destination Unreachable (ICMPv4 Type 3, ICMPv6 Type 1)
and Packet Too Big (ICMPv6 Type 2) 364
8.3.3 Redirect (ICMPv4 Type 5, ICMPv6 Type 137) 372
8.3.4 ICMP Time Exceeded (ICMPv4 Type 11, ICMPv6 Type 3) 375
8.3.5 Parameter Problem (ICMPv4 Type 12, ICMPv6 Type 4) 379
8.4 ICMP Query/Informational Messages 380
8.4.1 Echo Request/Reply (ping) (ICMPv4 Types 0/8, ICMPv6 Types
129/128) 380
8.4.2 Router Discovery: Router Solicitation and Adverti***t
(ICMPv4 Types 9, 10) 383
8.4.3 Home Agent Address Discovery Request/Reply (ICMPv6 Types
144/145) 386
8.4.4 Mobile Prefix Solicitation/Adverti***t (ICMPv6 Types 146/147) 387
8.4.5 Mobile IPv6 Fast Handover Messages (ICMPv6 Type 154) 388
8.4.6 Multicast Listener Query/Report/Done (ICMPv6 Types
130/131/132) 388
8.4.7 Version 2 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLDv2) (ICMPv6
Type 143) 390
8.4.8 Multicast Router Discovery (MRD) (I***P Types 48/49/50,
ICMPv6 Types 151/152/153) 394
8.5 Neighbor Discovery in IPv6 395
8.5.1 ICMPv6 Router Solicitation and Adverti***t (ICMPv6 Types
133, 134) 396
8.5.2 ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation and Adverti***t (IMCPv6 Types
135, 136) 398
8.5.3 ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation/Adverti***t
(ICMPv6 Types 141/142) 401
8.5.4 Neighbor Unreachability Detection (NUD) 402
8.5.5 Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) 403
8.5.6 ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) Opti*** 407
8.6 Translating ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 424
8.6.1 Translating ICMPv4 to ICMPv6 424
8.6.2 Translating ICMPv6 to ICMPv4 426
8.7 Attacks Involving ICMP 428
x xii Contents
8.8 Summary 430
8.9 References 430
Chapter 9 Broadcasting and Local Multicasting (I***P and MLD) 435
9.1 Introduction 435
9.2 Broadcasting 436
9.2.1 Using Broadcast Addresses 437
9.2.2 Sending Broadcast Datagrams 439
9.3 Multicasting 441
9.3.1 Converting IP Multicast Addresses to 802 MAC/Ethernet Addresses 442
9.3.2 Examples 444
9.3.3 Sending Multicast Datagrams 446
9.3.4 Receiving Multicast Datagrams 447
9.3.5 Host Address Filtering 449
9.4 The Internet Group Management Protocol (I***P) and Multicast Listener
Discovery Protocol (MLD) 451
9.4.1 I***P and MLD Processing by Group Members (“Group
Member Part”) 454
9.4.2 I***P and MLD Processing by Multicast Routers (“Multicast
Router Part”) 457
9.4.3 Examples 459
9.4.4 Lightweight I***Pv3 and MLDv2 464
9.4.5 I***P and MLD Robustness 465
9.4.6 I***P and MLD Counters and Variables 467
9.4.7 I***P and MLD Snooping 468
9.5 Attacks Involving I***P and MLD 469
9.6 Summary 470
9.7 References 471
Chapter 10 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and IP Fragmentation 473
10.1 Introduction 473
10.2 UDP Header 474
10.3 UDP Checksum 475
10.4 Examples 478
10.5 UDP and IPv6 481
10.5.1 Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 Networks 482
Contents xxiii
10.6 UDP-Lite 487
10.7 IP Fragmentation 488
10.7.1 Example: UDP/IPv4 Fragmentation 488
10.7.2 Reassembly Timeout 492
10.8 Path MTU Discovery with UDP 493
10.8.1 Example 493
10.9 In***ction between IP Fragmentation and ARP/ND 496
10.10 Maximum UDP Datagram Size 497
10.10.1 Implementation Limitati*** 497
10.10.2 Datagram Truncation 498
10.11 UDP Server Design 498
10.11.1 IP Addresses and UDP Port Numbers 499
10.11.2 Restricting Local IP Addresses 500
10.11.3 Using Multiple Addresses 501
10.11.4 Restricting Foreign IP Address 502
10.11.5 Using Multiple Servers per Port 503
10.11.6 Spanning Address Families: IPv4 and IPv6 504
10.11.7 Lack of Flow and Congestion Control 505
10.12 Translating UDP/IPv4 and UDP/IPv6 Datagrams 505
10.13 UDP in the Internet 506
10.14 Attacks Involving UDP and IP Fragmentation 507
10.15 Summary 508
10.16 References 508
Chapter 11 Name Resolution and the Domain Name System (DNS) 51
11.1 Introduction 511
11.2 The DNS Name Space 512
11.2.1 DNS Naming Syntax 514
11.3 Name Servers and Zones 516
11.4 Caching 517
11.5 The DNS Protocol 518
11.5.1 DNS Message Format 520
11.5.2 The DNS Extension Format (EDNS0) 524
11.5.3 UDP or ***P 525
11.5.4 Question (Query) and Zone Section Format 526
11.5.5 Answer, Authority, and Additional Information Section Formats 526
11.5.6 Resource Record Types 527
x xiv Contents
11.5.7 Dynamic Updates (DNS UPDATE) 555
11.5.8 Zone Transfers and DNS NOTIFY 558
11.6 Sort Lists, Round-Robin, and Split DNS 565
11.7 Open DNS Servers and DynDNS 567
11.8 Transparency and Extensibility 567
11.9 Translating DNS from IPv4 to IPv6 (DNS64) 568
11.10 LLMNR and mDNS 569
11.11 LDAP 570
11.12 Attacks on the DNS 571
11.13 Summary 572
11.14 References 573
Chapter 12 ***P: The Transmission Control Protocol (Preliminaries) 579
12.1 Introduction 579
12.1.1 ARQ and Retransmission 580
12.1.2 Windows of Packets and Sliding Windows 581
12.1.3 Variable Windows: Flow Control and Congestion Control 583
12.1.4 Setting the Retransmission Timeout 584
12.2 Introduction to ***P 584
12.2.1 The ***P Service Model 585
12.2.2 Reliability in ***P 586
12.3 ***P Header and Encapsulation 587
12.4 Summary 591
12.5 References 591
Chapter 13 ***P Connection Management 595
13.1 Introduction 595
13.2 ***P Connection Establishment and Termination 595
13.2.1 ***P Half-Close 598
13.2.2 Simultaneous Open and Close 599
13.2.3 Initial Sequence Number (ISN) 601
13.2.4 Example 602
13.2.5 Timeout of Connection Establishment 604
13.2.6 Connecti*** and Translators 605
13.3 ***P Opti*** 605
13.3.1 Maximum Segment Size (MSS) Option 606
Contents xxv
13.3.2 Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) Opti*** 607
13.3.3 Window Scale (WSCALE or WSOPT) Option 608
13.3.4 Timestamps Option and Protection against Wrapped
Sequence Numbers (PAWS) 608
13.3.5 User Timeout (UTO) Option 611
13.3.6 Authentication Option (***P-AO) 612
13.4 Path MTU Discovery with ***P 612
13.4.1 Example 613
13.5 ***P State Transiti*** 616
13.5.1 ***P State Transition Diagram 617
13.5.2 TIME_WAIT (2MSL Wait) State 618
13.5.3 Quiet Time Concept 624
13.5.4 FIN_WAIT_2 State 625
13.5.5 Simultaneous Open and Close Transiti*** 625
13.6 Reset Segments 625
13.6.1 Connection Request to Nonexistent Port 626
13.6.2 Aborting a Connection 627
13.6.3 Half-Open Connecti*** 628
13.*** TIME-WAIT Assassination (TWA) 630
13.7 ***P Server Operation 631
13.7.1 ***P Port Numbers 632
13.7.2 Restricting Local IP Addresses 634
13.7.3 Restricting Foreign Endpoints 635
13.7.4 Incoming Connection Queue 636
13.8 Attacks Involving ***P Connection Management 640
13.9 Summary 642
13.10 References 643
Chapter 14 ***P Timeout and Retransmission 647
14.1 Introduction 647
14.2 Simple Timeout and Retransmission Example 648
14.3 Setting the Retransmission Timeout (RTO) 651
14.3.1 The Classic Method 651
14.3.2 The Standard Method 652
14.3.3 The Linux Method 657
14.3.4 RTT Estimator Behaviors 661
14.3.5 RTTM Robustness to Loss and Reordering 662
x xvi Contents
14.4 Timer-Based Retransmission 664
14.4.1 Example 665
14.5 Fast Retransmit 667
14.5.1 Example 668
14.6 Retransmission with Selective Acknowledgments 671
14.6.1 SACK Receiver Behavior 672
14.6.2 SACK Sender Behavior 673
14.6.3 Example 673
14.7 Spurious Timeouts and Retransmissi*** 677
14.7.1 Duplicate SACK (DSACK) Extension 677
14.7.2 The Eifel Detection Algorithm 679
14.7.3 Forward-RTO Recovery (F-RTO) 680
14.7.4 The Eifel Resp***e Algorithm 680
14.8 Packet Reordering and Duplication 682
14.8.1 Reordering 682
14.8.2 Duplication 684
14.9 Destination Metrics 685
14.10 Repacketization 686
14.11 Attacks Involving ***P Retransmission 687
14.12 Summary 688
14.13 References 689
Chapter 15 ***P Data Flow and Window Management 69
15.1 Introduction 691
15.2 In***ctive Communication 692
15.3 Delayed Acknowledgments 695
15.4 Nagle Algorithm 696
15.4.1 Delayed ACK and Nagle Algorithm In***ction 699
15.4.2 Disabling the Nagle Algorithm 699
15.5 Flow Control and Window Management 700
15.5.1 Sliding Windows 701
15.5.2 Zero Windows and the ***P Persist Timer 704
15.5.3 Silly Window Syndrome (SWS) 708
15.5.4 Large Buffers and Auto-Tuning 715
15.6 Urgent Mechanism 719
15.6.1 Example 720
15.7 Attacks Involving Window Management 723
Contents xxvii
15.8 Summary 723
15.9 References 724
Chapter 16 ***P Congestion Control 727
16.1 Introduction 727
16.1.1 Detection of Congestion in ***P 728
16.1.2 Slowing Down a ***P Sender 729
16.2 The Classic Algorithms 730
16.2.1 Slow Start 732
16.2.2 Congestion Avoidance 734
16.2.3 Selecting between Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance 736
16.2.4 Tahoe, Reno, and Fast Recovery 737
16.2.5 Standard ***P 738
16.3 Evolution of the Standard Algorithms 739
16.3.1 NewReno 739
16.3.2 ***P Congestion Control with SACK 740
16.3.3 Forward Acknowledgment (FACK) and Rate Halving 741
16.3.4 Limited Transmit 742
16.3.5 Congestion Window Validation (CWV) 742
1*** Handling Spurious RTOs—the Eifel Resp***e Algorithm 744
16.5 An Extended Example 745
16.5.1 Slow Start Behavior 749
16.5.2 Sender Pause and Local Congestion (Event 1) 750
16.5.3 Stretch ACKs and Recovery from Local Congestion 754
16.5.4 Fast Retransmission and SACK Recovery (Event 2) 757
16.5.5 Additional Local Congestion and Fast Retransmit Events 759
16.5.6 Timeouts, Retransmissi***, and Undoing cwnd Changes 762
16.5.7 Connection Completion 766
16.6 Sharing Congestion State 767
16.7 ***P Friendliness 768
16.8 ***P in High-Speed Environments 770
16.8.1 HighSpeed ***P (HS***P) and Limited Slow Start 770
16.8.2 Binary Increase Congestion Control (BIC and CUBIC) 772
16.9 Delay-Based Congestion Control 777
16.9.1 Vegas 777
16.9.2 FAST 778
x xviii Contents
16.9.3 ***P Westwood and Westwood+ 779
16.9.4 Compound ***P 779
16.10 Buffer Bloat 781
16.11 Active Queue Management and ECN 782
16.12 Attacks Involving ***P Congestion Control 785
16.13 Summary 786
16.14 References 788
Chapter 17 ***P Keepalive 793
17.1 Introduction 793
17.2 Description 795
17.2.1 Keepalive Examples 797
17.3 Attacks Involving ***P Keepalives 802
17.4 Summary 802
17.5 References 803
Chapter 18 Security: EAP, IPsec, TLS, DNSSEC, and DKIM 805
18.1 Introduction 805
18.2 Basic Principles of Information Security 806
18.3 Threats to Network Communication 807
18.4 Basic Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 809
18.4.1 Cryptosystems 809
18.4.2 Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) Public Key Cryptography 812
18.4.3 Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Agreement (aka Diffie-Hellman or DH) 813
18.4.4 Signcryption and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) 814
18.4.5 Key Derivation and Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) 815
18.4.6 Pseudorandom Numbers, Generators, and Function Families 815
18.4.7 Nonces and Salt 816
18.4.8 Cryptographic Hash Functi*** and Message Digests 817
18.4.9 Message Authentication Codes (MACs, HMAC, CMAC, and ***AC) 818
18.4.10 Cryptographic Suites and Cipher Suites 819
18.5 Certificates, Certificate Authorities (CAs), and PKIs 821
18.5.1 Public Key Certificates, Certificate Authorities, and X.509 822
18.5.2 Validating and Revoking Certificates 828
18.5.3 Attribute Certificates 831
Contents xxix
18.6 ***P/IP Security Protocols and Layering 832
18.7 Network Access Control: 802.1X, 802.1AE, EAP, and PANA 833
18.7.1 EAP Methods and Key Derivation 837
18.7.2 The EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) 839
18.7.3 Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA) 839
18.8 Layer 3 IP Security (IPsec) 840
18.8.1 Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol 842
18.8.2 Authentication Header (AH) 854
18.8.3 Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) 858
18.8.4 Multicast 864
18.8.5 L2TP/IPsec 865
18.8.6 IPsec NAT Traversal 865
18.8.7 Example 867
18.9 Transport Layer Security (TLS and DTLS) 876
18.9.1 TLS 1.2 877
18.9.2 TLS with Datagrams (DTLS) 891
18.10 DNS Security (DNSSEC) 894
18.10.1 DNSSEC Resource Records 896
18.10.2 DNSSEC Operation 902
18.10.3 Transaction Authentication (TSIG, TKEY, and SIG(0)) 911
18.10.4 DNSSEC with DNS64 915
18.11 DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) 915
18.11.1 DKIM Signatures 916
18.11.2 Example 916
18.12 Attacks on Security Protocols 918
18.13 Summary 919
18.14 References 922
Glossary of Acronyms 933
Index 963
Kevin R. Fall博士有超过25年的***P/IP工作经验,并且是互联网架构委员会成员。他是互联网研究任务组中延迟容忍网络研究组(DTNRG)的联席主席,该组致力于在极端和挑战性能的环境中探索网络。他是一位IEEE院士。
W. Richard Stevens博士(1951—1999)是国际知名的Unix和网络专家,受人尊敬的技术作家和咨询顾问。他教会了一代网络专业人员使用***P/IP的技能,使互联网成为人们日常生活的中心。Stevens于1999年9月1日去世,年仅48岁。在短暂但精彩的人生中,他著有多部经典的传世之作,包括《***P/IP 详解》(三卷本)、《UNIX网络编程》(两卷本)以及《UNIX环境高级编程》。2000年他被国际权威机构Usenix追授“终身成就奖”。
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《***P/IP详解》是已故网络专家、著名技术作家W. Richard Stevens的传世之作,内容详尽且极具权威,被誉为***P/IP领域的不朽名著。
本书是《***P/IP详解》的第1卷,主要讲述***P/IP协议,结合大量实例讲述***P/IP协议族的定义原因,以及在各种不同的操作系统中的应用及工作方式。第2版在保留Stevens卓越的知识体系和写作风格的基础上,新加入的作者Kevin R. Fall结合其作为***P/IP协议研究领域领导者的尖端经验来更新本书,反映了最新的协议和最佳的实践方法。首先,他介绍了***P/IP的核心目标和体系结构概念,展示了它们如何能连接不同的网络和支持多个服务同时运行。接着,他详细解释了IPv4和IPv6网络中的互联网地址。然后,他采用自底向上的方式来介绍***P/IP的结构和功能:从链路层协议(如Ethernet和Wi-Fi),经网络层、传输层到应用层。
W. Richard Stevens传奇般的***P/IP指南,现在被顶级网络专家Kevin R. Fall更新,反映了新一代的基于***P/IP的网络技术。
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