IT胜利:向一个新的信息技术模式挺进 IT Success! : Towards a New Model for Information Technology mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

IT胜利:向一个新的信息技术模式挺进 IT Success! : Towards a New Model for Information Technology精美图片
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IT胜利:向一个新的信息技术模式挺进 IT Success! : Towards a New Model for Information Technology书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780470724019
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-10
  • 页数:162
  • 价格:261.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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“Fifty years after the birth of corporate computing, IT today is still characterized by 50-70% project failure rates. Which is pretty scary when you come to think of it: either a goblin has cast a spell on a w*** profession – or that profession is doing something fundamentally wrong”.

IT Success! challenges the widespread assumption that an IT department is like a building contracto***hose project managers, architects and engineers (all c***truction industry terms…) are supposed to deliver systems on schedule, within budget and to spec. Michael Gentle explains why this is not possible, and turns conventional wisdom on its head by showing that:

you cannot define an IT project in terms of contractual budgets and schedules  anything can change during the life of a project  what is eventually delivered can never be what is actually needed

He proposes a new model for IT in which the traditional client/vendor relati***hip, with its contractual commitments, is replaced by a shared risk/reward partnership geared towards workable results over time. Using real-world examples and a case study, the autho***alks you through the end-to-end processes of an IT department, covering subjects like demand management, investment planning, agile development and managing production applicati***.






 1 In Search of Excellence the Fundamentals.

  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  A worldwide phenomenon.

  How the traditional IT model started.

  The c***truction industry trap.

  The free lunch trap.

  Houses of ill repute.

  A business problem rather than an IT problem.

  IT and original sin.

  No sacred cows.

 2 IT 101 – The Basics for Non-Specialists.

  The process breakdown for traditional IT activities.

  The process breakdown for business (i.e. non-IT) activities.

  The fundamental difference between IT and non-IT activities.

  'That's not my problem!' – process ownership and behaviour.

 3 The Flaws of the Traditional Model.

  The unintended c***equences of the waterfall method.

  In search of a pizza parlour manager.

  Who provides process expertise – client or vendor?

  When standard client–vendor relati***hips are possible.

  When standard client–vendor relati***hips pose problems.

  Is a standard client–vendor relati***hip possible for IT?

  The 'Statement of Requirements' (SoR) trap.

  A poor to non-existent pricing model.

  Should IT be run like a business (i.e. an ESP)?

  The limits of outsourcing.

  Current IT ***anizational trends.

  The ultimate litmus test to determine one's business model.

  What model would be appropriate for IT?


 4 Managing Demand.

  Managing demand – traditional model.

  Managing demand – new model.

  Capturing demand and identifying opportunities.

  Prioritizing and approving demand.

  Planning approved demand.

  Linking demand to resource capability.

  Approving demand based on portfolios.

  The missing component in Project Portfolio Management.

  Business cases are in the eye of the beholder.

  Building the IT plan and budget.

  Demand from a customer perspective.

  Shaking off the chains of the c***truction industry.

  Funding approved demand.

  Roles and resp***ibilities.

 5 Managing Supply.

  Managing supply – traditional model.

  Managing supply - new model.

  I***tive development in practice.

  Why prototyping has never become mainstream.

  Is prototyping the answer to everything?

  Project critical success factors.

  Maintenance - letting go of the M-word.

  Delivery and implementation.

  Service and ***.

 6 Monitoring Costs and Benefits.

  Monitoring costs and benefits for traditional IT activities.

  Monitoring costs and benefits for business (non-IT) activities.

  Monitoring costs and benefits – new model.

  Ownership and accountability for costs and benefits.

  Cost–benefit ***ysis during the life of a project.

  It is normal for costs and benefits to change!

  Portfolio performance monitoring.

  Cost–benefit ***ysis after project delivery.

 7 Financials.

  The main categories of IT costs.

  Ownership of IT costs for the regulation of supply and demand.

  Who has the final say for IT investments?

  Allocati*** vs cross-charging.

  Capturing costs for allocati*** and cross-charging.

  Benefits as part of the P&L and annual planning.

  Ongoing cost–benefit ***ysis for applicati***.

  Reducing application lifetime costs.

  The limits of financial ROI when applied to IT.


 8 Players, Roles and Resp***ibilities.

  Players, roles and resp***ibilities – the business.

  Players, roles and resp***ibilities – IT.

  The new business–IT relati***hip.

  The changing role of the business ***yst.

  The changing role of the developer.

  Towards the merging of the developer and ***yst roles?

  The changing role of the project manager.

  The changing role of the operati*** department.

  What role for PMOs?

  The role of External Service Providers (ESPs).

 9 Getting Started.

  The business challenge.

  The IT challenge.

  Where to start.

  How to start – from checklist to action plan.

  From the status quo to first results.

  From first results to asset management.

  The role of best-practice methodologies.

  How c***ulting companies can help.

  How tools can help.

  The costs of moving to the new model.

  In closing – addressing the three fundamental questi***.

  Further reading.

 10 Case Study.

  The company.

  The business problem.

  The project context.

  Building an IT–business partnership.

  Kicking off the project.

  Feasibility study and defining a solution.

  Building the business case.

  Project approach.

  Product evaluation – buy or build decision.

  Building a prototype.



  Three months later.

  One year later.

  Two years later.

  Main less*** learnt (on the plus side).

  Main less*** learnt (on the minus side).

  Comments with respect to the new model.

  Reader feedback.













“Fifty years after the birth of corporate computing, IT today is still characterized by 50-70% project failure rates. Which is pretty scary when you come to think of it: either a goblin has cast a spell on a w*** profession – or that profession is doing something fundamentally wrong”. IT Success! challenges the widespread assumption that an IT department is like a building contracto***hose project managers, architects and engineers (all c***truction industry terms…) are supposed to deliver systems on schedule, within budget and to spec. Michael Gentle explains why this is not possible, and turns conventional wisdom on its head by showing that: you cannot define an IT project in terms of contractual budgets and schedules anything can change during the life of a project what is eventually delivered can never be what is actually needed He proposes a new model for IT in which the traditional client/vendor relati***hip, with its contractual commitments, is replaced by a shared risk/reward partnership geared towards workable results over time. Using real-world examples and a case study, the autho***alks you through the end-to-end processes of an IT department, covering subjects like demand management, investment planning, agile development and managing production applicati***.


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