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In this compelling new book, Michael E. Raynor, coauthor of
the national bestseller The Innovator’s Solution, shows that
Disruption, Clayton M. Christensen’s landmark theory that explains
how fringe ideas come to redefine entire markets, not only explains
why new businesses emerge and mature companies fall – it actually
helps to predict the future success of new ventures more
accurately. Raynor’s groundbreaking research, and deeper
understanding of the mechanisms and drivers of Disruption make this
approach to innovation more powerful and more useful than
Despite the groaning shelves of books offering advice on
innovation, most managers continue to struggle to create the
profitable growth their companies need. The reason? The
vast majority of management theories base their pre*i*** on
explanati*** of the past. When it comes to predicting
successful innovation, a willingness to apply the empirical and
theoretical rigor of the scientific method to prove what will work
in the real world has been notable by its absence.
Until now.
In the Innovator’s Manifesto, Michael E. Raynor, a director at
Deloitte C***ulting, LLP., coauthor of The Innovator’s Solution,
and author of The Strategy Paradox, shows how Disruption theory can
help managers more accurately predict which businesses will survive
– and which will die. In fact, Raynor argues that Disruption
theory is the only theory which has been statistically proven to be
an effective predictive tool.
The book draws on the research of the New Business Initiatives
(NBI) group at Intel, ***yzing forty-eight new ventures that NBI
researched, scrutinized, and ultimately funded. The group’s
success rate was comparable to venture capitalists throughout the
industry – roughly 10 percent. However, when the principles
of Disruption theory were applied to these forty-eight funded
ventures in controlled experiments, the subjects’ accuracy rates
improved significantly – by almost 40 percent. Raynor
replicated these experiments with over 300 MBA students at schools
in the United States and Ca***, including Harvard, with even more
impressive results: systematic improvements in predictive
accuracy of up to 50 percent. In othe***ords, not only is
disruption effective, it can be readily and successfully taught and
The Innovator’s Manifesto is the most significant advance in our
understanding of the mechanisms and implicati*** of Disruption
theory since Christensen’s seminal 1997 work, The Innovator’s
Dilemma. For the first time disruption theory has been shown
to give managers and investors effective tools they can use in
their efforts to create the success they seek.
Michael E. Raynor is a director at Deloitte C***ulting LLP,
where he works with clients in just about every industry, exploring
the challenges of corporate strategy, innovation and growth. He has
also been one of Deloitte’s most sought-after and requested
speakers. Michael is the coauthor, with Clayton Christensen, of the
bestselling book The Innovator's Solution, and the author of the
critically acclaimed The Strategy Paradox, one of BusinessWeek’s 10
Best Business Books of 2007. His third book, The Innovator's
Manifesto, has already garnered much attention from the media,
including a review from the Financial Times that calls him "one of
the most articulate and interesting of the strategists," and being
ranked in Inc.Magazine/800-CEO-Read's September 2011 Top 25
Business Book Bestseller list. He lives with his family in Ontario,
In this compelling new book, Michael E. Raynor, coauthor of the national bestseller The Innovator’s Solution , shows that Disruption, Clayton M. Christensen’s landmark theory that explains how fringe ideas come to redefine entire markets, not only explains why new businesses emerge and mature companies fall – it actually helps to predict the future success of new ventures more accurately. Raynor’s groundbreaking research, and deeper understanding of the mechanisms and drivers of Disruption make this approach to innovation more powerful and more useful than ever.
Despite the groaning shelves of books offering advice on innovation, most managers continue to struggle to create the profitable growth their companies need. The reason? The vast majority of management theories base their prescripti*** on explanati*** of the past. When it comes to predicting successful innovation, a willingness to apply the empirical and theoretical rigor of the scientific method to prove what will work in the real world has been notable by its absence.
Until now.
In the Innovator’s Manifesto , Michael E. Raynor, a director at Deloitte C***ulting, LLP., coauthor of The Innovator’s Solution , and author of The Strategy Paradox , shows how Disruption theory can help managers more accurately predict which businesses will survive – and which will die. In fact, Raynor argues that Disruption theory is the only theory which has been statistically proven to be an effective predictive tool.
The book draws on the research of the New Business Initiatives (NBI) group at Intel, ***yzing forty-eight new ventures that NBI researched, scrutinized, and ultimately funded. The group’s success rate was comparable to venture capitalists throughout the industry – roughly 10 percent. However, when the principles of Disruption theory were applied to these forty-eight funded ventures in controlled experiments, the subjects’ accuracy rates improved significantly – by almost 40 percent. Raynor replicated these experiments with over 300 MBA students at schools in the United States and Ca***, including Harvard, with even more impressive results: systematic improvements in predictive accuracy of up to 50 percent. In othe***ords, not only is disruption effective, it can be readily and successfully taught and applied.
The Innovator’s Manifesto is the most significant advance in our understanding of the mechanisms and implicati*** of Disruption theory since Christensen’s seminal 1997 work, The Innovator’s Dilemma . For the first time disruption theory has been shown to give managers and investors effective tools they can use in their efforts to create the success they seek.
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