Manon Lescaut(普契尼歌剧《曼侬·莱斯科》) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Manon Lescaut(普契尼歌剧《曼侬·莱斯科》)精美图片
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Manon Lescaut(普契尼歌剧《曼侬·莱斯科》)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780486285900
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1995-07
  • 页数:483
  • 价格:182.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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First presented at the Teatro Regio, Turin, in 1893, Manon Lescaut was Puccini's first great operatic success. As in many of his operas-La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Tosca among them--the Puccini heroine is a woman in distress, "a frail creature who lives and dies for love"(Grove). This time it is a young girl who casts aside her first love for prospects of a life of luxury, a decision that shapes her life's tragic ending.

Soon after Manon Lescaut's premiere, Puccini's fame spread far beyond Italian opera houses. At the work's London debut a year later, Ge***e Bernard Shaw, then a music critic, was moved to observe, "Puccini looks to me more like the heir of Verdi than any of his rivals." He would indeed become the greatest Italian operatic composer of his time.

The great emotional appeal of Puccini's Manon Lescaut derives both from its moving drama, based on Abbe Prevost's 1731 novel, and from its wealth of passionate melody. This early Puccini masterwork has remained a favorite of opera audiences for over a century. It is reprinted here from an authoritative edition of the full score.

Unabridged Dover (1995) republication of an authoritative edition of 1915. List of characters. Instrumentation. Contents. 496pp. 8 3/8×11 1/4.


FIRST ACTIntroduction At Amiens, France. A large square near the Paris Gate.

 Ave, sera gentile-Ah! Ai ladri ed ai br'iachi (Edmondo, Chorus)

 Giovinezza e il nostro nome!-Vaga per l'aura (Chorus, Edmondo)

 L'amor! l'amor?-Tra voi, belle (Des Grieux, Edmondo, Chorus)

 Ma bravo!-Danze, brindisi (Edmondo, Chorus)

 Entrance of the stagecoach / 62

 Discendono, vediam! ... Chi non darebbe (Chorus, Edmondo)

 Ehi! l'oste!-Dio, quanto E bella! (Lescaut, Des Grieux, InnkeEer, Germonte)

 Orchestral interlude / 70

 Cortese damigella-Manon Lescaut mi chiamo-I1 mio faro si chiama (Des Gn'eux, Manon)

 Donna non vidi mai (Des Grieux) / 88

 La tua ventura (Edmondo, Chorus) / 98

 Venite o fanciulle!-E bionda od E bruna (Chorus) / 103

 Dunque vostra sorella (Geronte, Lescaut) / 107

 Ma la vita conosco/Amiche feddi-E in voi conobbi Signor? (Lescaut, Chorus)

 Addio mia stella (Edmondo, Lescaut, Geronte, Chorus)

 E non mi sembra lieta-Pensate! (Geronte, Lescaut)

 Un asso! Un fante!-Giuocano! (Chorus, Lescaut)

 Amico, io pago prima (Geronte, ]nnkeeloer)

 [nterlude: The card gam,

 Vecchietto amabile (Edmondo)

 Cavaliere, te la fanno!-Che vuoi dir?! (Edmondo, Des E)

 [nterlude: The card game continues; Manon returns

 Vedete? Io son fedele-Oh come gravi-La queta casetta (Manon, Des Grieux)

 Non c'E pifi vino?-Deh! m'ascokate (Lescaut, Des Grieux, Manon)

 I1 colpo E fattomFuggiamo! (Edmond,, Manon, Des Grt;eux)

 Di sedur la sorellina-Eccellenza, guardatela! (Geronte, lnnkeeloer, Edmondo, Lescaut)

 Venticelli ricciutelli (Edmondo, Lescaut, Chorus)

SECOND ACT In Paris. An elegant room in GeronteE house.


 Dispettosetto questo riccio! (Manon, to the Hairdresser)

 Buon giorno, sorellina!-Sei splendida e lucente!mUna casetta angusta (Lescaut, Manon)

 In quelle trine morbideDO mia dimora umile (Manon)

 Des Grieux... (qual giEl Geronte)EDuet: Per me tu lottiE il vecchio tavolier (Lescaut, Manon)

 Madrigal. Sulla vetta tu del monte erri (Solo meiEo-soprano with womenE chorus)

 Paga costor!-Oib6-I Madrigali! I1 ballo! (Manon, Lescaut)

 Minuet-Vi prego, signorina-Tacete!-A manca! (Dancing Master, Geronte, Manon, Gentlemen and Abbks)

Pastoral Song. L'ora, o Tirsi (Manon, Gentlemen andAbbks)

Galanteria sta bene ( Geronte, Gentlemen and Abbks, Manon)

Oh, sar6 la pifi bella!-Tu, tu, amore?-Ah, Manon! (Manon, Des Gn'eux)

 Duet:. Taci, taci-Io voglio il tuo perdono-O tentatrice!-Vieni, ah! vien!/Non posso lottar!(Des Grieux, Manon)

 Afr0, madamigella-Amore? Amore!-Io son leale (Geronte, Des Gn'eux, Manon)

 Ah! ah! Liberi!-Senti, di qui partiamo-Ah! Manon (Marion, Des Grieux)

 Lescaut?!/Tu qui?! (Des Grieux, Manon)

 Trio: Ch'io prenda fiato/Ci fai tremar!-Male***on! Eccoli, eccoli! (Lescaut, Manon, Des GnEux)

 Nessun si muova!/Ah! ah!/Se vi arrestan-O Manon! (Sergeant, Geronte, Lescaut, Des Grieux)

 Orchestral interlude

INTERMEZZO The prison-The journey to Le Havre.

THIRD ACT Le Havre. A square near the harbor.

 Le Havre. A square near the harbor.

 Ansia eterna, crudel (Des Grieux, Lescaut)

 Manon!/Des Grieux! (Des Grieux, Manon, Lescaut)

 Lamplighterk Song: "... e Kate rispose al Re"-lE l'alba!-Tremo, pavento per te! LatnlalightE Des GKetE, Manon)

 Manon, disperato-Vienl tl scongiuro! (Des Grieux, Manon)

 All'armi!-Perduta E la partita! (Offitage voices, Lescaut, Des Grieux, Manon)

 Udiste?/Che awenne? (Chorus)

 I1 passo m'aprite-lE pronta la nave (Sergeant, CommandE, Chorus)

 Rosetta!DCostei? V'E un mistero!-Duet: Ora a tuo padre/Ahl m'ho nell'animo (Sergeant, Chorus, Lescaut, Manon, Des Grieux)

 Guardate, pazzo son-Ah! popular le Americhe (Des Griewc, Commander)

FOURTH ACT In America. A boundless wasteland on the borders of the New Orleans territory.








I adore he***ith a passion so ardent and absorbing as to render me the most unhappy of human beings.



Manon Lescaut is one of Puccini's less successful scores, although many people prefer his slight astringency to Amassment's sweeter treatment of the same subject. It has some lovely moments, though, particularly for the tenor. This orchestral version has all the parts, but no English translation; you'll need your own, or a good Italian dictionary.


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