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》社交媒体批判导言电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787565720031
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2018-08
  • 页数:307
  • 价格:59.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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克里斯蒂安·福克斯著的《社交媒体批判导言》 向读者介绍了批判性地理解社交媒体所需的基本理论 ,并分析和回答了以下问题:社交媒体如何进行商业 化运作?谷歌作为****的互联网平台与搜索引擎 ,其优势和弊端何在?脸书作为***成功的社交网 络,***与监督在其中扮演何种角色?推特带来新的 政治与***形式了吗?维基解密作为***知名的在 线监督机构,其促使权力透明的潜力何在?维基百科 作为**使用*广泛的基于维基技术的在线百科全书 ,其协作式智力劳动的形式与原则是什么?




章 社交媒体的批判导言是什么?

1.1 社交媒体的社会性是什么?

1.2 批判性思维是什么及其为何重要

1.3 批判理论是什么?

1.4 批判理论方法


第二章 社交媒体是什么?

2.1 网络2.0与社交媒体

2.2 社会理论对于理解社交媒体的必要性

2.3 用涂尔干、韦伯、马克思和滕尼斯的理论解释社交媒体

2.4 结论

第三章 社交媒体作为参与式文化

3.1 参与和参与性文化的概念

3.2 在线粉丝文化与政治

3.3 社交媒体与参与式文化

3.4 亨利·詹金斯与数字劳动

3.5 结论

第四章 社交媒体与传播权力

4.1 信息时代的社会理论

4.2 网络社会中的传播权力

4.3 传播权力、社交媒体与大众自传播

4.4 占领运动中的传播权力

4.5 结论


第五章 社交媒体的权力与政治经济

5.1 社交媒体作为意识形态:参与式社交媒体假说的局限

5.2 资本积累的循环

5.3 资本积累与社交媒体

5.4 无偿劳动与强迫劳动

5.5 结论

第六章 谷歌:天使的还是魔鬼的搜索引擎?

6.1 简介

6.2 谷歌的政治经济

6.3 谷歌主义:谷歌与意识形态

*** 在谷歌工作

6.5 谷歌:上帝和撒旦在同一个企业

6.6 结论

第七章 脸书:监控威胁***?

7.1 脸书的经济实力

7.2 ***的概念

7.3 脸书与意识形态

7.4 脸书的***与政治经济

7.5 结论

第八章 推特与***:新的公共领域?

8.1 哈贝马斯的公共领域观点

8.2 推特、社交媒体和公共领域

8.3 推特中的政治传播

8.4 推特的政治经济









Fandom as such is not a problem, if the researcher, who is also a fan of his objects of study, manages to maintain critical reflexivity. ... In a lot of contemporary works on popular culture, one gets the impression that scholars want to rationalize their own fandom and their love for commodity culture by trying to identify progressive political ***ects of the c***umption and logic of cultural commodities. Because they like spending thei***ork time and free time c***uming popular culture, they tend to justify this behaviour as a form of political movement itself. Most intellectuals are probably fond of some type of popular culture, but it makes a difference whether one sees and celebrates this fondness as an act of resistance or not.

Is Online Fascism Participatory Culture?

...www.ultras.ws is a discussion forum of the Ultras soccer fan movement. One can find anti-Semitic and racist jokes in the forum, and in a survey conducted in the forum 56% said that it is no problem if fans shout "Jews" for characterizaing opposing teams. The following joke is typical and no exception, but rather the rule, in this forum: "How do you get 30 Jews into a Trabi [=a small car common in East Germany under Soviet times]? Two in the front, three in the back and the rest in the ashtray." The concept of participatory culture has a focus on "community involvement"... However, it idealizes community and fan culture as progressive and ignores the fact that the collective intelligence and activity of cultural communities and fandom can easily ...

Politics on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are possible, but are minority issues--the predominant focus of users is on non-political entertainment. Web 2.0 corporati*** and the usage they enable are not an expression of participatory democracy. As long as corporati*** dominate the Internet, it will not be participatory. The participatory Internet can only be found in those aras that resist coporate domination and where activists and users engage in building and reproducing non-commercial, non-profit Internet projects like Wikipedia or Di***ora. Jenkins (and many others) continuously ignores questi*** of who owns, controls and materially benefits from corporate social media.

For discussing the notion of communism, I have deliberately used many quotati*** by Marx and Engels in order to show that they see communism not as a repressive and totalitarian society, but as a form of humanism that is based on co-operation, participatory economic democracy, and well-rounded human individuality. Comminism is not the Soviet Union, Stalin, Mao and the Gulag, but participatory democracy. Stalin, Mao and the Soviet Union called themselves communist, but had nothing in common with participatory democracy and therefore were alien to the Marxian idea of communism. Communism was, for Marx, the "struggle for democracy". By democracy, Marx means a specific kind of democracy - participatory democracy.



本书介绍了社交媒体(so media)的社会性是什么?社交媒体平台如脸书(Facebook,)、谷歌(Google)、YouTube视频(YouTube)、维基百科(Wikipedia)、推特(Twitter)等的含义是什么?权力是什么?经济与政治是什么?参与式文化(participatory culture)的概念对于理解社交媒体的意义何在?传播力与大众自传播(mass self-communication)在网络社会的概念对于理解社交媒体用处何在?社交媒体如何进行商业化运作?谷歌作为优选靠前的互联网平台与搜索引擎,其优势和弊端何在?脸书作为优选很成功的社交网络,***与监督在其中扮演何种角色?推特带来新的政治与***形式了吗?带来政治公共领域(political public sphere)的复兴了吗?维基解密作为优选很知名的在线监督机构,其致力于使权力透明的潜力何在?维基百科作为优选使用很广泛的基于维基技术的在线百科全书,作为其特征的协作智力劳动的形式与原则是什么?我们如何才能达到以下愿景:社交媒体以服务于一个公平公正的世界为宗旨,在那个世界我们控制共有的社会与传播?本书为社交媒体研究提供批判导言,向读者介绍带着以上问题批判性地理解社交媒体世界所需的概念。


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