Sarah, Plain and Tall 又丑又高的莎拉(1986年纽伯瑞金奖) I***N9780064402057 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Sarah, Plain and Tall 又丑又高的莎拉(1986年纽伯瑞金奖) I***N9780064402057精美图片
》Sarah, Plain and Tall 又丑又高的莎拉(1986年纽伯瑞金奖) I***N9780064402057电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Sarah, Plain and Tall 又丑又高的莎拉(1986年纽伯瑞金奖) I***N9780064402057书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780064402057
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1987-09
  • 页数:64
  • 价格:24.30
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看






  Patricia MacLachlan was born on the prairie, and to this day

carries a small bag of prairie dirt with he***herever she goes to

remind her of what she knew first.She is the author of many

well-loved novels and picture books, including Sarah, Plain and

Tall, winner of the Newbery Medal; its sequels, Skylark and Caleb's

Story; and Three Names, illustrated by Mike Wimmer.She lives in

western Massachusetts.

In Her Own Words..

  "One thing I've learned with age and parenting is that life comes

in circles. Recently, I was having a bad time writing. I felt

disconnected. I had moved to a new home and didn't feel grounded.

The house, the land was unfamiliar to me. There was no garden yet.

Why had I sold my old comfortable 1793 home? The one with the

snakes in the ba***t, mice everywhere, no closets. I would miss

the cold winter air that came in through the electrical


  "I had to go this day to talk to a fourth-grade class, and I

banged around the house, complaining. Hard to believe, since I am

so mild mannered and pleasant, isn't it? What did I have to say to

them? I thought what I always think when I enter a room of

children. What do I know?

  "I plunged down the hillside and into town, where a group of

fourth-grade children waited for me in the library, freshly

scrubbed, expectant. Should I be surprised that what usually

happens did so? We began to talk about place, our living

landscapes. And I showed them my little bag of prairie dirt from

where I was born. Quite simply, we never got off the subject of

place. Should I have been so surprised that these young children

were so concerned with place, o***ith the lack of it, their

displacement? Five children were foster children, disconnected from

their homes. One little boy's house had burned down, everything

gone. "P***ographs, too," he said sadly. Another told me that he

was moving the next day to place he'd never been. I turned and saw

the librarian, tears coming down her face.

  "'You know,' I said. "Maybe I should take this bag of prairie

dirt and toss it into my new yard. I'll never live on the prairie

again. I live here now. The two places could mix together that

way!" "No!" cried a boy from the back. "Maybe the prairie dirt will

blow away!" And then a little girl raised her hand. "I think you

should put that prairie dirt in a glass bowl in you***indow so that

when you write you can see it all the time. So you can always see

what you knew first."

  "When I left the library, I went home to write. What You Know

First owes much to the children of the Jackson Street School: the

ones who love place and will never leave it, the ones who lost

everything and have to begin again. I hope for them life comes in

circles, too."











令人心酸但并不伤感,当之无愧的儿童文学佳作,非常适于大声朗读。  ——美国《书单》杂志


This book has sold 4 million copies to date! Patricia MacLachlan

received the Newbery Medal for Sarah, Plain and Tall and it has

become a household standard and favorite among children, parents,

teachers, librarians, and readers of all ages. With the release of

More Perfect Than the Moon, the three previous books—Sarah,

Skylark, and Caleb’s Story—will all receive new covers lending a

unified look to these modern classics. Harry Bliss, the cover

artist, is a well respected New Yorker cartoonist and children’s

book illustrato***ho endows his work with a warm humor and

accessibility perfect for this enduring ser


"Did Mama sing every day?" Caleb asks his sister Anna.

"Every-single-day," she answers. "Papa sang, too."

Their mother died the day after Caleb was born. Their house on the prairie is quiet now, and Papa doesn't sing anymore. Then Papa puts an ad in the paper, asking for a wife, and he receives a letter from one Sarah Elisabeth Wheaton, of Maine. Papa, Anna, and Caleb write back. Caleb asks if she sings. Sarah decides to come for a month. She writes Papa: I will come by train. I will wear a yellow bonnet. I am plain and tall, and Tell them I sing. Anna and Caleb wait and wonder. Will Sarah be nice? Will she like them? Will she stay? When their father invites a mail-order bride to come live with them in their prairie home, Caleb and Anna are captivated by their new mother and hope that she will stay.

1986 Newbery Medal Winner

1986 Christopher Award

1986 Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction for Children

1986 Golden Kite Award for Fiction (SCBW)

Notable Children's Book of 1985 (ALA)

1985 Children's Editors' Choices (BL)

Best Books of 1985 (SLJ)

Children's Choices for 1986 (IRA/CBC)

Outstanding Children's Books of 1985 (N.Y. Times Book Review)

International Board of Books for Young People Honor List for Writing, 1988

1986 Notable Trade Book in the Language Arts (NCTE)

1986 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book)

1985 Books for Children (Library of Congress)

1988 Garden State Children's Book Award (New Jersey)

1988 Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award (Arkansas)

100 Favorite Paperbacks 1989 (IRA/CBC)

Best of the 80's (BL)

1986 Christopher Award

1986 Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction for Children

1986 Golden Kite Award for Fiction (SCBW)

Notable Children's Books of 1985 (ALA)

1985 Children's Editors' Choices (BL)

Best Books of 1985 (SLJ)

Children's Choices for 1986 (IRA/CBC)

Outstanding Children's Books of 1985 (NYTBR)

1986 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book)

1985 Children's Books (Library of Congress)

1988 Garden State Children's Book Award (New Jersey Library Association)

1988 Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award (Arkansas)

100 Favorite Paperbacks of 1989 (IRA/CBC)

Best of the '80s (BL)

1986 Notable Children's Trade Books in the Language Arts (NCTE)

1988 Choices (Association of Booksellers for Children)

1988 International Borad of Books for Young People Honor List for Writing

1986 Jefferson Cup Award (Virginia Library Association)


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