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EconoPowe***ill provide you with a firm understanding of the influence of modern economics and how it can be used to improve the world we live in. It offers practical advice on numerous personal financial matters—earning, saving, investing, and retiring—based on the breakthrough contributi*** of behavioral economists. And it looks at how economists are working successfully on issues such as public education, crime, and global warming. EconoPower also examines how a new economic philosophy may dominate the new millennium.
Introduction. A Golden Age of Discovery.
Part Ⅰ. Personal Finance: Earning, Saving, Investing and Retiring.
Chapter 1. Economist Discovers a Painless Way to Triple Your Savings Rate: The $90 Billion Opportunity.
Chapter 2. Modern Portfolio Theory: Can You Beat Market?
Chapter 3. Yes, You Can Beat the Market…..With Less Risk.
Chapter 4. High-Return Investing: Less*** from Yale's Endowment Fund.
Chapter 5. How Chile Created a Worker-Capitalist Revolution.
Chapter 6. The Call for Social Security Reform.
Chapter 7. $4,000 a month from Social Security?
Chapter 8. How the Private Sector Solved its Own Pension Crisis.
Chapter 9. The Four Sources of Happiness: Is Money One of Them?
Part Ⅱ. Economists Enter the Corporate Boardroom.
Chapter 10. Improving the Bottom Line with EVA.
Chapter 11. How Ludwig von Mises Helped Create the World's Largest Private Company.
Part Ⅲ. Solving Domestic Problems.
Chapter 12. Look, Ma'am, No Traffic Jams.
Chapter 13. Patient Power: The New C***umer-Driven Medicine Plan.
Chapter 14. Back to Basics: Competition Enters the Classroom.
Chapter 15. Chicago Gun Show.
Chapter 16. Economists Catch Auction Fever.
Chapter 17. If You Built it (Privately)…..They Will Come: The Economics of Sports Stadiums.
Chapter 18. Who is Henry Spearman? The Economics of the Mystery Novel.
Part Ⅳ. Solving International Problems.
Chapter 19. Eco-nomics: Angry Planet or Beautiful World?
Chapter 20. The Population Bomb: Economists Enter the Malthusian Debate.
Chapter 21. A Private Sector Solution to Extreme Poverty.
Chapter 22. Poverty and Wealth: India vs. Hong Kong.
Chapter 23. How Real is the Asian Economic Miracle?
Chapter 24. Whatever happened to the Egyptians?
Chapter 25. The Irish Economic Miracle: Can We Grow Faster?
Chapter 26. The Marginal Tax Revolution: The Laffer Curve Goes Global.
Chapter 27. The Debate over Economic Inequality: The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get……
Chapter 28. One Graph Says It All: The Development of the Economic Freedom Index
Chapter 29. Amazing Graph: Economists Enter Sacred Ground.
Chapter 30. Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men: The Case for Religious Competition.
Part Ⅴ. Predicting the Future.
Chapter 31. New Yale Forecasting Model: Has the Irving Fisher Curse Been Lifted?
Chapter 32. Forecasting Electi***: Economists Do it Better.
Chapter 33. What Drives the Economy and Stocks: C***umer Spending or Business Investment?
Chapter 34. The Midas Metal: A Golden Comeback.
Chapter 35. Is Another Great Depression Possible?
Chapter 36. Today's Most Influential Economist?
Chapter 37. Economics for the 21st Century.
About the Author.
Mark Skousen is a professional economist, investment expert, university
professor, and author of over 25 books. Currently he holds the Benjamin
Franklin Chair of Management at Grantham University. In 2004 – 2005,
he taught economics and fi nance at Columbia Business School and
Columbia University, Mercy College, an Rollius College. Since 1980,
Skousen has been editor in chief of Forecasts & Strategies, a popular award -
winning investment newsletter ( ). He is also editor
of The Worldly Philosophers, a weekly e - letter ( www.worldlyphilosophers.
com ). He is a former ***yst for the CIA, a columnist to Forbes magazine,
and past president of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
in New York. He has written for the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the
Christian Science Monitor, and is a regular contributor to CNBC’s Kudlow
& Co. His bestsellers include The Making of Modern Economics and The Big
Three in Economics. He compiled and edited The Compleated Autobiography
by Benjamin Franklin (Regnery, 2007). In honor of his work in economics,
fi nance, and management, Grantham University renamed its business
school, “ The Mark Skousen School of Business. ”
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Mark Skousen is a professional economist, investment expert, university professor, and author of over twenty-five books. He has taught economics at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, and Rollins College. Currently, he holds the Benjamin Franklin Chair of Management at Grantham University. In honor of his work in economics, finance, and management, Grantham University renamed its business school, "The Mark Skousen School of Business." Since 1980, Skousen has been Editor in Chief of Forecasts & Strategies, a popular award-winning investment newsletter ( He is also Editor of The Worldly Philosophers Club, a weekly e-letter ( Skousen is a former ***yst for the CIA, a columnist for Forbes magazine, and past president of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)in New York. He earned his PhD in economics from Ge***e Washington University.
EconoPowe***ill provide you with a firm understanding of the influence of modern economics and how it can be used to improve the world we live in. It offers practical advice on numerous personal financial matters—earning, saving, investing, and retiring—based on the breakthrough contributi*** of behavioral economists. And it looks at how economists are working successfully on issues such as public education, crime, and global warming. EconoPower also examines how a new economic philosophy may dominate the new millennium.
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