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Specters of Marx 马克思的幽灵书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780415389570
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-05
  • 页数:258
  • 价格:139.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Linking Hamlet's ghost with the opening of the Communist Manifesto, the noted French philosopher (Aporias, LJ 2/15/94) meditates on the state and future of Marxism since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Developing two highly expanded lectures, Derrida notes that the current talk of the "new world order" and "the end of history" is the recurrence of a old debate, an attempt to exorcise the "spirit" represented by Marxism, just as Marx was concerned with the "ghosts" and "conjuring" of capitalism. Derrida argues that the dec***tructive doctrine of "differance" and Marxism as an act posit many Marxisms. It is therefore the interpreter's duty to preserve the spirit of Marxism by pursuing the ghosts and laying bare the conjurings. This is Derrida's first major statement on Marx; an important book for academic collecti***.

Written in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and within the context of a critique of a "new world order" that proclaims the death of Marx and Marxism, Jacques Derrida undertakes a reading of Marx's "spectropoetics" -- his obsession with ghosts, specters and spirits. Derrida argues that there is more than one spirit of Marx and that it is the resp***ibility of his heirs -- we are all heirs of Marx -- to sift through the possible legacies, the possible spirits, reaffirming one and not the other. He leads beyond the deafening disavowal of Marx today, a disavowal he sees as an attempt to exorcise Marx's ghost.

Specters of Marx represents renowned philosopher Jacques Derrida's first majo***ork on Marx and his definitive entry into social and political philosophy.


Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), was born in Algeria, andhas been called the most famous philosopher of our time. He was the author of a number of books, including Writing and Difference, which came to be seen as defining texts of postmodernist thought.


Table of Contents

editor's introduction

Note on the text



1.injuncti*** of marx

2.conjuring - marxism

3.wears and tears (tableau of an ageless world)

4.in the name of the revolution, the double barricade (impure "impure impure history of ghosts")

5.Apparition of the inapparent - the phenomenological "conjuring trick"




Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) was born in Algeria. He drew on psycho***ysis, Marxist theory, and Heidegger's philosophy to become a central figure in intellectual life in the latter part of the twentieth century.







this justice carries life beyond present life or its actual being-there, its empirical or ontological actuality: not toward death but toward a living-on [sur-vie], namely, a trace of which life and death would themselves be but traces and traces of traces, a survival whose possibility in advance comes to disjoin or dis-adjust the identity to itself of the living present as well as of any effectivity. (xx, exordium)

...for us, I venture to say, the media *** of current discourse on the end history and the last man looks most often like a tiresome anachronism.

What is said here about time is also valid, c***equently and by the same token, for history, even if the latter can c***ist in repairing with effects of conjuncture (and that is the world), the temporal is joining". The time is out of joint: time is disarticulated, dislocated, dislodged, time is run down, on the run and run down [traque et detraquel ), deranged, both out of order and mad. Time is off its hinges, time is off course, beside itself, disadjusted.









Written in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and within the context of a critique of a "new world order" that proclaims the death of Marx and Marxism, Jacques Derrida undertakes a reading of Marx's "spectropoetics" -- his obsession with ghosts, specters and spirits. Derrida argues that there is more than one spirit of Marx and that it is the resp***ibility of his heirs -- we are all heirs of Marx -- to sift through the possible legacies, the possible spirits, reaffirming one and not the other. He leads beyond the deafening disavowal of Marx today, a disavowal he sees as an attempt to exorcise Marx's ghost.

Specters of Marx represents renowned philosopher Jacques Derrida's first majo***ork on Marx and his definitive entry into social and political philosophy.


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