2018年河南省导游资格考试统编教材--河南旅游英语金牌导游词精萃 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》2018年河南省导游资格考试统编教材--河南旅游英语金牌导游词精萃电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787503260414
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2018-09
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:17.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
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  旅游业的发展离不开业界全体同仁的共同努力,而导游在旅***业中乃是不可或缺的一个重要环节,导游曾被称为“旅游业的灵魂”。曾经有业界专家称颂道:“祖国山河之美,全凭导游之嘴”。河南省具有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,需要广大的优秀导游才能将其宣传出去。为了提高全省导游人员的业务素质,更好地介绍河南,河南省旅游局先后于数年中编写了数本有关河南省主要旅游景点的导游词,比如由已故河南省旅游局副局长王玉宝先生于2002年主编的《河南旅游景点导游词》,以及以此为基础于2002年由韦艳春、刘卫红、李胜江、赵维新、娄继恩五位同志编写的可供全省导游(翻译)人员使用的英文版导游(词)——Around Henan,以及由王玉宝先生主编,中国旅游出版社2007年出版的《河南旅游精品景点》,这些均为河南的旅游业发展、导游员的培训做出了十分突出的贡献。

考虑到河南省的旅游景点英语书籍太匮乏,加之2002年由我们五位编写的那本Around Henan一书年代太过久远,且近年来河南省很多现在已经家喻户晓的景点当时尚未出现,同时业内许多从业人员、莘莘学子均渴望能够读到有关河南主要景点的精关导游词方面的英语书籍,以便于他们更好地推介河南、深入了解河南,有鉴于此,本人耗费数载心血,参照相关书籍和资料,编写了《2018年河南省导游资格考试统编教材:河南旅游英语金牌导游词精萃》。


Welcome to Henan(河南欢迎您)

Brief lntroduction to Zhengzhou City(郑州概况)

Henan Museum(河南博物院)

The Estate of the Kang Family(康百万庄园)

February 7th Memorial Tower of Zhengzhou(郑州二七纪念塔)

Songyang Academy of Classical Learning(嵩阳书院)

Zhongyue Temple(中岳庙)

Zhengdong New Zone(郑东新区)

The Remains of Shang Dynasty(商城遗址)

Northem Song Imperial Mausoleums(北宋皇陵)

Zhengzhou Yellow River Sightseeing Area(郑州黄河风景名胜区)

Shaolin Temple(少林寺)

Longmen Grottoes Scenic Area in Luoyang(洛阳龙门石窟)

Iron Pagoda in Kaifeng(开封铁塔)

The Taihang Grand Canyon(太行大峡谷)

The Red Flag C*** Sightseeing Area(红旗渠风景区)

Chaya Mountain Sightseeing Area(岈嵖山风景区)

Jigong (Rooster) Mountain(鸡公山)

Millennium City Park in Kaifeng(清明上河园)

Dragon Pavilion(龙 亭)

Grand Xiangguo Temple(大相国寺)

The Memorial Temple to Lord Bao(包公祠)

The Shan-Shaan-Gan Guildhall in Kaifeng(山陕甘会馆)

The Native Place of the Yellow Emperor(黄帝故里)

Nanhai Temple(南海寺)

Museum on Yin Ruins(殷墟博物苑)

White Horse Temple(白马寺)

Yuntai Mountain Sightseeing Area(云台山)







  The city of Zhengzhou is renowned for its unique characteristics as below:

  The first characteristic of Zhengzhou is that it occupies the strategic location in the country. It lies in the center of China, enjoying convenient transportation and links to many places through freeways, regular railway and high speed railway and air. Zhengzhou Railway Station is one of the biggest of its kind all over the country. And Zhengzhou East Railway Station claims to be the biggest high-speed railway station in Asia. And the country's trunk railways, namely the north-south Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and east-west Shanghai-Urumqi Railway, just cross here. People say once Zhengzhou sneezes, the w*** country of China will catch a cold.

  Besides, Zhengzhou is part of the Eur*** Land Bridge also named Present Silk Road, it is from Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China to Rotterdam, the Netherlands. And nowadays, there are Zhengzhou-Europe International Block Trains from Zhengzhou to Hamburg, Germany and back to Zhengzhou about every 11 days. This has been so convenient to the international trade.

  The second characteristic of Zhengzhou is that Zhengzhou is very rich in natural and historical resources, which has been attracting more and more tourists both at home and abroad. There are many fascinating places for people to visit, like Henan Museum, one of China's best museums; the Yellow River Museum, the only museum about the Yellow River in China; Shaolin Temple, the noted birthplace of China's Zen Buddhism as well as the origin of Shaolin Kung Fu; the Remains of the city wall of the Shang Dynasty dating back some 3,600 years; the biggest and the oldest pagoda forest of China-the Pagoda Forest located inside Shaolin Temple; the oldest and best preserved Astronomical Observatory in Dengfeng built in the Yuan Dynasty; Songyang Academy of Classical Learning; Zhongyue Temple, one ofthe ten most famous Taoist temples in China; the Native Place of the Yellow Emperor; Stone Cave Temple in Gongyi City; Tombs of the Emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty; the birthplace of Du Fu, one of the three greatest poets in the Tang Dynasty in Chinese history; Zhengzhou Yellow River Sightseeing Area, etc.

  The third characteristic of Zhengzhou is the extremely convenient traffic, with trains and flights available to many of the big cities in China and expressways crisscross and radiate everywhere. These have made it possible for better economy and more and more tourists are coming for visit!

  The fourth characteristic of Zhengzhou is that Zhengzhou has been the commercial center of Henan Province as well as in China. Business people from all corners of China come to Zhengzhou doing their business and *** profit. Years ago, the famous "War of Commerce" occurred in Zhengzhou, *** the city better known as a commercial city than before.

  The last characteristic of Zhengzhou is the greenness. Zhengzhou has enjoyed a very good reputation of "green city" for years, for the city has been decorated with various kinds of trees and flowers since 1954, of which sycamores or plane trees account for a great percentage. And sycamore has been the city tree of Zhengzhoufor years. In summer time, sycamore trees are like umbrellas offering very good shade for the local people. The forest-covering rate of Zhengzhou used to be 34%, which ranked first or second among all cities in China, Rose has been the city flower of Zhengzhou for years. You can find rose everywhere in the city. They grow all year round, *** the city very charming and beautiful. Recently, the people of Zhengzhou are striving to build more parks and squares decorated with beautiful trees and grass, *** the city more charming and attractive.

  The symbol of Zhengzhou is February 7th Memorial Tower, which was built to commemorate the famous railway workers' strike occurred in February 1923 in Zhengzhou. The towe***as built in 1971 in the place where the strikers were killed, the total height of the tower is 63 meters with 14 stories. Every hour, the clocks on the top of the towe***ill sound once, which has been a wonderful thing for the people here. Once you climb to the top of the tower, you can have a bird's eye view of the w*** city, which is totally awesome.









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