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Book Description
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's largest and most successful strategy c***ulting firm. "A breeding ground for gurus." That's how the best-selling book "The Witch Doctors" defined McKinsey and Company, the gold-standard c***ulting firm whose alumni include titans such as Tom Peters, Harvey Golub, and Kenichi Ohmae. Now, a former "McKinzoid" lifts the veil to show the world how the secretive McKinsey works its magic - and helps readers emulate the firm's best practices in problem-solving, communication, and management. The result is a toolkit of techniques without peer, one that brings an expert mindset to such practical topics as selling without "selling" and turning enemies into allies. For anyone who wants to become a better strategic player or get an inside look at the high-pressure c***ulting life, this guide is a must.
Publisher Comments:
"If more business books were as useful, concise, and just plain fun to read as THE MCKINSEY WAY, the business world would be a better place." --Julie Bick, best-selling author of ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IN BUSINESS I LEARNED AT MICROSOFT.
"Enlivened by witty anecdotes, THE MCKINSEY WAY contains valuable less*** on widely diverse topics such as marketing, interviewing, team-building, and brainstorming."
--Paul H. Zipkin, Vice-Dean, The Fuqua School of Business
It's been called "a breeding ground for gurus." McKinsey & Company is the gold-standard c***ulting firm whose alumni include titans such as "In Search of Excellence" author Tom Peters, Harvey Golub of American Express, and Japan's Kenichi Ohmae.
When Fortune 100 corporati*** are stymied, it's the "McKinsey-ites" whom they call for help. In THE MCKINSEY WAY, former McKinsey associate Ethan Rasiel lifts the veil to show you how the secretive McKinsey works its magic, and helps you emulate the firm's well-honed practices in problem solving, communication, and management.
He shows you how McKinsey-ites think about business problems and how they work at solving them, explaining the way McKinsey approaches every ***ect of a task:
1.How McKinsey recruits and molds its elite c***ultants;
2.How to "sell without selling";
3.How to use facts, not fear them;
Techniques to jump-start research and make brainstorming more productive;
1.How to build and keep a team at the top its game;
Powerful presentation methods, including the famous waterfall chart, rarely seen outside McKinsey;
1.How to get ultimate "buy-in" to your findings;
Survival tips fo***orking in high-pressure ***anizati***.
Both a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most admired and secretive companies in the business world and a toolkit of problem-solving techniques without peer, THE MCKINSEY WAY is fascinating reading that empowers every business decision maker to become a better strategic player in any ***anization.
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's largest and most successful strategy c***ulting firm. A former "McKinzoid" lifts the veil to show the world how the secretive McKinsey & Company works its magic--and helps readers emulate the firm's best practices in problem-solving, communication and management.
Ethan Rasiel, a fomer McKinsey c***ultant, here lifts the veil to show readers how the McKinsey strategic c***ultancy model works. He encourages readers to emulate the company's best practices in problem solving communication and management.
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's most sought after c***ulting firm.
The McKinsey Way, by former McKinsey & Company associate Ethan M. Rasiel, provides a through-the-key*** perspective on the way this worldwide c***ulting institution approaches--and solves--the myriad professional problems encountered by its high-powered clientele. His goal, Rasiel writes, is ***: to communicate "new and useful skills to everyone who wants to be more useful in their business." He then does so by explaining the highly structured, fact-based proprietary methodology that McKinseyites are taught to employ with their Fortune 100 clients, complete with details on the entire process from first c***idering the basic situation at hand through finally selling a solution to the appropriate powers that be.
All of the critical steps (assembling a team, managing a hierarchy, doing research, conducting interviews, brainstorming) are broken down into specific acti*** and fleshed out with applicable examples that Rasiel has gathered through interviews with dozens of other former McKinsey employees. The concluding secti*** on surviving the mythically grueling pace at the ***anization, known simply to insiders as "the Firm," are designed to help readers successfully tackle the similar challenges and obstacles they regularly face in their own work environments.
--Howard Rothman
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 223 Width (mm) 157
Part I: The McKinsey Way of Thinking About Business Problems.
1. Building the Solution.
2. Developing an Approach.
3. 80/20 and Other Rules to Live By.
Part II: The McKinsey Way of Working to Solve Business Problems.
4. Selling a Study.
5. Assembling a Team.
6. Managing Hierarchy.
7. Doing Research.
8. Conducting Interviews.
9. Brainstorming.
Part III: The McKinsey Way of Selling Soluti***.
10. Making Presentati***.
11. Displaying Data with Charts.
12. Managing Internal Communicati***.
13. Working with Clients.
Part IV: Surviving at McKinsey.
14. Find Your Own Mentor.
15. Surviving on the Road.
16. Take These Things with You Wherever You Go.
17. A Good Assistant Is a Lifeline.
18. Recruiting McKinsey Style.
19. If You Want a Life, Lay Down Some Rules.
Part V: Life after McKinsey
20. The Most Valuable Lesson.
21. Memories of McKinsey.
如果团队要加强联系,大多数也是通过工作联系。典型的麦肯锡团队在为客户工作时一 天要干 10 到 14 个小时,还要搭上在办公室里过一个周末。这已经有足够的联系时间了。而且,在到郊外进行研究时,团队成员在一起吃饭的时候要比不在一起的时候多。那么,作为 团队领导,你还想更多地占用他们的时间吗?如果团队不团结,一顿丰盛的大餐又有什么帮 助呢?难道它能使坏的工作经历变好吗?
所以,在管理你的团队时,对团队联系活动要谨慎。试着把你的团队的"精彩的另一半" 拉进来,这会有助于他们理解他们所爱的人(你的团队同事)在干什么,这也有助于你理解你的团队同事。最重要的是,尊重团队同事的时间。一位前咨询顾问是这样说的,在麦肯锡, 最佳的团队聚餐时间是午餐,这表明项目经理知道咨询顾问们也有生活。
当日子不好过的时候,就采取比尔·***的办法。正如我自己的两次糟糕的经历那样, 有时候,你会被当成低能儿来对待。问题很困难,客户也很困难。除了告诉你的队友"我能感觉到你们大家的痛苦"之外,你没有多少可以做的。从某一点来说,你不得不不屈不挠地坚持下去,这就是生活。
不是“为客户工作”(work for clients),而是“与客户合作”(work with clients)。
Book Description
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's largest and most successful strategy c***ulting firm. "A breeding ground for gurus." That's how the best-selling book "The Witch Doctors" defined McKinsey and Company, the gold-standard c***ulting firm whose alumni include titans such as Tom Peters, Harvey Golub, and Kenichi Ohmae. Now, a former "McKinzoid" lifts the veil to show the world how the secretive McKinsey works its magic - and helps readers emulate the firm's best practices in problem-solving, communication, and management. The result is a toolkit of techniques without peer, one that brings an expert mindset to such practical topics as selling without "selling" and turning enemies into allies. For anyone who wants to become a better strategic player or get an inside look at the high-pressure c***ulting life, this guide is a must.
Publisher Comments:
"If more business books were as useful, concise, and just plain fun to read as THE MCKINSEY WAY, the business world would be a better place." --Julie Bick, best-selling author of ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IN BUSINESS I LEARNED AT MICROSOFT.
"Enlivened by witty anecdotes, THE MCKINSEY WAY contains valuable less*** on widely diverse topics such as marketing, interviewing, team-building, and brainstorming."
--Paul H. Zipkin, Vice-Dean, The Fuqua School of Business
It's been called "a breeding ground for gurus." McKinsey & Company is the gold-standard c***ulting firm whose alumni include titans such as "In Search of Excellence" author Tom Peters, Harvey Golub of American Express, and Japan's Kenichi Ohmae.
When Fortune 100 corporati*** are stymied, it's the "McKinsey-ites" whom they call for help. In THE MCKINSEY WAY, former McKinsey associate Ethan Rasiel lifts the veil to show you how the secretive McKinsey works its magic, and helps you emulate the firm's well-honed practices in problem solving, communication, and management.
He shows you how McKinsey-ites think about business problems and how they work at solving them, explaining the way McKinsey approaches every ***ect of a task:
1.How McKinsey recruits and molds its elite c***ultants;
2.How to "sell without selling";
3.How to use facts, not fear them;
Techniques to jump-start research and make brainstorming more productive;
1.How to build and keep a team at the top its game;
Powerful presentation methods, including the famous waterfall chart, rarely seen outside McKinsey;
1.How to get ultimate "buy-in" to your findings;
Survival tips fo***orking in high-pressure ***anizati***.
Both a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most admired and secretive companies in the business world and a toolkit of problem-solving techniques without peer, THE MCKINSEY WAY is fascinating reading that empowers every business decision maker to become a better strategic player in any ***anization.
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's largest and most successful strategy c***ulting firm. A former "McKinzoid" lifts the veil to show the world how the secretive McKinsey & Company works its magic--and helps readers emulate the firm's best practices in problem-solving, communication and management.
Ethan Rasiel, a fomer McKinsey c***ultant, here lifts the veil to show readers how the McKinsey strategic c***ultancy model works. He encourages readers to emulate the company's best practices in problem solving communication and management.
Penetrate the McKinsey mystique and learn the secrets of the world's most sought after c***ulting firm.
The McKinsey Way, by former McKinsey & Company associate Ethan M. Rasiel, provides a through-the-key*** perspective on the way this worldwide c***ulting institution approaches--and solves--the myriad professional problems encountered by its high-powered clientele. His goal, Rasiel writes, is ***: to communicate "new and useful skills to everyone who wants to be more useful in their business." He then does so by explaining the highly structured, fact-based proprietary methodology that McKinseyites are taught to employ with their Fortune 100 clients, complete with details on the entire process from first c***idering the basic situation at hand through finally selling a solution to the appropriate powers that be.
All of the critical steps (assembling a team, managing a hierarchy, doing research, conducting interviews, brainstorming) are broken down into specific acti*** and fleshed out with applicable examples that Rasiel has gathered through interviews with dozens of other former McKinsey employees. The concluding secti*** on surviving the mythically grueling pace at the ***anization, known simply to insiders as "the Firm," are designed to help readers successfully tackle the similar challenges and obstacles they regularly face in their own work environments.
--Howard Rothman
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 223 Width (mm) 157
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