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The creativity of the most celebrated artists of the modern period has been enriched and expanded by thei***ork in the print medium. Exploiting the potential of such techniques as woodcut, lithography, etching and screenprint, as well as other processes, these artists have added immeasurably to their expressive vocabularies. Many have availed themselves of the expertise offered by master printers in professional workshops and have benefited from the fruits of such collaboration. They have found inspiration in traditional printed formats, such as portfolios and illustrated books, and have used them to explore thematic interests. As a result of these experiences, print*** has exerted influence on thei***ork in other mediums and has become integral to their creative thinking as a w***. Finally, the fact that prints are made in editi*** rather than as single impressi*** has enabled these artists to reach a much broader audience than would otherwise be possible.~This volume includes the work of artists from the late 19th century to the present and ***s the imaginative ways in which they used print techniques. The potential of the woodcut was explored by Paul Gauguin and Edvard Munch, and the woodcut later became a major preoccupation of the German Expressionists Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Emil Nolde and Max Beckmann; lithographed posters were a specialty of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró experimented with drypoint, etching, and lithography, among other techniques, in new and original ways; Andy Warhol and J***er Johns exploited the painterly ***ects of lithography and the commercial look of screenprint. The current generation of artists, among them Terry Winters and Kiki Smith, has gravitated to printed art as an essential ***ect of their creative practice, with major bodies of work already produced.~Including more than 200 illustrati***, this publication is ***anized as an unfolding historical narrative with a focus on individual artists, each with a succinct text describing his or her relati***hip to print***. Bibliographic references cite the latest scholarship in the field. An index of artists, printers, and publishers reflects the involvement of various partners in the print*** enterprise. All works reproduced are from The Museum of Modern Art's extraordinary collection of over 50,000 prints, the finest of its kind in the world. With more than 200 prints by such modern masters as Hans Arp, Ge*** Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Ge***es Braque, Vija Celmins, Paul Cézanne, Chuck Close, Willem de Kooning, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Marcel Duchamp, Helen Frankenthaler, Lucian Freud, Robert Gober, Natalia Goncharova, Peter Halley, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Edward Hopper, Vasily Kandinsky, Anish Kapoor, William Kentridge, Fernand Léger, Sol LeWitt, Elizabeth Murray, Bruce Nauman, Barnett Newman, Emily Nolde, Chris Ofili, Sigmar Polke, Martin Puryear, Robert Rauschenberg, Odilon Redon, Gerhard Richter, Dieter Roth, Susan Rothenberg, Kurt Schwitters, Shahzia Sikander, Kiki Smith, Frank Stella, Richard Tuttle and Kara Walker Essay by Deborah Wye. Clothbound, 9.5 x 11 in./240 pgs / 275 color 20 BW0 duotone 0 ~ Item D20148
The creativity of the most celebrated artists of the modern period has been enriched and expanded by thei***ork in the print medium. Exploiting the potential of such techniques as woodcut, lithography, etching and screenprint, as well as other processes, these artists have added immeasurably to their expressive vocabularies. Many have availed themselves of the expertise offered by master printers in professional workshops and have benefited from the fruits of such collaboration. They have found inspiration in traditional printed formats, such as portfolios and illustrated books, and have used them to explore thematic interests. As a result of these experiences, print*** has exerted influence on thei***ork in other mediums and has become integral to their creative thinking as a w***. Finally, the fact that prints are made in editi*** rather than as single impressi*** has enabled these artists to reach a much broader audience than would otherwise be possible.~This volume includes the work of artists from the late 19th century to the present and ***s the imaginative ways in which they used print techniques. The potential of the woodcut was explored by Paul Gauguin and Edvard Munch, and the woodcut later became a major preoccupation of the German Expressionists Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Emil Nolde and Max Beckmann; lithographed posters were a specialty of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró experimented with drypoint, etching, and lithography, among other techniques, in new and original ways; Andy Warhol and J***er Johns exploited the painterly ***ects of lithography and the commercial look of screenprint. The current generation of artists, among them Terry Winters and Kiki Smith, has gravitated to printed art as an essential ***ect of their creative practice, with major bodies of work already produced.~Including more than 200 illustrati***, this publication is ***anized as an unfolding historical narrative with a focus on individual artists, each with a succinct text describing his or her relati***hip to print***. Bibliographic references cite the latest scholarship in the field. An index of artists, printers, and publishers reflects the involvement of various partners in the print*** enterprise. All works reproduced are from The Museum of Modern Art's extraordinary collection of over 50,000 prints, the finest of its kind in the world. With more than 200 prints by such modern masters as Hans Arp, Ge*** Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Ge***es Braque, Vija Celmins, Paul Cézanne, Chuck Close, Willem de Kooning, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Marcel Duchamp, Helen Frankenthaler, Lucian Freud, Robert Gober, Natalia Goncharova, Peter Halley, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Edward Hopper, Vasily Kandinsky, Anish Kapoor, William Kentridge, Fernand Léger, Sol LeWitt, Elizabeth Murray, Bruce Nauman, Barnett Newman, Emily Nolde, Chris Ofili, Sigmar Polke, Martin Puryear, Robert Rauschenberg, Odilon Redon, Gerhard Richter, Dieter Roth, Susan Rothenberg, Kurt Schwitters, Shahzia Sikander, Kiki Smith, Frank Stella, Richard Tuttle and Kara Walker Essay by Deborah Wye. Clothbound, 9.5 x 11 in./240 pgs / 275 color 20 BW0 duotone 0 ~ Item D20148
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