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Making Everything Easier! Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies Learn to: Put an EFL course programme together from scratch Let your students loose in skills classes – from reading to listening Deliver grammar less*** in a logical and intuitive way Cope with different age groups and capabilities Michelle Maxom English as a Foreign Language teacher and trainer Your one-stop guide to a career that will take you places If you thought that teaching a language that's second nature to you would be easy, think again! Explaining grammar, or teaching correct pronunciation while simultaneously developing your own skills as a teacher can be a huge challenge. Whether you're on a training course or have already started teaching, this book will help launch your career and give you the confidence and expertise you need to be a brilliant teacher. Make an educated decision – decide between the various courses, qualificati*** and job locati*** available to you Start from scratch – plan well-structured less*** and develop successful and effective teaching techniques Focus on skills – from reading and writing, to listening and speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent Get your head around grammar – teach students to put sentences together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs All shapes and sizes – tailor your less*** to younger learners, one-to-ones, exam classes and Business English learners 'An invaluable manual for anyone thinking of embarking on a TEFL journey. Michelle Maxom's step-by-step guide provides practical¿tips to get you started and offers key advice to help unleash the creative English language teache***ithin.'¿ – Claire Woollam, Director of Studies¿& a Teacher Trainer at¿Language Link¿London Open the book and find: TEFL, TESOL, EFL – what all the acronyms mean The best course books and materials to supplement your teaching Advice on running your class and handling difficulties Lesson plans that you can use in the classroom Activities and exercises to keep your students on their toes C***tructive ways to correct and assess your students' performance Ways to inject some fun into your classes Insider information on the best jobs around the world
Part I: Getting Started in TEFL
Chapter 1: Discovering the Wonderful World of TEFL
Chapter 2: Looking at What TEFL Teachers Actually Do
Chapter 3: Examining Courses, Qualifi cati*** and Jobs
Part II: Putting Your Lesson Together
Chapter 4: Starting from the Beginning: Planning the Lesson
Chapter 5: Standing in the Spotlight: Presenting to the Class
Chapter 6: Holding the Reins and Letting Them Loose - Giving
Students Practice
Chapter 7: Giving Correction and Feedback
Chapter 8: Being Materialistic! Using Course Books and Other
Chapter 9: Who's The Boss around Here? Managing Your
Part III: Teaching Skills Classes
Chapter 10: Taken as Read: Teaching Reading Less***
Chapter 11: Write or Wrong? Teaching Writing Less***
Chapter 12: What Accent? Teaching Pronunciation
Chapter 13: Setting Their Tongues Wagging: Speaking and
Chapter 14: In One Ear, Out the Other: Learning To Listen
Part IV: The Grammar You Need to Know - and How to Teach It
Chapter 15: Stop Press! Student to Deliver Sentence
Chapter 16: Feeling Tense? Sorting Out Verb Tenses
Chapter 17: Exploring More Important Verb Structures
Part V: What Kind of Class Will I Have?
Chapter 18: Putting Students to the Test
Chapter 19: Getting Specifi c: Teaching Just One Student and
Business English
Chapter 20: Getting Youth on Your Side: Coping with Younger
Chapter 21: Making the Grade: Handling Exam Classes
Chapter 22: Distinguishing Monolingual and Multi-lingual
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Liven Up an English Lesson
Chapter 24: Ten Great Resources for TEFL Teachers
Appendix A: Lesson Plan Templates
Appendix B: TEFL Locati*** around the World
Michelle Maxom has been teaching English throughout the UK and
Italy since 1997 and has the Trinity Certificate and Licentiate
Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Formerly Director of Studies at Avalon School of English, she now
trains would-be TEFL teachers and runs one-to-one and executive
English courses.
Making Everything Easier!
Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies
Learn to:
Put an EFL course programme together from scratch
Let your students loose in skills classes – from reading to
Deliver grammar less*** in a logical and intuitive way
Cope with different age groups and capabilities
Michelle Maxom
English as a Foreign Language teacher and trainer
Your one-stop guide to a career that will take you places
If you thought that teaching a language that's second nature to
you would be easy, think again! Explaining grammar, or teaching
correct pronunciation while simultaneously developing your own
skills as a teacher can be a huge challenge. Whether you're on a
training course or have already started teaching, this book will
help launch your career and give you the confidence and expertise
you need to be a brilliant teacher.
Make an educated decision – decide between the various courses,
qualificati*** and job locati*** available to you
Start from scratch – plan well-structured less*** and develop
successful and effective teaching techniques
Focus on skills – from reading and writing, to listening and
speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent
Get your head around grammar – teach students to put sentences
together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs
All shapes and sizes – tailor your less*** to younger learners,
one-to-ones, exam classes and Business English learners
'An invaluable manual for anyone thinking of embarking on a TEFL
journey. Michelle Maxom's step-by-step guide provides
practical?tips to get you started and offers key advice to help
unleash the creative English language teache***ithin.'?
– Claire Woollam, Director of Studies?& a Teacher Trainer
at?Language Link?London
Open the book and find:
TEFL, TESOL, EFL – what all the acronyms mean
The best course books and materials to supplement your
Advice on running your class and handling difficulties
Lesson plans that you can use in the classroom
Activities and exercises to keep your students on their
C***tructive ways to correct and assess your students'
Ways to inject some fun into your classes
Insider information on the best jobs around the world
Making Everything Easier! Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies Learn to: Put an EFL course programme together from scratch Let your students loose in skills classes – from reading to listening Deliver grammar less*** in a logical and intuitive way Cope with different age groups and capabilities Michelle Maxom English as a Foreign Language teacher and trainer Your one-stop guide to a career that will take you places If you thought that teaching a language that's second nature to you would be easy, think again! Explaining grammar, or teaching correct pronunciation while simultaneously developing your own skills as a teacher can be a huge challenge. Whether you're on a training course or have already started teaching, this book will help launch your career and give you the confidence and expertise you need to be a brilliant teacher. Make an educated decision – decide between the various courses, qualificati*** and job locati*** available to you Start from scratch – plan well-structured less*** and develop successful and effective teaching techniques Focus on skills – from reading and writing, to listening and speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent Get your head around grammar – teach students to put sentences together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs All shapes and sizes – tailor your less*** to younger learners, one-to-ones, exam classes and Business English learners 'An invaluable manual for anyone thinking of embarking on a TEFL journey. Michelle Maxom's step-by-step guide provides practical¿tips to get you started and offers key advice to help unleash the creative English language teache***ithin.'¿ – Claire Woollam, Director of Studies¿& a Teacher Trainer at¿Language Link¿London Open the book and find: TEFL, TESOL, EFL – what all the acronyms mean The best course books and materials to supplement your teaching Advice on running your class and handling difficulties Lesson plans that you can use in the classroom Activities and exercises to keep your students on their toes C***tructive ways to correct and assess your students' performance Ways to inject some fun into your classes Insider information on the best jobs around the world
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