分子***实验指南(第四版)(原版书名:Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (Fourth Edition) ) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

分子***实验指南(第四版)(原版书名:Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (Fourth Edition) )精美图片
》分子***实验指南(第四版)(原版书名:Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (Fourth Edition) )电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

分子***实验指南(第四版)(原版书名:Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (Fourth Edition) )书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787030386069
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-01
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:1859.00
  • 纸张:铜版纸
  • 装帧:盒装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看


  Molecular Cloning has served as the foundation of technical

expertise in labs worldwide for 30 years. No other manual has been

so popular, or so influential. Molecular Cloning, Fourth Edition,

by the celebrated founding author Joe Sambrook and new co-author,

the distinguished HHMI investigator Michael Green, preserves the

highly praised detail and clarity of previous editi*** and includes

specific chapters and protocols commissioned for the book from

expert practitioners at Yale, U Mass, Rockefeller University, Texas

Tech, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Washington University, and

other leading instituti***. The theoretical and historical

underpinnings of techniques are prominent features of the

presentation throughout, information that does much to help

trouble-shoot experimental problems.

For the fourth edition of this classic work, the content has

been entirely recast to include nucleic-acid based methods selected

as the most widely used and valuable in molecular and cellular

biology laboratories.

Core chapters from the third edition have been revised to

feature current strategies and approaches to the preparation and

cloning of nucleic acids, gene transfer, and expression ***ysis.

They are augmented by 12 new chapters which show how DNA, RNA, and

proteins should be prepared, evaluated, and manipulated, and how

data generation and ***ysis can be handled.

The new content includes methods for studying in***cti***

between cellular components, such as microarrays, next-generation

sequencing technologies, RNA interference, and epigenetic ***ysis

using DNA methylation techniques and chromatin immunoprecipitation.

To make sense of the wealth of data produced by these techniques, a

bioinformatics chapter describes the use of ***ytical tools for

comparing sequences of genes and proteins and identifying common

expression patterns among sets of genes.

Building on thirty years of trust, reliability, and authority,

the fourth edition of Molecular Cloning is the new gold

standard—the one indispensable molecular biology laboratory manual

and reference source.


? Extensive new content: 12 entirely new chapters are devoted

to the most exciting current research strategies, including

epigenetic ***ysis, RNA interference, genome sequencing, and


? Expanded scope: the nucleic-acid-based techniques selected for

inclusion have promoted recent advances in gene transfer, protein

expression, RNA ***ysis, and expression of cloned genes

? Classic content: 10 original core chapters have been updated

to reflect developments and innovati*** in standard techniques and

to introduce new cutting-edge protocols

? Easy-to-follow format: the previous editi***’ renowned

attention to detail and accuracy are fully retained

? Essential appendices: an up-to-date collection of reagents,

vectors, media, detection systems, and commonly used techniques are


? Expanded authorship: chapters and protocols have been

specifically commissioned from renowned experts at leading




Part 1: Essentials

1. Isolation and Quantification of DNA

2. Analysis of DNA

3. Cloning and Transformation with Plasmid Vectors

4. Gateway Recombinational Cloning

John S. Reece-Hoyes and Albertha J.M. Walhout

5. Working with Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes and Other

High-Capacity Vectors

Nathaniel Heintz and Shiaoching Gong

6. Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of RNA from Eukaryotic


7. Polymerase Chain Reaction

8. Bioinformatics

Jui-Hung Hung and Zhiping Weng


Part 2: Analysis and Manipulation of DNA and RNA

9. Quantification of DNA and RNA by Real-Time Polymerase Chain


10. Nucleic Acid Platform Technologies

Oliver Rando

11. DNA Sequencing

Elaine Mardis and W. Richard McCombie

12. Analysis of DNA Methylation in Mammalian Cells

Paul M. Lizardi, Qin Yan, and Narendra Wajapeyee

13. Preparation of Labeled DNA, RNA, and Oligonucleotide


14. Methods for In Vitro Mutagenesis

Matteo Forloni, Alex Liu, and Narendra Wajapeyee

Part 3: Introducing Genes into Cells

15. Introducing Genes into Cultured Mammalian Cells

Priti Kumar, Arvindhan Nagarajan, and Pradeep D. Uchil

16. Introducing Genes into Mammalian Cells: Viral Vectors

Guangping Gao and Miguel Sena-Esteves


Part 4: Gene Expression

17. Analysis of Gene Regulation Using Reporter Systems

Pradeep D. Uchil, Arvindhan Nagarajan, and Priti Kumar

18. RNA Interference and Small RNA Analysis

Chengjian Li and Phillip D. Zamore

19. Expressing Cloned Genes for Protein Production, Purification,

and Analysis

Clara L. Kielkopf, William Bauer, and Ina Urbatsch

Part 5: In***ction Analysis

20. Cross-Linking Technologies for Analysis of Chromatin Structure

and Function

Tae Hoon Kim and Job Dekker

21. Mapping of In Vivo RNA-Binding Sites by UV-Cross-Linking

Immunoprecipitation (CLIP)

Jennifer C. Darnell, Aldo Mele, Ka Ying Sharon Hung, and Robert B.


22. Gateway-Compatible Yeast One-Hybrid and Two-Hybrid Assays

John S. Reece-Hoyes and Albertha J.M. Walhout


1. Reagents and Buffers

2. Commonly Used Techniques

3. Detection Systems

4. General Safety and Hazardous Material



  Sambrook was educated at the University of Liverpool (BSc (h***)

1962) and obtained his PhD at the Australian National University in

1966. He did postdoctoral research at the MRC Laboratory of

Molecular Biology (1966-67) and the Salk Institute for Biological

Studies (1967-69). In 1969 he was hired by James D. Watson to work

at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. Watson has been

reported to say this was the best hiring decision he ever made. Joe

was resp***ible for creating a combative creative environment at

CSHL that fomented discovery. Subsequently he worked at the

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas).

Sambrook is best known for his studies on DNA tumor viruses and

the molecular biology of normal and neoplastic cells. His Tumour

Virus Group at Cold Spring Harbor identified and mapped all of the

major genes of adenoviruses and SV40, determined their

tran*ional control in infected and transformed cells, and

elucidated the mechanism of integration of these viruses into the

genome of the host cell.[citation needed] He has also made

important contributi*** to the understanding of intracellular

traffic and protein folding and is an influential leader in the

field of the molecular genetics of human cancer.










"color: #000000;">  “In science...speed matters and

credibility matters. And compared to banking on...an anonymous

contributor in an online discussion group, you’d be better off

trusting Michael Green and Joseph Sambrook. When skimming through

the pages of Molecular Cloning, it is impossible not to gain new

insights that will push your experiments forward.”

   —Lab Times


"color: #404040;">  “Any basic research laboratory

using molecular biology techniques will benefit from having a copy

on hand of the newly published Third Edition of Molecular Cloning:

A Laboratory Manual...the first two editi*** of this book have been

staples of molecular biology with a proven reputation for accuracy

and thoroughness.” —The Scientist



  “In every kitchen there is at least one indispensable

cookbook...Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual fills the same

niche in the laboratory (with) information to help both the

inexperienced and the advanced user. (It) has once again

established its primacy as the molecular laboratory manual and is

likely to be found on lab benches...around the world.” ——Trends in




  “Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual has always been the

laboratory mainstay for protocols and techniques. It has a

pure-bred ancestry, and the new edition does not disappoint. (It)

includes information panels at the end of each chapter that

describe the principles behind the protocols.... The addition of

this information extends Molecular Cloning from an essential

laboratory resource into a new realm, one merging the previous

prototype with a modern molecular monograph...the next generation

of Molecular Cloning not only carries on the proud heritage of the

first two editi*** but also admirably expands on that tradition to

provide a truly essential laboratory manual.” —Trends in



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