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During her 20 years in broadcasting, award-winning news anchor Suzanne Bates conducted more than 10,000 interviews, during which she witnessed business leaders, politicians, and celebrities at their best and worst. Now a top CEO communication coach, Bates is renowned for her uncanny ability to transform even the shyest oratorical mouse into a public-speaking lion. In Speak Like a CEO, Bates:
Reveals the secrets for communicating in any situation
Describes *** techniques for acing speeches, presentati***, media interviews, Q&A sessi***, business meetings, and more
Outlines self-improvement plans that can easily be customized to your needs
Shares secrets from top leaders, including Mario Cuomo's technique for overcoming stage fright and Colin Powell's secret for projecting authenticity
SUZANNE BArES is a corn.munication c***ultant to a host of prestigiOUs clients,includiag Mellon Financial,State Street Bank.Ernst&Youn9,Sun Life,Dreyfus,Citistreet,Seprac05
and Cabot Corporation.For two decades she was a top.rated ancho***ith WBZ-TV.Boston;WC***,Philadelphia;and WFLA-TV Tampa.St.Petersbur9.She is a men-ber of the Leadership Council of Harvard University's Center for Business and Government and is an Associated Press News Award winner.
PART 1 The Secrets:What C EOs and Leaders Know
1.What It Means to Speak like a CEO (the Ones You Really Admire)
2.Eight Secrets of Successful CEOs and Leaders Who Speak Well
3.You’re as Good as You Decide to Be
4.What YOu Can Learn from Ten Thousand Leaders and Working on TV for Twenty Years
5.The Eight Most Frequent Mistakes People Make in Front of Crowds and Cameras
6.The Authenticity Gap:Why the Real YOu Must Shine Through
7.Taking Stock:How Do Your Skills Add Up?
8.Creating a Plan:Leaders Know It's the Way to Get Farther,Faster
PART 2 The Situati***:A Survival Guide for the Events Where You Must Speak and Be Great
11.Q&A Sessi***:Thinking on Your Feet
12.Media Interviews
13.Leading Meetings
PART 3 The Strategies:Become a Great Speaker by Making a Plan and Working It
15.Ten Things You Can Do to Guarantee Success
16.Five Coaching Plans
Appendix A-Checklists
Appendix B-Frequently Asked Questi***
Appendix C-Resources and Recommended Reading
Appendix D-Communication and Leadership
Appendix E-The Gettysburg Address:Abraham Lincoln
Book Description
Suzanne Bates, an award-winning TV news anchor turned c***ultant-to-the-CEOs, has seen it all. In more than 10,000 interviews, she has witnessed business leaders stumble and crumble, and political leaders ruin their chances for election by turning to stone (or mush) in front of crowds and cameras. Now, smart business and political leaders hire her to get them in shape for potentially grueling interviews and speeches. In Speak Like a CEO, she shares the communication success secrets she teaches in her speaking, including to her impressive client list, which includes AT&T, Harvard Business School, Boston College, Ernst & Young, Fleet Bank and the North American Management Corporation. Her user-friendly approach and tested techniques can help just about anyone - newly minted business managers, seasoned CEOs, and those on the rise in any ***anization - learn how to develop an authoritative voice and credible presence for any public speaking situation. Divided into three parts, Speak Like a CEO includes everything you need to handle any kind of public speaking event or interview. In Part 1, The Secrets, she shares what she learned from 20 years on TV and radio, and how to develop credibility and authenticity. In Part 2, The Situati***, readers will find easy-to-use advice to help them succeed in speeches, presentati***, media interviews, Q&A sessi***, business meetings, and even business-social conversati***. Part 3, The Strategies, provides self-improvement plans (to reach short-term and long-term speaking goals) that can be easily customized to anyone's needs. Plenty of real-world examples to illustrate her points. Readers will learn what Martha Stewart learned the hard way about the importance of communication in a time of crisis. O***hat Oprah Winfrey could teach all of us about being interviewed. Or Colin Powell's secret for coming across as authentic every time he speaks. O***hat Mario Cuomo does (that anyone can do) to overcome stage fright. Bates's tips and techniques will turn any reader into a public speaker extraordinaire.
From the Back Cover
On your rise to the top, hard work and experience are important, but they can take you only so far. To lead in your industry or profession, you must be ready to assume the leader's speaking role. In survey after survey, the number-one skill determined to be indispensable to leaders is communication. Must you be born with this talent, or can you learn how to command a room?
In Speak like a CEO Suzanne Bates proves that you don't have to be a natural-born speaker to develop a compelling communication style all your own. Whether you're in the corner office or the Oval Office, at the dining room table or before an audience of milli***, you'll find a blueprint to speak like a leader and get results. Not another one-size-fits-all guide to better presentati*** or public speaking, Speak like a CEO is a sophisticated approach based on the philosophy that successful leaders have their own unique communication styles. Its self-assessments, exercises, and customizable self-improvement plans let you zero in on your strengths as a communicator and discover your natural abilities.
As an award-winning news anchor, Bates interviewed more than ten thousand business and political leaders, celebrities, and newsmakers and she saw them at their best and worst. Now a sought-after executive traine***ith national and international clients, she is renowned for her ability to transform leaders who avoid the spotlight into bold, confident, natural speakers. In Speak like a CEO, she arms you with the same techniques that have helped her clients become communicators extraordinaire. You'll find tricks of the trade, whether speaking in front of crowds and cameras or one-on-one.
Speak like a CEO also offers you a chance to learn from the masters. You will be inspired by the advice and experience of leaders including Rudolph Giuliani, Mario Cuomo, Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Welch, and Richard Branson. You'll learn techniques of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and even Abraham Lincoln. Speak like a CEO shows you how to:
-Overcome pressure and project a relaxed, comfortable presence
-Warm up any meeting and keep your audience engaged
-Discover your own authentic way to communicate
-Handle difficult conversati***, interviews, and questi*** with confidence
-Ace the most challenging situati***, including speeches, presentati***, media interviews, Q&A sessi***, business meetings, public debates, and more
-Create a ***, step-by-step plan so that you master every ***ect of speaking
Your guide to handling any communication challenge like a pro, Speak like a CEO is one resource you don't want to be without. Whether you're on you***ay to the top or you've already arrived, you'll refer to it again and again.
"Speak like a CEO is a must-read for any professional who recognizes the key to success: building relati***hips. Whether you're giving a speech, meeting with employees, or networking with potential customers, this book will teach you how to master the art of communication so you can convey your message with warmth, authenticity, and conviction. If you want a big edge over the competition, you need to read this book!"
Cheryl Richardson, author of Take Time for Your Life
"It is neither the smartest nor the hardest working CEOs who succeed in business. It is the ones who best communicate their firm's vision to customers, vendors, and employees. Speak like a CEO shows you how."
Tom Stemberg, CEO of Staples
"Must reading for anybody who wants to make a connection whether it's through a TV screen, in a boardroom, or on a stage."
Miles O'Brien, CNN news anchor
"Suzanne Bates's advice is concise and practical. Communication within your ***anization and with the media is critical to image and success. This book will help every executive do a better job."
Chris Hansen, Dateline NBC
"Suzanne Bates's book provides a wealth of usable information in an easy-to-use format that will prove useful and effective for leaders in all sectors: public, private, or not-for-profit."
Jane Swift, former governor of Massachusetts
Award-winning news anchor and top CEO communication coach Suzanne Bates arms you with powerful tools for crafting an authentic communication style all your own. And, with the help of examples from many of the all-time great communicators, she schools you in proven techniques for acing any communication challenge, including speeches, presentati***, media interviews, toasts, and more.
About Author
Suzanne Bates is a communication c***ultant to a host of prestigious clients, including Mellon Financial, State Street Bank, Ernst & Young, Sun Life, Dreyfus, Citistreet, Sepracor, and Cabot Corporation. For two decades she was a top-rated ancho***ith WBZ-TV, Boston; WC***, Philadelphia; and WFLA-TV, Tampa-St. Petersburg. She is a member of the Leadership Council of Harvard University's Center for Business and Government and is an Associated Press News Award winner.
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