液相连续多相反应器的数值模拟(英文版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》液相连续多相反应器的数值模拟(英文版)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787122198525
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2015-03
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:238.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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Preface ix

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 

CHAPTER 2 Fluid fow and mass transfer on particle scale 

2.1 Introduction 

2.2 Theoretical basis 

2.2.1 Fluid mechanics 

2.2.2 Mass transfer 

2.2.3 Interfacial force balance 

2.2.4 Interfacial mass transport 

2.3 Numerical methods 

2.3.1 Orthogonal boundary-ftted coordinate system 

2.3.2 Level set method 

2.3.3 Mirror fuid method 

2.4 Buoyancy-driven motion and mass transfer 

of a single particle 

2.4.1 Drop, bubble and solid particle motion 

2.4.2 Mass transfer to/from a drop 

2.5 Mass transfer-induced Marangoni effect 

2.5.1 Solute-induced Marangoni effect 

2.5.2 Effect of surfactant on drop motion and mass transfer 

2.5.3 Surfactant-induced Marangoni effect 

2.6 Behavior of particle swarms 

2.6.1 Introduction 

2.6.2 Forces on single particles 

2.6.3 Cell model 

2.7 Single particles in shear fow and extensional fow 

2.7.1 Mass/heat transfer from a spherical particle 

in extensional fow 

2.7.2 Flow and transport from a sphere in *** 

shear fow 

2.8 Summary and perspective 

2.8.1 Summary 

2.8.2 Perspective 



CHAPTER 3 Multiphase stirred reactors 

3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Mathematical models and numerical methods 

3.2.1 Governing equati*** 

3.2.2 Interphase momentum exchange 

3.2.3 RANS method 

3.2.4 LES model 

3.2.5 Impeller treatment 

3.2.6 Numerical details 

3.3 Two-phase fow in stirred tanks 

3.3.1 Solid–liquid systems 

3.3.2 Gas–liquid systems 

3.3.3 Liquid–liquid systems 

3.4 Three-phase fow in stirred tanks 

3.4.1 Liquid–liquid–solid systems 

3.4.2 Gas–liquid–liquid systems 

3.4.3 Liquid–liquid–liquid systems 

3.4.4 Gas–liquid–solid systems 

3.5 Summary and perspective 

3.5.1 Summary 

3.5.2 Perspective 



CHAPTER 4 Airlift loop reactors 

CHAPTER 5 Preliminary investigation of two-phase microreactors 

CHAPTER 6 Crystallizers: CFD–PBE modeling 






  2012年获日本化学工学会亚洲研究奖(SCEJ Asia Research Award)、第四届“侯德榜化工科学技术奖─创新奖”,2011年获第十二届“中国青年科技奖”、中国科学院青年科学家奖,2010年获第十三届“茅以升科学技术奖─北京青年科技奖”、中国石油和化学工业联合会青年科技突出贡献奖,2009年获国家自然科学二等奖、中国石油和化学工业协会技术发明一等奖,还获得省部级科技进步一等奖、二等奖和三等奖各1项。发表期刊论文110多篇、会议报告120多篇,申请发明专利25件,获软件著作权3项,撰写中英文专著7章。










  《Numerical simulation of multiphase reactors with continuous liquid phase液相连续多相反应器的数值模拟》描述了广大过程工业的工程技术领域内读者都比较感兴趣的重要研究热点和前沿,是多相流反应器和结晶器专业读者的一本理想的参考书,特别适合于企图掌握先进的计算流体力学和计算反应工程学工具、用数学模型和数值模拟方法来研究搅拌槽、环流反应器和微反应器的读者。本书拟包括初入门者需要的基本概念、模型和方法的简介,典型问题的示例,以及前沿研究的新近发展和趋势。对于已经有一定基础的读者,也能提供较全面和专业性强的综述即前沿状况,是一本读者面宽广的专著。    


  Multiphase reactors with continuous liquid phase such as stirred tanks and loop reactors are popularly used equipment for multiphase chemical reacti***, crystal-lization and mixing in chemical and petrochemical, hydrometallurgical and phar-maceutical industries, etc. Much effort has been devoted to numerically resolving the hydrodynamics and transport in multiphase reactors with liquid phases and sat-isfactory progress has been achieved, especially with respect to single-phase liquid systems. The fow and transport in reactors operating in multiphase systems demand more intensive attention, both numerical and experimental. The computational fuid dynamics and computational transport principles have been developed into relia-ble and effcient tools to study and optimize the macroscopic performance of unit operati*** in process equipment. Along with the rapid development of physical and chemical technologies, numerical simulation of multiphase fow and mass transfer in multiphase reactors with continuous liquid phase is now faster than ever before. It is now appropriate to present the state-of-the-art knowledge and research in this very active feld. We hope this book is able to provide useful knowledge for our col-leagues and to facilitate research and development in the feld of multiphase reaction engineering.

  To facilitate the exchange of original research results and reviews on the design, scale-up, and optimization of multiphase reactors, we have written this book entitled Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Reactors with Continuous Liquid Phase to ad-dress many important ***ects of multiphase fow and transport felds. This book aims to embrace important interdisciplinary topics in fundamental and applied research of mathematical models, numerical methods, and experimental techniques for mul-tiphase fow and mass transfer in reactors and crystallizers, operating in gas–liquid, liquid–solid, liquid–liquid, gas–liquid–solid, liquid–liquid–solid, and gas–liquid–liquid systems on the macro-scale and meso-scale (namely the scale of particles in-cluding solid particles, bubbles, and drops). Thus, important and interesting topics of research frontiers for a wide range of engineering and scientifc areas are presented. We believe that this is a good reference book for readers interested in the design and scale-up of multiphase reactors and crystallizers, in particular stirred tanks, loop reactors, and microreactors, using mathematical modeling and numerical simulation as tools.

  We express our sincere appreciation to Jie Chen, Yang Wang, Ping Fan, and Zhi-hui Wang, who contributed to Chapter 2; Xiangyang Li, Xin Feng, Jingcai Cheng, and Guangji Zhang, who contributed to Chapter 3; Qingshan Huang, Weipeng Zhang, and Guangji Zhang, who contributed to Chapter 4; Yumei Yong, Xi Wang, and Yuanyuan Li, who contributed to Chapter 5; and Jingcai Cheng, Xin Feng, and Yuejia Jiang, who contributed to Chapter 6.

  We are very grateful to our many students who have contributed to the book. We wish to thank Prof. Jiayong Chen at our institute, for valuable advice and continu-ous encouragement. We would like to express our gratitude to our families for their great *** of ou***ork. This work is partly ***ed by China Sci-Tech projects including 973 Program (2010CB630904, 2012CB224806), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (21025627), National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (20990224, 21106154, 21306197), and 863 Project (2012AA03A606, 2011AA060704). We also look forward to receiving any comments, criticisms, and suggesti*** from the readership, which would be of beneft to the book and the authors.

  Chao Yang and Zai-Sha Mao


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