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It’s no wonder that project managers spend so much time focusing their attention on risk identification. Important projects tend to be time c***trained, pose huge technical challenges, and suffer from a lack of adequate resources. Identifying and Managing Project Risk, now updated and c***istent with the very latest Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)® Guide, takes readers through every phase of a project, showing them how to c***ider the possible risks involved at every point in the process.
Drawing on real-world situati*** and hundreds of examples, the book outlines proven methods, dem***trating key ideas for project risk planning and showing how to use high-level risk assessment tools. Analyzing ***ects such as available resources, project scope, and scheduling, this new edition also explores the growing area of Enterprise Risk Management. Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this book helps readers determine risk factors thoroughly and decisively…before a project gets derailed.
CHAPTER 1: Why Project Risk Management?
CHAPZER 2: Planning for Risk Management
CHAPTER 3: Identifying Project Scope Risk
CHAPTER 4: Identifying Project Schedule Risk
CHAPTER 5: Identifying Project Resource Risk
CHAPTER 6: Managing Project C***traints and Documenting Risks
CHAPTER 7: Quantifying and Analyzing Activity Risks
CHAPTER 8: Managing Activity Risks
CHAPTER 9: Quantifying and Analyzing Project Risk
CHAPTER 10: Managing Project Risk
CHAPTER 11: Monitoring and Controlling Risky Projects
CHAPTER 12: Closing Projects
CHAPTER 13: Program, Portfolio, and Enterprise Risk Management
CHAPTER 14: Conclusion
Appendix: Selected Detail from the PERIL Database
Tom Kendrick (San Carlos, CA) is an internal project management c***ultant for Visa Inc., and the author of Results Without Authority (978-08144-7343-6). He has more than 30 years of project management experience, twelve of which were spent as a part of t
It’s no wonder that project managers spend so much time focusing their attention on risk identification. Important projects tend to be time c***trained, pose huge technical challenges, and suffer from a lack of adequate resources. Identifying and Managing Project Risk , now updated and c***istent with the very latest Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)® Guide, takes readers through every phase of a project, showing them how to c***ider the possible risks involved at every point in the process. Drawing on real-world situati*** and hundreds of examples, the book outlines proven methods, dem***trating key ideas for project risk planning and showing how to use high-level risk assessment tools. Analyzing ***ects such as available resources, project scope, and scheduling, this new edition also explores the growing area of Enterprise Risk Management. Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this book helps readers determine risk factors thoroughly and decisively…before a project gets derailed.
From the Inside Flap
As a project manager, you know that complicated projects are inherently risky business. Between time c***traints, technical challenges, and resource difficulties, things that can go wrong often do—which is why one of the most important parts of your job is c***idering the possible risks involved at every point in the process. Fully updated and c***istent with the very latest Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Identifying and Managing Project Risk takes you through every phase of a project, helping you guard against failure by improving and increasing your risk ***ysis capabilities. The book outlines proven methods for project risk planning, drawing on real world situati*** and hundreds of examples—including what many once c***idered a truly impossible project, the Panama C***—to *** key ideas in the risk management process. You’ll learn how to use high level risk assessment tools, implement a complete system for monitoring and controlling projects, and properly document every possible c***ideration. The book contains secti*** on the different types of risk to c***ide***hen planning; how to identify key issues associated with project metrics; activity sequencing; Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); ***ysis of scale; and cost estimating and budgeting. Identifying and Managing Project Risk outlines the essential concepts involved in project risk planning and provides indispensable details and advice on topics such as: -The benefits and uses of risk data -Setting limits and defining deliverables -Procurement planning and source selection -C***traint management and risk discovery -Quantitative and qualitative ***ysis -Project simulation and modeling And much more Analyzing ***ects such as available resources, project scope, and scheduling, this new edition also explores the growing area of Enterprise Risk Management as well as other important new developments in the field. This valuable resource moves beyond risk management basics involving insurance, financial, and investment portfolio risk to examine areas like information technology, software engineering, product development, and other high tech fields, giving you a well-rounded understanding of what goes into *** project risk identification a crucial element of project management strategy. Your ability to identify and manage project risk is necessary for the smooth and successful completion of all projects, regardless of size, type, or scope. This book will help you eliminate surprises and transform risk into a variable you can manage and keep safely under control. Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, Identifying and Managing Project Risk helps you determine risk factors thoroughly and decisively…before a project gets derailed. Tom Kendrick, PMP, is an internal project management c***ultant for Visa Inc. and the author of Results Without Authority. He has more than 30 years of project management experience, 12 of which were spent as a part of the Hewlett-Packard Project Management Initiative. He lives in San Carlos, California.
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