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Ruby 最佳实践(影印版)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787564119355
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-01
  • 页数:309
  • 价格:36.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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你能够编写真正优雅的Ruby代码吗?《Ruby*实践》正是为想要像专家那样使用Ruby的程序员所准备的。《Ruby *实践(影印版)》由Ruby项目Prawn的开发者所著,简洁地向你阐释如何使用Ruby编写优美的应用程序接口和领域特定语言。此外,还包括如何应用函数式编程的思想和技术,使代码更简洁,使你更有效率。通过《Ruby *实践(影印版)》,你将会学到如何编写可读性更高,表达能力更强的代码,以及许多其他方面的内容。


* 理解Ruby代码块所蕴含的神秘力量

* 学习如何在不破坏原有Ruby代码的情况下进行调整,例如运行时在模块内糅合

* 探究测试与调试中的细节,以及如何从易测性出发进行设计

* 学习通过让事情保持简单来编写快速代码

* 用于文本处理和文件管理的开发策略,包括正则表达式

* 理解为什么会发生错误以及错误是如何发生的

* 利用Ruby的多语言特性减少文化障碍

《Ruby *实践(影印版)》还包含多个章节对测试代码、设计应用程序接口以及项目维护做了全面介绍。《Ruby*实践》将陪伴你学习如何将这门丰富、优美的语言发挥到极致。




1. Driving Code Through Tests

A Quick Note on Testing Frameworks

Designing for Testability

Testing Fundamentals

Well-Focused Examples

Testing Excepti***

Run the W*** Suite at Once

Advanced Testing Techniques

Using Mocks and Stubs

Testing Complex Output

Keeping Things Organized

Embedding Tests in Library Files

Test Helpers

Custom Asserti***


2. Designing Beautiful APIs

Designing for Convenience: Ruport’s Table( ) feature

Ruby’s Secret Power: Flexible Argument Processing

Standard Ordinal Arguments

Ordinal Arguments with Optional Parameters

Pseudo-Keyword Arguments

Treating Arguments As an Array

Ruby’s Other Secret Power: Code Blocks

Working with Enumerable

Using Blocks to Abstract Pre- and Postprocessing

Blocks As Dynamic Callbacks

Blocks for Interface Simplification

Avoiding Surprises

Use attr_reader, attr_writer, and attr_accessor

Understand What method? and method! Mean

Make Use of Custom ***s


3. Mastering the Dynamic Toolkit

BlankSlate: A BasicObject on Steroids

Building Flexible Interfaces

Making instance_eval( ) Optional

Handling Messages with method_missing( ) and send( )

Dual-Purpose Accessors

Implementing Per-Object Behavior

Extending and Modifying Preexisting Code

Adding New Functionality

Modification via Aliasing

Per-Object Modification

Building Classes and Modules Programmatically

Registering Hooks and Callbacks

Detecting Newly Added Functionality

Tracking Inheritance

Tracking Mixins


4. Text Processing and File Management

Line-Based File Processing with State Tracking

Regular Expressi***

Don’t Work Too Hard

Anchors Are Your Friends

Use Caution When Working with Quantifiers

Working with Files

Using Pathname and FileUtils

The tempfile Standard Library

Automatic Temporary Directory Handling

Collision Avoidance

Same Old I/O Operati***

Automatic Unlinking

Text-Processing Strategies

Advanced Line Processing

Atomic Saves


5. Functional Programming Techniques

Laziness Can Be a Virtue (A Look at lazy.rb)

Minimizing Mutable State and Reducing Side Effects

Modular Code Organization


Infinite Lists

Higher-Order Procedures


6. When Things Go Wrong

A Process for Debugging Ruby Code

Capturing the Essence of a Defect

Scrutinizing Your Code

Utilizing Reflection

Improving inspect Output

Finding Needles in a Haystack

Working with Logger


7. Reducing Cultural Barriers

m17n by Example: A Look at Ruby’s CSV Standard Library

Portable m17n Through UTF-8 Transcoding

Source Encodings

Working with Files

Transcoding User Input in an Organized Fashion

m17n in Standalone Scripts

Inferring Encodings from Locale

Customizing Encoding Defaults

m17n-Safe Low-Level Text Processing

Localizing Your Code


8. Skillful Project Maintenance

Exploring a Well-Organized Ruby Project (Haml)

Conventi*** to Know About

What Goes in a README

Laying Out Your Library




API Documentation via RDoc

Basic Documentation Techniques and Guidelines

Controlling Output with RDoc Directives

The RubyGems Package Manager

Writing a Gem::Specification

Working with Dependencies

Rake: Ruby’s Built-in Build Utility


A. Writing Backward-Compatible Code

B. Leveraging Ruby’s Standard Library

C. Ruby Worst Practices



Gregory T. Brown是康涅狄格州纽黑文市的一位Ruby爱好者,他的大多数时间都花在了与Ruby语言相关的自由软件项目上。他是Ruport的原作者,并且是Prawn的作者,该Ruby库被用来生成PDF文档。




Rake is a very powerful tool that deserves its own chapter or even its own cookbook.There are a ton of useful recipes out there in the wild, so be sure to make the Rakefileone of your first stops in any new codebase you need to review. Understanding andusing Rake effectively is key to successfully managing any moderately complex Rubyproject, so be sure not to overlook its significance and practical utility.

If you want to make the most out of this tool, there are just a few things to keep in mind:Rake provides custom tasks for common needs such as generating RDoc, runningunit tests and packaging up a project for distribution. Because these tasks are highlyconfigurable, it is better to use them than to reinvent the wheel.

Any other repetitive action that is necessary for maintaining your project can bewrapped in a task to simplify things. Typically, any lengthy command that needsto be run in the shell is fair game for this sort of simplification.Any task that has a preceding desc() call will be listed with a meaningful messagein the rake ——tasks output for your project.

Rake's ability to define prerequisite tasks allows you to build dependency-basedworkflows that allow you to model multiple-step tasks as needed.Namespaces can be used to segment off tasks into their own subspaces, minimizingthe risk of naming clashes.

I've tried to stick mainly to the easily overlooked ***ects of Rake here, but there is aw*** lot that we could have covered and didn't. Be sure to c***ult the Rake docu-mentation if you're interested in finding out more.

Depending on what you were looking for, this chapter may have been a bit differentfrom what you were expecting based on the title. However, what you will find is thatthe things we've discussed here will really take you fa***hen it comes to improving themaintainability of your projects. Though far from glamorous, things like good docu-mentation, well-***anized folders and files, and a way to automate as much of the gruntwork as possible does a w*** lot for your projects.

Poorly maintained projects can be a huge drain on developer productivity and morale,yet nicely curated code can be downright enjoyable to work with, even if you're brand-new to a project. The tools and techniques we've discussed so far aren't going to makemaintenance completely painless, but will still provide a solid foundation to work offof that will grow over time.



depsite the fact that I'm writing a book titled Ruby Best Practices, I freely admit that I write some dumb code sometimes

Most of the time when I need to use send() to call a private method in one of my tests, I try to rethink my interface.

Sometime it's a necessary evil, but most of the time it just means that things are looking to be refactored



《Ruby **实践(影印版)》是由东南大学出版社出版的。



  ——Brad Ediger,Madriska Media Group的领袖开发者,同时也是《Advanced Rails》(O’Reilly)的作者





你能够编写真正优雅的Ruby代码吗?《Ruby最佳实践》正是为想要像专家那样使用Ruby的程序员所准备的。《Ruby 最佳实践(影印版)》由Ruby项目Prawn的开发者所著,简洁地向你阐释如何使用Ruby编写优美的应用程序接口和领域特定语言。此外,还包括如何应用函数式编程的思想和技术,使代码更简洁,使你更有效率。通过《Ruby 最佳实践(影印版)》,你将会学到如何编写可读性更高,表达能力更强的代码,以及许多其他方面的内容。


* 理解Ruby代码块所蕴含的神秘力量

* 学习如何在不破坏原有Ruby代码的情况下进行调整,例如运行时在模块内糅合

* 探究测试与调试中的细节,以及如何从易测性出发进行设计

* 学习通过让事情保持简单来编写快速代码

* 用于文本处理和文件管理的开发策略,包括正则表达式

* 理解为什么会发生错误以及错误是如何发生的

* 利用Ruby的多语言特性减少文化障碍

《Ruby 最佳实践(影印版)》还包含多个章节对测试代码、设计应用程序接口以及项目维护做了全面介绍。《Ruby最佳实践》将陪伴你学习如何将这门丰富、优美的语言发挥到极致。


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