Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功电子书下载地址
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- [epub 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 epub格式电子书
- [azw3 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 azw3格式电子书
- [pdf 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 pdf格式电子书
- [txt 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 txt格式电子书
- [mobi 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 mobi格式电子书
- [word 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 word格式电子书
- [kindle 下载] Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows:Learn How to Inspire Others, Achieve Greatness and Find Success in Any Organization白宫研究员的领导课程:学会如何激励他人并取得成功 kindle格式电子书
C***idered one of the nation's most competitive and prestigious fellowships, the White House Fellowship program has produced an impressive roster of American leaders. The men and women of this select group spend an entire yea***orking alongside top decision makers inside the nexus of global power. Each one emerges with life-changing thoughts and views about the nature of leadership and the qualities of great leaders.
Now, former Fellow Charles P. Garcia opens the door to this distinguished program, revealing insights to achieve extraordinary leadership, which you can apply in any endeavor.
Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows is a profound education on the timeless tenets of successful leadership. Filled with entertaining and insightful stories gleaned from interviews with more than 200 former Fellows, this fast-paced book takes you behind the scenes of every presidential administration from Lyndon B. Johnson to Ge***e W. Bush, where America's best and brightest learned their most valuable less***. You'll hear from such figures as:
Former Chairman of the NYSE Marshall Carter
Levi Strauss CO Robert D. Haas
U.S. Army General Wesley Clark
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin
CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
Stanford Business School Dean Robert Joss
Former Chief Judge, 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Deanell Reece Tacha
Each interviewee conveys invaluable advice that can be applied by anyone, in any field--from business and government to nonprofit and education.
Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows takes you where no reader has gone before. Apply the less*** of the White House Fellows, and your people will instantly take note of the newly inspired leader in their presence.
PART I THe Program
Chapter 1 Opening the Door to the White House
Chapter 2 A Foundation for Fellowship
Chapter 3 Becoming a Fellow
Chapter 4 Fellows at Work
Chapter 5 The Education Program
Part II The Less***:
Chapter 6 Leaders Know There’s More to Life Than Work
Chapter 7 Leaders Focus on the Mission
Chapter 8 Leaders Focus on their People
Chapter 9 Leaders Root Prejudice in Themselves and Others
Chapter 10 Leaders Act with Integrity
Chapter 11 Leaders Create an Sense of Urgency
Chapter 12 Leaders Have Passion
Chapter 13 Leaders are Persistent
Chapter 14 Leaders are Great Communicators
Chapter 15 Leaders Ask Tough Questi*** that Need to Be Asked
Chapter 16 Leaders Take Risks
Chapter 17 Leaders Understand that Every Battle is Not the End of the War
Chapter 18 Leaders Energize Their People
Chapter 19 Leaders are Great Listeners
Chapter 20 Leaders are Persuasive
Chapter 21 Leaders Know When to Compromise and When to Stand Firm
Chapter 22 Leaders are Problem Solvers
Chapter 23 Leaders Lead by Walking Around
Chapter 24 Leaders are Transformational Change Agents
Chapter 25 Leaders Lead Through Experience and Competence, Not Through Title or Position
Charles P. Garcia is a former White House Fellow, bestselling author, graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and Columbia Law School, and bestselling author. In 2006, he sold his investment banking firm, which grew from three people to 60 offices in seven
C***idered one of the nation's most competitive and prestigious fellowships, the White House Fellowship program has produced an impressive roster of American leaders. The men and women of this select group spend an entire yea***orking alongside top decision makers inside the nexus of global power. Each one emerges with life-changing thoughts and views about the nature of leadership and the qualities of great leaders. Now, former Fellow Charles P. Garcia opens the door to this distinguished program, revealing insights to achieve extraordinary leadership, which you can apply in any endeavor. Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows is a profound education on the timeless tenets of successful leadership. Filled with entertaining and insightful stories gleaned from interviews with more than 200 former Fellows, this fast-paced book takes you behind the scenes of every presidential administration from Lyndon B. Johnson to Ge***e W. Bush, where America's best and brightest learned their most valuable less***. You'll hear from such figures as: Former Chairman of the NYSE Marshall Carter Levi Strauss CO Robert D. Haas U.S. Army General Wesley Clark Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Stanford Business School Dean Robert Joss Former Chief Judge, 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Deanell Reece Tacha Each interviewee conveys invaluable advice that can be applied by anyone, in any field--from business and government to nonprofit and education. Leadership Less*** of the White House Fellows takes you where no reader has gone before. Apply the less*** of the White House Fellows, and your people will instantly take note of the newly inspired leader in their presence.
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