Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版电子书下载地址
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- [epub 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 epub格式电子书
- [azw3 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 azw3格式电子书
- [pdf 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 pdf格式电子书
- [txt 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 txt格式电子书
- [mobi 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 mobi格式电子书
- [word 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 word格式电子书
- [kindle 下载] Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版 kindle格式电子书
Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do.
More annually updated guides than any other series
16-page color section and foldout map in all annual guides
Outspoken opini***, exact prices, and suggested itineraries
Dozens of detailed maps in an easy-to-read, two-color design
You'll never fall into the tourist traps when you travel with Frommer's. It's like having a friend show you around, taking you to the places locals like best. Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go--they've done the legwork for you, and they're not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. No other series offers candid reviews of so many ***els and restaurants in all price ranges. Every Frommer's Travel Guide is up-to-date, with exact prices for everything, dozens of color maps, and exciting coverage of sports, shopping, and nightlife. You'd be lost without us!
Completely updated, Frommer's South Florida including Miami & the Keys, 6th Edition is the only guide you'll need to discover the best of South Florida. Our author, a longtime resident, will show you the loveliest beaches, the ***test restaurants, the top shopping, and the most sizzling nightlife in Miami. You can take your pick from affordable art deco motels, retro resorts, or the trendiest boutique ***els in South Beach. Choose a Cuban cafe or a sleek sushi bar, a raucous stone crab feast or an elegant steakhouse.
We'll also take you down to the Keys, for fabulous snorkeling, diving, and deep-sea fishing, winding up in Key West, with its outrageous beach bars and nightclubs. The guide also includes the best of nearby Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and West Palm Beach, and an excursion to the Everglades, for amazing bird watching and a look at one of the world's most unique ecosystems.
List of Maps
What’s New in South Florida
1.The Best of South Florida
1 Frommer's Favorite South Florida Experiences
2 The Best Beaches
3 Best Hotel Bets
4 Best Dining Bets
5 The Rest of the Best
2.Spitj F;proda om De[tj
1 The Land & lts People
2 A Look at the Past
3 Recommende Books Movies Music
3.Planning Your Trip to South Florida
1 Visitor Information
2 Entry Requirements&Customs
3 Money
4 When to Go
5 Travel Insurance
6 Health&Safety
7 Specialized Travel Resources
8 Planning Your Trip Online Online Traveler's Toolbox
9 The Top Websites for Miami&South Florida
10 The 21st-Century Traveler
11 Getting There
12 Packages for the Independent Traveler
13 Escorted General-Interest Tours
4.Suggested South Florida Itineraries
5.Getting to Know Miami
6.Where to Stay in Miami
7.Where to Dine in Miami
8.What to See & Do in Miami
9.Miami Shopping
10.Miami After Dark
11.The Everglades & Biscayne National Park
12.The Keys & The Dry Tortugas
13.The Gold Coast: Hallandale to the Palm Beaches
14.The Treasure Coast: Stuart to Sebastian
在线阅读地址:Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版在线阅读
在线听书地址:Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版在线收听
在线购买地址:Frommer’s South Florida: With The Best Of Miami & The Keys, 6Th EditionFrommer南佛罗里达、迈阿密导览,第6版在线购买
America’s #1 bestselling travel series Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do. More annually updated guides than any other series 16–page color section and foldout map in all annual guides Outspoken opini***, exact prices, and suggested itineraries Dozens of detailed maps in an easy–to–read, two–color design You′ll never fall into the tourist traps when you travel with Frommer′s. It′s like having a friend show you around, taking you to the places locals like best. Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go––they′ve done the legwork for you, and they′re not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. No other series offers candid reviews of so many ***els and restaurants in all price ranges. Every Frommer′s Travel Guide is up–to–date, with exact prices for everything, dozens of color maps, and exciting coverage of sports, shopping, and nightlife. You′d be lost without us! Completely updated, Frommer′s South Florida including Miami & the Keys, 6th Edition is the only guide you′ll need to discover the best of South Florida. Our author, a longtime resident, will show you the loveliest beaches, the ***test restaurants, the top shopping, and the most sizzling nightlife in Miami. You can take your pick from affordable art deco motels, retro resorts, or the trendiest boutique ***els in South Beach. Choose a Cuban cafe or a sleek sushi bar, a raucous stone crab feast or an elegant steakhouse. We′ll also take you down to the Keys, for fabulous snorkeling, diving, and deep–sea fishing, winding up in Key West, with its outrageous beach bars and nightclubs. The guide also includes the best of nearby Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and West Palm Beach, and an excursion to the Everglades, for amazing bird watching and a look at one of the world′s most unique ecosystems.
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