Design For Flooding: Architecture, Landscape, And Urban Design For Resilience To Flooding And Climate Change 9780470475645 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Design For Flooding: Architecture, Landscape, And Urban Design For Resilience To Flooding And Climate Change 9780470475645精美图片
》Design For Flooding: Architecture, Landscape, And Urban Design For Resilience To Flooding And Climate Change 9780470475645电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Design For Flooding: Architecture, Landscape, And Urban Design For Resilience To Flooding And Climate Change 9780470475645书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780470475645
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-11
  • 页数:336
  • 价格:506.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  The complete guide to planning and design fo***ater

sustainability, as well as flooding and natural disasters

Architects, urban planners, and urban designers, as well as

water resources engineers and landscape architects will discover

that Design for Flooding presents the best practices and less*** to

create buildings and communities that are more resilient in the

face of severe weather, climate change, and the prospect of rising

sea level.

Design for Flooding covers technical and institutional

issues—along with new design and business opportunities—built


Fundamentals of climate and weather, stormwater and floodplain


Best practices of flood-resistant design and adaption to sea

level rise

Multidisciplinary design that integrates sound ecological and

engineering principles

Innovative design and c***truction to protect and improve

water security

"Design for Flooding defines the need and opportunity for

planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, and

c***ervation biologists to work together to develop the mix of

inland and coastal flooding soluti*** required for a comprehensive

resp***e to climate change."

—From the Foreword by Daniel Williams, FAIA, author of

Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning

"Design for Flooding should be a major tool for the design

professi***, for public agencies, and for civic activists, indeed

for everyone who wishes to bring a genuinely 'intelligent' design

fo***ater to their communities. It is a call to action and

***s that we have the knowledge, the tools, and the

capability to better manage the water system on which we


—From the Foreword by Carol Franklin, FASLA

A portfolio of award-winning designs illustrates practical and

visionary projects to prepare for a resilient future,


A case study of Climate's Long-term Impacts on Metro Boston

(CLIMB) ***yzes four alternatives to prepare for climate


A design charrette sp***ored by The Regional Plan Association

of New York illustrates creative concepts fo***aterfront

revitalization and flood protection

Less*** from the Netherlands, Japan, and the United States

indicate the effectiveness of long-term preparedness planning

combined with phased mitigation and renewal projects

Examples include renovati*** and small buildings, showing how

every project at any scale is a design opportunity to increase the

sustainability and resilience of our communities, water, and

ecosystem services


Preface and Acknowledgments.

Foreword (Carol Franklin, RLA, FASLA)

Foreword (Daniel E. Williams, FAIA).



Chapter 1: Weather.

1.1 Sun and Earth.

1.2 The Atmosphere.

1.3 Weather.

Chapter 2: Land and Water.

2.1 Water and Carbon Cycles.

2.2 Biodiversity and the Landscape.

2.3 Follow the Water: The Opportunity for Watershed


Chapter 3: Flooding.

3.1 Flooding from Increased Precipitation.

3.2 Flooding from Severe Storms.

3.3 Economic and Social Costs of Water-Related Natural



Chapter 4: The Natural Landscape.

4.1 Understanding the Natural Water Balance.

4.2 When the Water Balance Is Altered.

4.3 Soils and Vegetation.

4.4 Subsurface Water Movement.

4.5 Stream Systems, Wetlands, Riparian Zones, and


Chapter 5: The Altered Landscape.

5.1 When the Landscape Is Altered.

5.2 Altered Stream Systems and Increased Flood Damage.

5.3 Why Detention Does Not Solve Flooding.

5.4 Summary: The Natural Landscape as a Model for Resilient


Chapter 6: Design for Inland Flooding.

6.1 Resilient Design for Inland Flooding.

6.2 Tools for Watershed Protection.

6.3 Communities and Buildings in Floodplains.


Chapter 7: Flood Design Analysis.

7.1 Definition of Terms.

7.2 Flood Elevation: Base Flood and Design Flood.

Chapter 8: The Coast.

8.1 Coastal Processes.

8.2 Shoreline Protection.

8.3 Flood Barriers and Floodgates.

8.4 Summary of Coastal Protection Measures.

Chapter 9: Flood Design Practices for Buildings.

9.1 Overview of Flood Design.

9.2 Flood Design at the Building Scale.


Chapter 10: Flood-Resistant Design for Sites and


10.1 Coastal Communities.

10.2 Comprehensive Planning for Resilient Communities.

10.3 Local Acti*** to Build Community Resilience.

Chapter 11: Sea Level Rise.

11.1 Sea Level Rise: The Issues.

11.2 Sea Level Rise: Design Resp***es.

Chapter 12: Design for Resilience.

12.1 The Wave of the Future.

12.2 Models for National and International Action.

12.3 Design Resolution.





  Donald Watson, FAIA, an architect and planner, is former chair

of the Yale School of Architecture Environmental Design Program,

and former professor and dean of the School of Architecture,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received the 2002 ACSA

Distinguished Professor Award and the 2005 AARC Haecker Leadership

Award for Architectural Research. His publicati*** include Climatic

Building Design, winner in the Architecture and Urban Planning

category of the American Publishers Award for Professional and

Scholarly Excellence.

  Michele Adams, P.E., a water resources engineer, is principal

and founder of Meliora Environmental Design in Kimberton,

Pennsylvania. He***ork encompasses environmentally sensitive site

design and sustainable water resources engineering.









The complete guide to planning and design fo***ater sustainability, as well as flooding and natural disasters Architects, urban planners, and urban designers, as well as water resources engineers and landscape architects will discover that Design for Flooding presents the best practices and less*** to create buildings and communities that are more resilient in the face of severe weather, climate change, and the prospect of rising sea level. Design for Flooding covers technical and institutional issues—along with new design and business opportunities—built upon: Fundamentals of climate and weather, stormwater and floodplain management Best practices of flood-resistant design and adaption to sea level rise Multidisciplinary design that integrates sound ecological and engineering principles Innovative design and c***truction to protect and improve water security " Design for Flooding defines the need and opportunity for planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, and c***ervation biologists to work together to develop the mix of inland and coastal flooding soluti*** required for a comprehensive resp***e to climate change."

— From the Foreword by Daniel Williams, FAIA, author of Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning " Design for Flooding should be a major tool for the design professi***, for public agencies, and for civic activists, indeed for everyone who wishes to bring a genuinely 'intelligent' design fo***ater to their communities. It is a call to action and ***s that we have the knowledge, the tools, and the capability to better manage the water system on which we depend."

— From the Foreword by Carol Franklin, FASLA A portfolio of award-winning designs illustrates practical and visionary projects to prepare for a resilient future, including: A case study of Climate's Long-term Impacts on Metro Boston (CLIMB) ***yzes four alternatives to prepare for climate change A design charrette sp***ored by The Regional Plan Association of New York illustrates creative concepts fo***aterfront revitalization and flood protection Less*** from the Netherlands, Japan, and the United States indicate the effectiveness of long-term preparedness planning combined with phased mitigation and renewal projects Examples include renovati*** and small buildings, showing how every project at any scale is a design opportunity to increase the sustainability and resilience of our communities, water, and ecosystem services


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