Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids(压电与铁电体的断裂力学) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids(压电与铁电体的断裂力学)精美图片
》Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids(压电与铁电体的断裂力学)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids(压电与铁电体的断裂力学)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787302283638
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-10
  • 页数:416
  • 价格:101.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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chapter 1 introduction

1.1 background of the research on fracture mechanics of

piezoelectric/ferroelectric materials

1.2 development course and trend

1.3 framework of the book and content arrangements


chapter 2 physical and material properties of dielectrics

2.1 basic concepts of piezoelectric/ferroelectric materials

2.2 crystal structure of dielectrics

2.3 properties of electric polarization and piezoelectricity

2.3.1 microscopic mechanism of polarization

2.3.2 physical description of electric polarization

2.3.3 dielectric c***tant tensor of crystal and its symmetry

2.4 domain switch of ferroelectrics

2.4.1 electric domain and domain structure

2.4.2 switching of electric domain and principles for domain



chapter 3 fracture of piezoelectric/ferroelectric materials

experiments and results

3.1 experimental approaches and techniques under an

electromechanical coupling field

3.1.1 high-voltage power supply

3.1.2 high voltage insulation

3.1.3 moire interferometry

3.1.4 digital speckle correlation method

3.1.5 method of polarized microscope

3.1.6 experimental facilities

3.2 anisotropy of fracture toughness

3.3 electric field effect on fracture toughness

3.4 fracture behavior of ferroelectric nano-composites

3.5 measurement of strain field near electrode in double-layer

structure of piezoelectric ceramics

3.6 observation of crack types near electrode tip

3.7 experimental results and ***ysis related to ferroelectric

single crystal out-of-plane polarized

3.7.1 restorable domain switch at crack tip driven by low electric


3.7.2 cyclic domain switch driven by cyclic electric field

3.7.3 electric crack propagation and evolution of crack tip

electric domain

3.8 experimental results and ***ysis concerning in-plane polarized

ferroelectric single crytal

3.8.1 resp***e of specimen under a positive electric field

3.8.2 crack tip domain switch under low negative electric


3.8.3 domain switching zone near crack tip under negative


3.8.4 evolution of electric domain near crack tip under altemating

electric field


chapter 4 basic equati*** of piezoelectric materials

4.1 basic equati***

4.1.1 piezoelectric equati***

4.1.2 gradient equati*** and balance equati***

4.2 c***traint relati*** between various electroelastic


4.3 electroelastic c***tants of piezoelectric materials

4.3.1 coordinate transformation between vector and tensor of the

second order

4.3.2 coordinate transformation of electroelastic c***tants

4.3.3 electroelastic c***tant matrixes of piezoelectric crystals

vested in 20 kinds of point groups

4.4 goveming differential equati*** and boundary conditi*** of

electromechanical coupling problems

4.4.1 governing differential equati*** of electromechanical

coupling problems

4.4.2 boundary conditi*** of electromechanical coupling


chapter 5 general soluti*** to electromechanical coupling

problems of piezoelectric materials

5.1 extended stroh formalism for piezoelectricity

5.1.1 extended stroh formalism

5.1.2 mathematical properties and important relati*** of stroh


5.2 lekhniskii formalism for piezoelectricity

5.3 general soluti*** to two-dimensional problems of transversely

isotropic piezoelectric materials

5.3.1 the general soluti*** to the anti-plane problems of

transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials

5.3.2 the general soluti*** to the in-plane problems of

transverselyi sotropic piezoelectric materials--stroh method

5.3.3 the general soluti*** to the in-plane problems of

transverselyi sotropic piezoelectric materials--lekhniskii


5.4 general soluti*** to three-dimensional problems of

transverselyi sotropic piezoelectric materials


chapter 6 fracture mechanics of homogeneous piezoelectric


6.1 anti-plane fracture problem

6.2 in-plane fracture problem

6.3 three dimensional fracture problem

6.3.1 description of problem

6.3.2 derivation ofelectroelastic fields

*** electromechanical coupling problem for a dielectric elliptic


***.1 anti-plane problem of transversely isotropic piezoelctric

material containing dielectric ellipic ***s

***.2 generalized plane problems of piezoelectric materials

containing a dielectric elliptic ***

6.5 influence on crack tip field imposed by electric boundary

conditi*** along the crack surface


chapter 7 interface fracture mechanics of piezoelectric


7.1 interracial cracks in piezoelectric materials under uniform

electromechanical loads

7.1.1 tip field of interracial crack

7.1.2 full field soluti*** for an impermeable interfacial


7.2 effect of material properties on interfacial crack tip


7.3 green's functi*** for piezoelectric materials with

aninterfacial crack

7.3.1 brief review of green's functi*** for


7.3.2 green's functi*** for anti-plane interracial cracks


chapter 8 dynamic fracture mechanics of piezoelectric


8.1 scattering of elastic waves in a cracked piezoelectrics

8.1.1 basic concepts concerning propagation of elastic wavein a


8.1.2 dominant research work on elastic wave scattering causedby

cracks in piezoelectrics

8.1.3 scattering of love wave caused by interficial cracks

inlayered elastic half-space of piezoelectrics

8.2 moving cracks in piezoelectric medium

8.2.1 anti-plane problems of moving interficial cracks

8.2.2 the plane problem of moving cracks

8.3 transient resp***e of a cracked piezoelectrics to

electromechanicalimpact load

8.3.1 anti-plane problems of cracked piezoelectrics under

impactelectromechanical loads

8.3.2 transient resp***e of crack mode-lli in

strip-shapedpiezoelectric medium

8.3.3 in-plane problems of cracked piezoelectrics under the

actionof impact electromechanical loads

8.4 dynamic crack propagation in piezoelectric materials

8.4.1 dynamic propagation of conducting crack mode-iii

8.4.2 dynamic propagation of dielectric crack mode-m


chapter 9 nonlinear fracture mechanics of ferroelectric


9.1 nonlinear fracture mechanical model

9.1.1 electrostriction model

9.1.2 dugdale model (strip saturation mode)

9.2 domain switching toughening model

9.2.1 decoupled isotropy model

9.2.2 anisotropy model for electromechanical coupling

9.3 nonlinear crack opening displacement model

9.3.1 definition of crack opening displacement

9.3.2 crack opening displacement 8o caused by piezoelectric


9.3.3 effect a8 of domain switching on crack opening


9.4 in***ction between crack tip domain switching of batio3 single

crystal and crack growth under electromechanical load

9.4.1 experiment principle and technology

9.4.2 experimental phenomena

9.4.3 ***ysis of domain switching zone

9.4.4 ferroelastic domain switching toughening


chapter 10 fracture criteria

10.1 stress intensity factor criterion

10.2 energy release rate criterion

10.2.1 total energy release rate criterion

10.2.2 mechanical strain energy release rate criterion

10.3 energy density factor criterion

10.4 further discussion on stress intensity factor criterion

10.5 cod criterion


chapter 11 electro-elastic concentrati*** induced by electrodes

inpiezoelectric materials

11.1 electroelastic field near surface electrodes

11.1.1 electroelastic field near stripe-shapedsurface


11.1.2 electroelastic field near circular surface electrodes

11.2 electroelastic field near interface electrode

11.2.1 general solution to the interface electrode of anisotropic

piezoelectric bi-materials

11.2.2 electroelastic field near the interface electrode in

transversely isotropic piezoelectric bi-materials

11.3 electroelastic field in piezoelectric ceramic-electrode

layered structures

11.3.1 laminated structure model, experimental set-up andfinite

element calculation model

11.3.2 numerical calculation and experimentally



chapter 12 electric-induced fatigue fracture

12.1 experimental observation and results

12.1.1 electrically induced fatigue experiment by cao andevans


12.1.2 electrically induced fatigue experiment of samplescontaining

penetrating cracks

12.2 phenomenological model

12.2.1 model i

12.2.2 model ii

12.3 domain switching model

12.3.1 electrically induced fatigue investigated by means ofcrack

tip intensity factor

12.3.2 investigation of electrically induced fatigue by means

ofcrack opening displacement (cod)


chapter 13 numerical method for***yzing fracture of

piezoelectricand ferroelectric materials

13.1 generalized variation principle

13.1.1 generalized variation principle of linear


13.1.2 variation principle of electromechanical coupling


13.2 finite element method for piezoelectric material


13.2.1 basic format of finite element for piezoelectric


13.2.2 calculation example: the electromechanical field around the

circular *** in an infinite piezoelectric matrix:

13.2.3 calculation example: model of piezoelectric material with

two-sided notches

13.3 meshless method for piezoelectric material fracture

13.3.1 basic format of electromechanical coupling meshless


13.3.2 some problems about electromechanical coupling meshless


13.3.3 numerical example

13.4 nonlinear finite element ***ysis of ferroelectric material


13.4.1 solution of field quantity with given electric domain


13.4.2 new electric domain distribution and finite element

i***tive process determined by field quantity

13.4.3 calculation example: ferroelectric crystal containing

insulating circular *** plus vertical electric field

13.4.4 calculation example: ferroelectric crystal containing

insulating crack plus electric field (e = 0.72ec) perpendicular to

crack surface


appendix the material c***tants of piezoelectric ceramics













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