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Every spring thousands of middle-class and lower-income
high-school seniors learn that they have been rejected by America’s
most exclusive colleges. What they may never learn is how many
candidates like themselves have been passed over in favor of
wealthy white students with lesser credentials—children of alumni,
big donors, or celebrities.
In this explosive book, the Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter
Daniel Golden argues that America, the so-called land of
opportunity, is rapidly becoming an aristocracy in which America’s
richest families receive special access to elite higher
education—enabling them to give their children even more of a head
start. Based on two years of investigative reporting and hundreds
of interviews with students, parents, school administrators, and
admissi*** personnel—some of whom risked their jobs to speak to the
author—The Price of Admission exposes the corrupt admissi***
practices that favor the wealthy, the powerful, and the
In The Price of Admission, Golden names names, along with grades
and test scores. He reveals how the s*** of former vice president
Al Gore, one-time Hollywood power broker Michael Ovitz, and Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist leapt ahead of more deserving applicants
at Harvard, Brown, and Princeton. He explores favoritism at the Ivy
Leagues, Duke, the University of Virginia, and Notre Dame, among
other instituti***. He reveals that colleges hold Asian American
students to a higher standard than whites; comply with Title IX by
giving scholarships to rich women in “patrician sports” like
horseback riding, squash, and crew; and repay congressmen for
favors by admitting their children. He also reveals that Harvard
maintains a “Z-list” fo***ell-connected but underqualified
students, who are quietly admitted on the condition that they wait
a year to enroll.
The Price of Admission explodes the myth of an American
meritocracy—the belief that no matte***hat your background, if you
are smart and diligent enough, you will have access to the nation’s
most elite universities. It is must reading not only for parents
and students with a personal stake in college admissi***, but also
for those disturbed by the growing divide between ordinary and
privileged Americans.
From the Hardcover edition.
Daniel Golden is Deputy Bureau Chief at the Boston bureau of
The Wall Street Journal, where he has covered education since 1999.
Previously, he was a reporter at the Boston Globe. The recipient of
numerous journalistic honors and awards, including the Pulitzer
Prize and the Ge***e Polk Award, he holds a B.A. from Harvard
College. He lives with his wife and son in Belmont,
From the Hardcover edition.
“A delicious account of gross inequities in high places. . . .
[Golden] is the Ida Tarbell of college admissi***. . . . A
fire-breathing, righteous attack on the culture of
–Michael Wolff, New York Times Book Review
“Deserves to become a classic. . . . Why do Mr Golden's findings
matter so much? The most important reason is that America is
witnessing a potentially explosive combination of trends. Social
inequality is rising at a time when the escalators of social
mobility are slowing.”
–The Economist
“I was bowled over by The Price of Admission. Daniel Golden makes
a frightening case fo***hy the playing field in higher education is
still not level, despite all the attempts during the past several
decades to make it so. This book is essential reading for anyone
connected with higher education.” -Henry Louis Gates, Jr., W.E.B.
Du Bois Professor of the Humanities, Harvard
“I didn’t want to believe that rich families and celebrities buy
places for their children in America’s best colleges. But Daniel
Golden’s evidence is overwhelming. This book should be read by
everyone who cares about preserving higher education as a route for
developing talent, not rewarding privilege.”
-Diane Ravitch, research professor of education, New York
University, and author of Left Back
“If you did not attend or do not teach at a prestigious
university, do not play polo well enough to pass it on, and do not
have a cool million lying around to buy a place in the freshman
class, your child might not make it into the school he or she
deserves to attend. Daniel Golden explains why in this passionately
written and bitingly acute book.”
-Alan Wolfe, professor of political science, Boston College, and
author of One Nation, After All
“Daniel Golden makes a trenchant and convincing case that
admission to America’s elite universities has too often turned into
a system for reinforcing wealth and privilege, rather than opening
new opportunities. He names names—and test scores, and family
donation levels. In the wake of this book, the university
establishment has some explaining to do.”
-James Fallows, national correspondent, The Atlantic Monthly, and
author of Blind into Baghdad
“Anyone who believes that affirmative action for minority
students is the big threat to college admissi*** by merit should
confront Golden’s evidence that most elite colleges show much
larger preferences for the privileged and the connected. I hope the
book helps move colleges toward more equitable practices.”
—Gary Orfield, professor of education and social policy, Harvard
Graduate School of Education
“Daniel Golden pulls back the curtain on the world of selective
college admissi***, where the already privileged are the truly
preferred. With vigorous prose and artful anecdotes, Golden tells a
chilling story of double standards and double crossings. He reminds
us that when elite college admissi*** go to the highest bidders, we
all pay the price.”
-Lani Guinier, Bennett Boskey Professor, Harvard Law School, and
author of Lift Every Voice
“If you or your child is applying to a selective college this
year, here's a reading assignment: Pick up a copy of The Price of
Admission , a new book by Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel
Golden. It'll either give you a useful view into how the elite
admissi*** game works or just leave you disgusted about the w***
enterprise. Actually, probably both. Mr. Golden's subject is the
root unfairness in the way elite colleges choose who wins the
coveted spots in their freshman classes. . . . Mr. Golden, himself
a Harvard alum, details the ways colleges chase after the children
of the rich and powerful, like paparazzi pursuing Paris
– Benton, Dallas Morning News
“An important new book. . . . With clarity and moral force,
Golden shows that our greatest universities have been sacrificing
their highest ideals on behalf of base pursuits unworthy of their
–Education Sector
“The Price of Admission is perfect for those curious about what
goes on in college admissi*** offices because it shatters
assumpti*** about acceptance to elite colleges. . . . The Price of
Admission forces the reader to wonder how affirmative action can be
deemed controversial when favoritism of the white and wealthy is
overly prominent in elite colleges. . . . [F]or those interested in
the injustices in higher education, this book is a
–Kansas City Star
“[Golden’s] book arose from a series of investigative articles
written for the Journal about how the wealthy, the famous, and the
well-connected receive preferential treatment in getting their kids
into elite colleges. Golden's goal, which he achieves with an
overwhelming amount of solid evidence gleaned from two years of
tireless research, is to spotlight ‘a reality elite universities
pretend doesn't exist - that money and connecti*** are increasingly
tainting college admissi***, undermining both its credibility and
value to American democracy.’ . . . Who suffers in all this? Golden
calls them ‘the unhooked,’ middle- and lower-income students who
might have outstanding academic records or tremendous potential but
who get squeezed out because their families aren't rich, famous, or
politically connected. At elite colleges, admissi*** is ‘a zero-sum
game,’ says Golden, and self-congratulatory rhetoric about level
playing fields and socioeconomic diversity runs up against the
reality that ‘a large proportion of slots at these universities are
reserved for the rich.’ So, in higher education, as in politics,
access to healthcare and so much else in America, money talks. And,
as the gap widens between the haves and the have-nots, money
shouts. If you're ‘shocked’ by this, you haven't been paying close
–Boston Globe
“Golden has fun *** trouble in the best journalistic sense. .
. . The Price of Admission is a powerful reminder that the public
will increasingly require selective colleges to defend their
preferences; that not all are prepared to make their complex case
well; and that some of their practices, finally, seem indefensible
–Harvard Magazine
From the Hardcover edition.
Every spring thousands of middle-class and lower-income high-school seniors learn that they have been rejected by America’s most exclusive colleges. What they may never learn is how many candidates like themselves have been passed over in favor of wealthy white students with lesser credentials—children of alumni, big donors, or celebrities.
In this explosive book, the Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter Daniel Golden argues that America, the so-called land of opportunity, is rapidly becoming an aristocracy in which America’s richest families receive special access to elite higher education—enabling them to give their children even more of a head start. Based on two years of investigative reporting and hundreds of interviews with students, parents, school administrators, and admissi*** personnel—some of whom risked their jobs to speak to the author— The Price of Admission exposes the corrupt admissi*** practices that favor the wealthy, the powerful, and the famous.
In The Price of Admission , Golden names names, along with grades and test scores. He reveals how the s*** of former vice president Al Gore, one-time Hollywood power broker Michael Ovitz, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist leapt ahead of more deserving applicants at Harvard, Brown, and Princeton. He explores favoritism at the Ivy Leagues, Duke, the University of Virginia, and Notre Dame, among other instituti***. He reveals that colleges hold Asian American students to a higher standard than whites; comply with Title IX by giving scholarships to rich women in “patrician sports” like horseback riding, squash, and crew; and repay congressmen for favors by admitting their children. He also reveals that Harvard maintains a “Z-list” fo***ell-connected but underqualified students, who are quietly admitted on the condition that they wait a year to enroll.
The Price of Admission explodes the myth of an American meritocracy—the belief that no matte***hat your background, if you are smart and diligent enough, you will have access to the nation’s most elite universities. It is must reading not only for parents and students with a personal stake in college admissi***, but also for those disturbed by the growing divide between ordinary and privileged Americans.
From the Hardcover edition.
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