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Book De*ionBestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life less*** for achieving successIn the ***, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big wisdom and little-known secrets for living a better life. Packed with life less*** most people will wish they'd learned earlier, Life's Missing Instruction Manual uses humor and anecdote to present practical steps readers can use to take control of their lives, overcome any obstacle, and find fulfillment. Each *** lesson is explained and brought into focus with real-life examples and includes practical steps on putting those less*** to work every day. Full of uncommon wisdom and lighthearted humor, this book will help readers develop confidence, create a plan for success, get ahead at work, build rapport with others, develop time-management skills, and find wealth and happiness.Readers will learn how to live life to the fullest when they discover how to:* Take chances that lead to success* Get through the tough times* Be themselves and like it* Find their purpose* Work as a team* Create their own blueprint for success* Believe in themselves* Lead a good and moral life* Accept their mistakes and move on* Define success for themselvesJoe Vitale (Wimberley, TX) is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and author of The Attractor Factor (0-471-70604-3) and The E-Code (0-471-71855-6). He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses. From Publishers WeeklyVitale, "the Buddha of the Internet," compiles a trove of life less*** from "internet celebrities," motivational speakers, writers and entertainment industry folks in this little book that offers a mishmash of oft-heard self-help homilies. Bits of wisdom and anecdotes are bundled into chapters with titles like, "Your Feelings Are Your Hidden Thoughts" or "How to Know What You Want." Each chapter is punctuated by subheads that address the finer points, including "Naps Are Good," which advises: "When the world seems bleak, when you feel out of sorts, when your body feels tired and you mind seems wild, sometimes all you need is a good nap." Vitale frequently menti*** his previous books (The Attractor Factor; The E-Code), and includes short essays from other enterprising authors or "internet marketers" that are virtually indistinguishable from each other's (and Vitale's) in style, content and form. Worth noting is the journey the book takes from the *** advice at the beginning to the hints on manipulating people-"People Will Tend To Say Yes If You Start Them Saying Yes" and "People Will Pay Any Amount of Money to Have Their Inner States Changed"-that creep into the end of the book. Searchers intent on finding instructi*** on living a fulfilling life should seek a less scatters*** book, but readers looking for the odd pick-me-up will find them in large supply here。
Forewordby Gay Hedricks,Ph.D.
You:Congratulati*** on Your Life
Your Point of Power Is Now.
“I Wish I Had Learned…”Jim Edwards.
You Can Be Happy Now.
Life Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.
You Are Be hind Your Eyes.
Your Feelings Are Hidden Thoughts.
Everything Is Energy Directedby Your Thoughts.
You Can’t Stop Your Thoughtsbut YouDon’t Haveto Listento Them,Either.
Everything Isa Projectionfrominside You.
Your Nature Is your current Act.
Howto Know What You Want.
You Get Moreof Whatever You Focuson.
Whatever You Say After"I Am"Defines Who You Become.
What You Loveor What You Hate Will Be Drawnto You.
Your Body Requires No Assembly.
Your Memory Will Never Be Accurate.
"Three Life Less*** I Wish I Had Learned Earlier"ByDr.Paul Hartunian.
Internal Capabilities:Understanding Your Life's Potential
"Anything Is Possible".
You Create Your Future with a Pen.
Achieve Your Goals Is Easy.
Your Mind Opera tesunder Its Own Conce ption.
Howto Feel Better in1 Minute.
A Smile Is Universally Understood.
Exercise:Laugh Likea Childwith Milk Coming Out Your Nose.
Your Language Can Create Attractors.
Behind Every Behavior Isa Belief
“Reclaim Your Slf-Esteem:Transform Your Self-talkfrom Negative to Positive”By Dr.Joe Rubino.
Three Secretsto Manage Your Time.
Naps Are Good.
“Letting Goof Your Fears”By Cindy Cashman.
How ToB rek Through The Hidden Obstacle Holding You Back From What You Truly Wantby Craig Perrine.
"Who You See Is Who You Will Be...."By Kevin Hogan.
“To Every thing,Turn!Turn!Turn!”By AlanR.Bech told.
“What I WishI'd Learned When IWas Younger”By Bob Scheinfeld.
The Great Philosophers Were Only Giving You Their Views.
External Cannecti***:Caring for You'll Ever Learn
Troubleshooting:Taking Care of Yourself
Opetmum Performance:Getting the Best Oot of Your Life
Specificati***:What You Need to Know About Oters
Proper Usage:Defining Your Life's Purpose
Assembly Repuired:Creating Your Future
Dr. Joe Vitale, president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., located outside of Austin, Texas, is the author of way too many books to list here. Here are just a few of them: He wrote the number-one bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside Out, the number-three bestseller The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History, and the number-one best-selling E-book Hypnotic Writing. His latest book, written with Jo Han Mok, is the E-Code: 33 Internet Superstars Reveal 43 Ways to Make Money Online Almost Instantly-with just e-mail. His next book will be There's a Customer Born Every Minute. Besides all of his books, Dr. Vitale also recorded the number-one best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program, the Power of Outrageous Marketing in addition, he has a complete home-study course in marketing at www.HypnoticMarketingStrategy.com. Sign up for his complementary newsletter News You Can Use! at his main web site at www.mrfire.com.
Book Description
Bestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life less*** for achieving success
In the ***, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big wisdom and little-known secrets for living a better life. Packed with life less*** most people will wish they'd learned earlier, Life's Missing Instruction Manual uses humor and anecdote to present practical steps readers can use to take control of their lives, overcome any obstacle, and find fulfillment. Each *** lesson is explained and brought into focus with real-life examples and includes practical steps on putting those less*** to work every day. Full of uncommon wisdom and lighthearted humor, this book will help readers develop confidence, create a plan for success, get ahead at work, build rapport with others, develop time-management skills, and find wealth and happiness.
Readers will learn how to live life to the fullest when they discover how to:
* Take chances that lead to success
* Get through the tough times
* Be themselves and like it
* Find their purpose
* Work as a team
* Create their own blueprint for success
* Believe in themselves
* Lead a good and moral life
* Accept their mistakes and move on
* Define success for themselves
Joe Vitale (Wimberley, TX) is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and author of The Attractor Factor (0-471-70604-3) and The E-Code (0-471-71855-6). He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses.
From Publishers Weekly
Vitale, "the Buddha of the Internet," compiles a trove of life less*** from "internet celebrities," motivational speakers, writers and entertainment industry folks in this little book that offers a mishmash of oft-heard self-help homilies. Bits of wisdom and anecdotes are bundled into chapters with titles like, "Your Feelings Are Your Hidden Thoughts" or "How to Know What You Want." Each chapter is punctuated by subheads that address the finer points, including "Naps Are Good," which advises: "When the world seems bleak, when you feel out of sorts, when your body feels tired and you mind seems wild, sometimes all you need is a good nap." Vitale frequently menti*** his previous books (The Attractor Factor; The E-Code), and includes short essays from other enterprising authors or "internet marketers" that are virtually indistinguishable from each other's (and Vitale's) in style, content and form. Worth noting is the journey the book takes from the *** advice at the beginning to the hints on manipulating people-"People Will Tend To Say Yes If You Start Them Saying Yes" and "People Will Pay Any Amount of Money to Have Their Inner States Changed"-that creep into the end of the book. Searchers intent on finding instructi*** on living a fulfilling life should seek a less scatters*** book, but readers looking for the odd pick-me-up will find them in large supply here.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)21.9 width:(cm)16.6
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