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Starred Review. Grade 7–10—Exploring Indian identity, both self and tribal, Alexie's first young *** novel is a semiautobiographical chronicle of Arnold Spirit, aka Junior, a Spokane Indian from Wellpinit, WA. The bright 14-year-old was born with water on the brain, is regularly the target of bullies, and loves to draw. He says, "I think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and my carto*** are tiny little lifeboats." He expects disaste***hen he transfers from the reservation school to the rich, white school in Reardan, but soon finds himself *** friends with both geeky and popular students and starting on the basketball team. Meeting his old classmates on the court, Junior grapples with questi*** about what c***titutes one's community, identity, and tribe. The daily struggles of reservation life and the tragic deaths of the protagonist's grandmother, dog, and older siste***ould be all but unbearable without the humor and resilience of spirit with which Junior faces the world. The many characters, on and off the rez, with whom he has dealings are portrayed with compassion and verve, particularly the ***s in his extended family. Forney's *** pencil carto*** fit perfectly within the story and reflect the burgeoning artist within Junior. Reluctant readers can even skim the pictures and c***truct their own story based exclusively on Forney's illustrati***. The teen's determination to both improve himself and overcome poverty, despite the handicaps of birth, circumstances, and race, delivers a positive message in a low-key manner. Alexie's tale of self-discovery is a first purchase for all libraries.—Chris Shoemaker, New York Public Library
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Arnold Spirit, a goofy-looking dork with a decent jumps***, spends his time lamenting life on the "poor-ass" Spokane Indian reservation, drawing carto*** (which accompany, and often provide more insight than, the narrative), and, along with his aptly named pal Rowdy, laughing those laughs over anything and nothing that affix best friends so intricately together. When a teacher pleads with Arnold to want more, to escape the hopelessness of the rez, Arnold switches to a rich white school and immediately becomes as much an outcast in his own community as he is a curiosity in his new one. He weathers the typical teenage indignati*** and triumphs like a champ but soon faces far more trying ordeals as his home life begins to crumble and decay amidst the suffocating mire of alcoholism on the reservation. Alexie's humor and prose are easygoing and well suited to his young audience, and he doesn't pull many punches as he levels his eye at stereotypes both warranted and inapt. A few of the plotlines fade to gray by the end, but this ultimately affirms the incredible power of best friends to hurt and heal in equal measure. Younger teens looking for the strength to lift themselves out of rough situati*** would do well to start here. Chipman, Ian --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
"Sure to resonate and lift spirits of all ages for years to come." ( )
"This is a gem of a book....may be [Sherman Alexie's] best work yet." ( )
"Nimbly blends sharp with unapologetic emotion....fluid narration deftly mingles raw feelings with funny, sardonic insight." ( )
"Deftly taps into the human desire to stand out while fitting in." ( )
"[Alexie] has created an endearing teen protagonist in his own likeness and placed him in the here and now." ( )
"Exceptionally good....Arnold is a wonderful character." ( )
"Fierce observati*** and sharp sense of humor...hilarious language." ( )
"Alexie's humor and prose are easygoing and well suited to his young audience." ( )
"Few writers are more masterful than Sherman Alexie." ( )
"What emerges most strongly is Junior's uncompromising determination to press on while leaving nothing important behind." ( )
"The line between dramatic monologue, verse novel, and standup comedy gets unequivocally-and hilariously and triumphantly-bent in this novel." ( )
"Realistic and fantastical and funny and tragic-all at the same time." ( )
"Breathtakingly honest, funny, profane, sad....will stay with readers." ( )
"A Native American equivalent of Angela's Ashes." ( )
It sucks to be poor, and it sucks to feel that you somehow deserve to be poor. You start believing that you're poor because you're stupid and ugly. And then you start believing that you're stupid and ugly because you're Indian. And because you're Indian you start believing you're destined to be poor. It's an ugly circle and there's nothing you can do about it. Poverty doesn't give you strength or teach you less*** about perseverance. No, poverty only teaches you how to be poor.
But the IndianHealth Service funded major dental work only once a year, so I had to have all ten extra teeth pulled in one day.
ou***hite dentist believed that Indians only felt half as much pain as white people did, so he only gave us half the Novocain.
They call me retard when they are pantsing me or stuffing my head in the toilet or just smacking me upside the head.
Nobody can do that, not even the hungriest magician in the world.
A good piece of chicken can make anybody believe in the existence of God.
Starred Review. Grade 7–10—Exploring Indian identity, both self and tribal, Alexie's first young *** novel is a semiautobiographical chronicle of Arnold Spirit, aka Junior, a Spokane Indian from Wellpinit, WA. The bright 14-year-old was born with water on the brain, is regularly the target of bullies, and loves to draw. He says, "I think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and my carto*** are tiny little lifeboats." He expects disaste***hen he transfers from the reservation school to the rich, white school in Reardan, but soon finds himself *** friends with both geeky and popular students and starting on the basketball team. Meeting his old classmates on the court, Junior grapples with questi*** about what c***titutes one's community, identity, and tribe. The daily struggles of reservation life and the tragic deaths of the protagonist's grandmother, dog, and older siste***ould be all but unbearable without the humor and resilience of spirit with which Junior faces the world. The many characters, on and off the rez, with whom he has dealings are portrayed with compassion and verve, particularly the ***s in his extended family. Forney's *** pencil carto*** fit perfectly within the story and reflect the burgeoning artist within Junior. Reluctant readers can even skim the pictures and c***truct their own story based exclusively on Forney's illustrati***. The teen's determination to both improve himself and overcome poverty, despite the handicaps of birth, circumstances, and race, delivers a positive message in a low-key manner. Alexie's tale of self-discovery is a first purchase for all libraries.—Chris Shoemaker, New York Public Library
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Arnold Spirit, a goofy-looking dork with a decent jumps***, spends his time lamenting life on the "poor-ass" Spokane Indian reservation, drawing carto*** (which accompany, and often provide more insight than, the narrative), and, along with his aptly named pal Rowdy, laughing those laughs over anything and nothing that affix best friends so intricately together. When a teacher pleads with Arnold to want more, to escape the hopelessness of the rez, Arnold switches to a rich white school and immediately becomes as much an outcast in his own community as he is a curiosity in his new one. He weathers the typical teenage indignati*** and triumphs like a champ but soon faces far more trying ordeals as his home life begins to crumble and decay amidst the suffocating mire of alcoholism on the reservation. Alexie's humor and prose are easygoing and well suited to his young audience, and he doesn't pull many punches as he levels his eye at stereotypes both warranted and inapt. A few of the plotlines fade to gray by the end, but this ultimately affirms the incredible power of best friends to hurt and heal in equal measure. Younger teens looking for the strength to lift themselves out of rough situati*** would do well to start here. Chipman, Ian --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
"Sure to resonate and lift spirits of all ages for years to come." ( )
"This is a gem of a book....may be [Sherman Alexie's] best work yet." ( )
"Nimbly blends sharp with unapologetic emotion....fluid narration deftly mingles raw feelings with funny, sardonic insight." ( )
"Deftly taps into the human desire to stand out while fitting in." ( )
"[Alexie] has created an endearing teen protagonist in his own likeness and placed him in the here and now." ( )
"Exceptionally good....Arnold is a wonderful character." ( )
"Fierce observati*** and sharp sense of humor...hilarious language." ( )
"Alexie's humor and prose are easygoing and well suited to his young audience." ( )
"Few writers are more masterful than Sherman Alexie." ( )
"What emerges most strongly is Junior's uncompromising determination to press on while leaving nothing important behind." ( )
"The line between dramatic monologue, verse novel, and standup comedy gets unequivocally-and hilariously and triumphantly-bent in this novel." ( )
"Realistic and fantastical and funny and tragic-all at the same time." ( )
"Breathtakingly honest, funny, profane, sad....will stay with readers." ( )
"A Native American equivalent of Angela's Ashes." ( )
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