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《细胞世界(影印版)(英文版)》由美国威斯康星大学、密歇根大学4位教授合作编写,在世界上享有盛誉,是细胞生物学学科经典教材之一。在亚马逊专业教材销售排行榜长期名列前茅,读者评价较高,并被许多北美、欧洲高校教学选用。 《细胞世界(影印版)(英文版)》编写内容全面、理念先进,并具有鲜明的教学使用特色——适当的深度与简明性、艺术化教学、多层次解答问题、力求精准的概念阐述、为提高教学与学习效率而设计的诸多辅助学习内容。
Brief Contentr>About the Authorr>Preface
Acknowledgmentr>Detailed Contentr>1 A Preview of the Cell
2 The Chemistry of the Cell
3 The Macromolecules of the Cell
4 Cells and Organeller>5 Bioenergetics:The Flow of Energy in the Cell
6 Enzymes:The Catalysts of Life
7 Membranes:Their Structure,Function,and Chemistry
8 Transport Across Membranes:Overcoming the Permeability Barrier
9 Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism:Glycolysis and Fermentation
10 Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism:Aerobic Respiration
11 P***otrophic Energy Metabolism:P***osynthesir>12 The Endomembrane System and Peroxisomer>13 Signal Transduction Mechanisms:I.Electrical and Synaptic Signaling in Neuronr>14 Signal Transduction Mechanisms:II.Messengers and Receptorr>15 Cytoskeletal Systemr>16 Cellular Movement:Motility and Contractility
17 Beyond the Cell:Cell Adhesi***,Cell Juncti***,and Extracellular Structurer>18 The Sturctural Basis of Cellular Information:DNA,Chromosomes,and the Nucleur>19 The Cell Cycle,DNA Replication,and Mitosir> Sexual Reproduction,Meiosis,and Geic Recombination
21 Gene Expression:I.The Geic Code and Transcription
22 Gene Expression:II.Protein Synthesis and Sorting
23 The Regulation of Gene Expression
24 Cancer Cellr>Appendix:Visualizing Cells and Moleculer>Glossary
P***o,Illustration,and Text Creditr>Index
Detailed Contentr>About the Authorr>Preface
Acknowledgmentr>1 A Preview of the Cell
The Cell Theory:A Brief History
The Emergence of Modern Cell Biology
The Cytological Strand Deals with Cellular Structure
The Biochemical Strand Covers the Chemistry of Biological Structure and Function
The Geic Strand Focuses on Information Flow
"Facts"and the Scientific Method
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 1A Experimmental Techniques:Units of Measurement in Cell Biology
Box 1B Further Insights:Biology,"Facts,"and the Scientific Method
2 The Chemistry of the Cell
The Importance of Carbon
Carbon-Containing Molecules Are Stable
Carbon-Containing Molecules Are Diverr>Carbon-Containing Molecules Can Form Stereoisomerr>The Importance of Water
Water Molecules Are Polar
Water Molecules Are Cohesive
Water Has a High Timperature-Stabilizing Capacity
Water Is an Excellent Solvent
The Importance of Selectively Permeable Membraner>A Membrane Is a Lipid Bilaye***ith Proteins Embed in It
Membranes Are Selectively Permeable
The Importance of Synthesiy Polymerization
Macromolecules Are Responle for Most of the Form and Function in Living Systemr>Cells Contain Three Different Kinds of Macromoleculer>Macromolecules Are Synthesized by Stepwise Polymerization of Monomerr>The Importance of Self-Asly
Many Proteins Self-Asle
Molecular Chaperones Assist the Asly of Some Proteinr>Noncovalent Bonds and In***cti*** Are Important in the Folding of Macromoleculer>Self-Asly Also Occurs in Othe Cellular Structurer>The Tobacco Mosaic Birus Is a Case Study in Self-Asly
Self-Asly Has Limitr>Hierarchical Asly Provides Advantages for the Cell
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 2A Further Insights:Tempus Fugit and Fine Art of Watchm
3 The Macromolecules of the Cell
Proteinr>The Monomers Are Amino Acidr>The Polymers Are Polypepitdes and Proteinr>Several Kinds of Bonds and In***cti*** Are Important in Protein Folding and Stability
Protein Structure Depends on Amino Acid Sequence and In***ctionr>Nucleic Acidr>The Monomers Are Nucleotider>The Polymers Are DNA and RNA
A DNA Molecule Is a Double-Stranded Helix
Polysaccharider>The Monomers Are Monosaccharider>The Polymers Are Storage and Structural Polysaccharider>Polysaccharide Structure Depends on the Kinds of Glycosidic Bonds Involved
Lipidr>Fatty Acids Are the Building Blocks of Several Classes of Lipidr>Triacylglycerols Are Storage Lipidr>Phospholipids Are Important in Membrane Structure
Glycolipids Are Specialized Membrane Componentr>Steroids Are Lipids with a Variety of Functionr>Terpenes Are Formed from Isoprene
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 3A Further Insights:On the Trail of the Double Helix
4 Cells and Organeller>Properties and Strategies of Cellr>All Organisms Are Bacteria,Archaea,or Eukaryoter>Limitati*** on Cell Size
Eukaryotic Cells Use Organelles to Compartmentalize Cellular Function
Bacteria,Archaea,and Eukaryotes Differ from Each Other in Many Wayr>Cell Specialization Dem***trates the Unity and Diversity of Biology
The Eudaryotic Cell in Overview:Pictures at an Exhibition
The Plasma Membrane Defines Cell Boundaries and Retai*** Contentr>The Nucleus Is the Information Center of the Eukaryotic Cell
Intracellular Membranes and Organelles Define Compartmentr>The Cytoplasm of Eukaryotic Cells Contai*** the Cytosol and Cytoskeleton
The Extracellular Matrix and the Cell Wall Are the "Outside "of the Cell
Viruses,Biroids,and Pri***:Agents That Invade Cellr>A Virus C***ists of a DNA or RNACore Surrounded by a Protein Coat
Viroids Are Small,Circular RNA Moleculer>Pri*** Are "proteinaceous Infective Particler>Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 4A Human Applicati***:Organelles and Human Diseaser>Box 4B Further Insights:Discovering Organelles:The Importance of Centrifuges and Chance Observationr>5 Bioenergetics:The Flow of Energy in the Cell
The Importance of Energy
Cells Need Energy to Drive Six Different Kinds of Changer>Organismtain Energy Either from Sunlight or from the Oxidation of Chemical Compoundr>Energy Flows Through the Biosphere Continuously
The Flow of Energy Through the Biosphere Is Accompanied by a Flow of Matter
Bioenergeticr>To Understand Energy Flow,We Need to Understand Systems,Heat,and Work
The First Law of Thermodynamics Tells Us That Energy Is C***erved
The Second Law of Thermodynamics Tells Us That Reacti*** Have Directionality
Entropy and Free Energy Are Two Alternative Means of Assessing Thermodynamic Spontaneity
Understanding △G
The Equilibrium C***tant Is a Measure of Directionality
△G Can Be Calculated Readily
The Standard Free Energy Change Is △***easured Under Standard Conditionr>Summing Up:The Meaning of △G'and △Go'
Free Energy Change:Sample Calculationr>Life and the Steady State:Reacti*** That Move Toward Equilibrium Without Ever Getting There
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box Further Insights:Jumping Beans and Free Energy
6 Enzymes:The Catalysts of Life
Activation Energy and the Metale State
Before a Chemical Reaction Can Occur,the Activation Energy Barrier Must Be Overcome
The Metastalbe State Is a Resule of the Activation Barrier
Catalysts Overcome the Activation Energy Barrier
Enzymes as Biological Catalystr>Most Enzymes Are Proteinr>Substrate Binding,Activation,and Reaction Occur at the Active Site
Enzyme Kiicr>Most Enzymes Display Michaelis-Menten Kiicr>What Is the Meaning of Vmax and Km?
Why Are Km and Vmax Important to Cell Biologistr>The Double-Reciprocal Plot Is a Useful Means of Linearizing Kiic Data
Determing Km and Vmax:An Example
Enzyme Inhibitors Act Irreverly or Reverly
Enzyme Regulation
Allosteric Enzymes Are Regulated by Molecules Other than Reactants and Productr>Allosteric Enzymes Exhibit Cooperative In***cti*** Between Subunitr>Enzymes Can Also Be Regulated be the ition or Removal of Chemical Groupr>RNA Molecules as Enzymes:Ribozymer>Summary of Key Pointr>M Coniour>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 6A Further Insights:***eys and Peanutr>7 Membranes:Their Structure,Function,and Chemistry
The Functi*** of Membraner>Membranes Define Boundaries and Serve as Permeability Barrierr>Membranes Are Sites of Specific Proteins and Therefore of Specific Functionr>Membrane Proteins Regulate the Transport of Soluter>Membrane Proteins Detect and Transmit Electrical and Chemical Signalr>Membrane Proteins Mediate Cell Adhesion and Cell-to-Cell Communication
Models of Membrane Structure:An Experimental Perspective
Overton and Langmuir:Lipids Are Important Components of Membraner>Gorter and Grendel:The Basis of Membrane Structure Is a Lipid Bilayer
Davson and Danielli:Membranes Also Contain Proteinr>Robertson:All Membranes Share a Common Underlying Structure
Further Research Revealed Major Shortcomings of the Davson-Danielli Model
Singer and Nicolson:A Membrane C***ists of a Mosaic of Proteins in a Fluid Lipid Bilayer
Unwin and Henderson:Most Membrane Proteins Contain Transmembrane Segmentr>Recent Findings Further Refine Our Understanding of Membrane Structure
Membrane Lipids:The "Fluid"Part of the Model
Membranes Contain Several Major Classes of Lipidr>Thin-Layer Chromatography Is an Importangt Technique for Lipid Analysir>Fatty Acids Are Essential to Membrane Structure and Function
Membrane Asymmetry:Most Lipids Are Distributed Unequally Between the Two Monolayerr>The Lipid Bilayer Is Fluid
Membranes Function Properly Only in the Fluid State
Most Organisms Can Regulate Membrane Fluidity
Lipid Rafts Are Localized Regi*** of Membrane Lipids That Are Involved in Cell Signaling
Membrane Proteins:The "Mosaic"Part of the Model
The Membrane C***ists of a Mosaic of Proteins:Evidence from Freezi-Fracture Microscopy
Membranes Contain Integral,Peripheral,and Lipid-Anchored Proteinr>Proteins Can Be Separated by SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresir>Determing the Three-Dimensional Structure of Membrane Proteins Is Becoming More Feale
Molecular Biology Has Contributed Greatly to Our Understanding of Membrane Proteinr>Membrane Proteins Have a Variety of Functionr>Membrane Proteins Are Oriented Asymmetrically Across the Lipid Bilayer
Many Membrane Proteins Are Glycosylated
Membrane Proteins Vary in Their Mobility
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 7A Experimental Techniques:Revolutionizing the Study of Membrane Proteins:The Impact of Molecular Biology
8 Transport Across Membranes:Overcoming the Permeability Barrier
Cells and Transport Processer>Solutes Cross Membraney Simple Diffusion,Facilitated Diffusion,and Active Transport
The Movement of a Solute Across a Membrane Is Determined by Its Concentration Gradient or Its Electrochemical Potential
The Erythrocyte Plasma Membrane Provides Examples of Transport Mechanismr>Simple Diffusion:Unassisted Movement Down the Gradient
Diffusion Always Moves Solutes Toward Equilibrium
Osmosis Is the Diffusion of Water Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane
Simple Diffusion Is Limited to Small,Nonpolar Moleculer>The Rate of Simple Diffusion Is Directly Proportional to the Concentration Gradient
Facilitated Diffusion:Proteln-Mediated Movement Down the Gradient
Carrier Proteins and Channel Proteins Facgitate Diffusion by Different Mechanismr>Carrier Proteins Alternate Between Two Conformational Stater>Carrier Proteins Are Analogous to Enzymes in Their Specificity and Kiicr>Carrier Proteins Transport Either One or Two Soluter>The Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter and Anion Exchange Protein Are Examples of Carrier Proteinr>Channel Proteins Facilitate Diffusion by Forming Hydrophilic Transmembrane Channelr>Active Transport:Protein-Mediated Movement Up the Gradient
The Coupling of Active Transport to an Energy Source May Be Direct or Indirect
Direct Active Transport Depends on Four Types of Transport ATPaser>Indirect Active Transport Is Driven by Ion Gradientr>Examples of Active Transport
Direct Active Transport:The Na+/K+ Pump Maintains Electrochemical Ion Gradientr>Indirect Active Transport:Sodium Symport Drives the Uptake of Glucor>The Bacteriorhodopsin Proton Pump Uses Light Energy to Transport Protonr>The Energetics of Transport
For Uncharged Solutes,the △G of Transport Depends Only on the Concentration Gradient
For Charged Solutes,the △G of Transport Depends on the Electrochemical Potential
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 8A Further Insights:Osmosis:The Diffusion of Water Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane
Box 8B Human,Applicati***:Membrane Transport,Cystic Fibrosis,and the Prospects for Gene Therapy
9 Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism:Glycolysis and Fermentation
Metabolic Pathwayr>ATP:The Universal Energy Coupler
ATP Contains Two Energy Rich Phosphoanhydride Bondr>ATP Hydrolysis Is Highly Exergonic Because of Charge Repulsion and Resonance Stabilition
ATP Is an Important Intermediate in Cellular Energy Metabolir>Chemotrophic Energy Metabolir>Biological Oxidati*** Usuagy Involve the Removal of Both Electr*** and Prot*** and Are Highly Exergonic
Coenzymes Such as NAD+ Serse as Electron Acceptors in Biological Oxidationr>Most Chemotrophs Meet Their Energy Needy Oxi***ng Organic Food Moleculer>Glucose Is One of the Most Important Oxidizable Substrates in Energy Metabolir>The Oxidation of Glucose Is Highly Exergonic
Glucose Catabolism Yields Much More Energy in the Presence of Oxygen than in Itsence
Based on Their Need for Oxygen,Organisms Are Aerobic,Anaerobic,or Facultative
Glycolysis and Fermentation:ATP Generation Without the Involvement of Oxygen
Glyeolysis Generates ATP by Catabolizing Glucose to Pyruvate
The Fate of Pyruvate Depends on Whether Oxygen Is Available
In the Absence of Oxygen,Pyruvate Undergoes Fermentation to Regenerate NAD+
Fermentation Taps Only a Fraction of the Substrate's Free Energy but C***erves That Energy Efficiendy as ATP
Alternative Substrates for Glycolysir>Other Sugars and Glycerol Are Also Catabolized by the Glyeolytic Pathway
Polysaccharides Are Cleaved to Form Sugar Phosphates That Also Enter the Glycolytic Pathway
Ginconeogenesir>The Regulation of Glycolysis and Ginconeogenesir>Key Enzymes in the Glycolytic and Gluconeogenic Pathways Are Subject to Allosteric Regulalion
Fructose-2,6-Bisphoate Is an Important Regulator of Glyolysis and Gluconeogenesir>Novel Roles for Glycolytic Enzymer>Summary of Key Pointr>M ConneCtionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 9A Further Insights:"What Happens to the Sugar?"
10 Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism:Aerobic Respiration
Cellular Respiration:Maximizing ATP Yiedr>Aerobic Respiration Yields Much More Energy than Fermentation Doer>Respiration Includes Glycolysis,Pyruvate Oxidation,the ***A Cycle,Electron Transport,and ATP Synthesir>The Mitochondrion:Where the Action Takes Place
Mitochondria Are Often Present Where the ATP Needs Are Greater>Are Mitochondria Interconnected Networks Rather than Discrete Organeller>The Outer and Inner Membranes Define Two Separate Compartments and Three Regionr>Mitochondrial Functi*** Occur in or on Specific Membranes and Compartmentr>In Bacteria,Respiratory Functi*** Are Localized to the Plasma Membrane and tile Cytoplar>The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle:Oxidation in the Round
Pyruvate Is Converted to Acetyl Coenzyme A by Oxidative Decar boxylation
The ***A Cycle Begins with the Entry of Acetate as Acetyl CoA
Two Oxidative Decarboxylati*** Then Form NADH and ReleaseCO2
Direct Generation of GTP(or ATP) Occurs at One Step in the ***A Cycle
The Final Oxidative Reacti*** of the ***A Cyde Generate FADH2 and NADH
Summing Up:The Products of the ***A Cycle Are CO2,ATP,NADH,and FADH2
Several ***A Cycle Enzymes Are Subject to Allosteric Regulation
The ***A Cycle Mso Plays a Central Role in the Catabolism of Fats and Proteinr>The TeA Cycle Serves as a Source of Precursors tor Anabolic Pathwayr>The Glyoxylate Cycle Converts Acetyl CoA to Carbohydrater>Electron Transport:Electron Flow from Coenzymes to Oxygen
The Electron Transport System Conveys Electr*** from Reduced Coenzymes to Oxygen
The Electron Transport System C***ists of Five Kinds of Carrierr>The Electron Carriers Function in a Sequence Determined by Their Reductkm Potentialr>Most of the Carriers Are Organized into Four Large Respiratory CompIexer>The Respiratory Complexes Move Freely Within the Inner Membrane
The Electrochemical Proton Gradient:Key to Energy Coupling
Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis Are Coupled Eventr>The Chemiosmotic Model:The "Missing Link" Is a Proton Gradient
Coenzyme Oxidation Pumps Enough Prot*** to Form 3 ATP per NADH and 2 ATP per FADH2
The Cbemiosmotie Model Is Affirmed by an Impressive Array of Evidence
ATP Synthesis:Putting It All Together
Fub> Particles Have ATP Synthase Activity
The F0Fub> Complex:Proton Translocation Through F0 Drives ATP Synthesiy Fub>
ATP Synthesiy P0P1 Involves Physical Rotation of the Gamma Subunit
The Chemiosmotic Model involves Dynamic Transmembrane Proton Traffic
Aerobic Respiration:Summing It All Up
The Maximum ATP Yield of Aerobic Respiration Is 36-38 ATPs per Glucor>Aerobic Respiration [s a Highly Efficient Procer>Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 10A Further InsightS:The Glyoxylate Cycle,Glyoxysomes,and Seed Germination
11 P***otrophic Energy Metabolism:P***osynthesir>An Overview of P***osynthesir>The Energy Transduction Reacti*** Convert Solar Energy to Chemical Energy
The Carbon Assimilation Reacti*** Fix Carbon by Reducing Carbon Dioxide
The Chloroplast Is the P***osynthetic Organege in Eukaryotic Cellr>Chloroplasts Are Composed of Three Membrane Systemr>P***osynthetic Energy Transduction I:Light Harvesting
Chlorophyll Is Life's Primary Link to Sunlight
Accessory Pigments Further Expand Access to Solar Energy
Light-Gathering Molecules Are Organized into P***osystems and Light-Harvesting Complexer>Oxygenic P***otrophs Have Two Types of P***osystemr>P***osynthetic Energy Transduction ll:NADPH Synthesir>P***osystem II Transfers Electr*** from Water to a Plastoquinone
The Cytochrome b6/fComplex Transfers Electr*** from a Plastoquinol to Plastocyanin
P***osystem 1 Transfers Electr*** from Plastocyanin to Ferredoxin
Ferredoxin NADP+ Reductase Catalyzes the Reduction of NADP+
P***osynthetic Energy Transduetion III:ATP Synthesir>The ATP Synthase Complex Couples Transport of Prot*** Across the Thylakoid Membrane to ATP Synthesir>Cyclic P***ophosphorylation Allows a P***osynthetic Cell to Balance NADPH and ATP Synthesir>A Summary of the Complete Energy Transduction System
P***osynthetic Carbon Assimilation 1:The Calvin Cyde
Carbon Dioxide Enters the Calvin Cycle by Carboxylation of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate
3-Phosphoglycerate is Reduced to Form Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate
Regeneration of Ribulose 1,5 Bisphosphate Allows Continuous Carbon Assimilation
The Complete Calvin Cycle and Its Relation to P***osynthetic Energy Transduction
Regulation of the Calvin Cycle
The Calvin Cycle Is Highly Regulated to Ensure Maximum Efficiency
Regulation of Rubisco Carbon Fixation by Rubisco Activar>P***osynthetic Carbon Assimilation II:Carbohydrate Synthesir>Glucose-l-Phosphate fs Synthesized from Triose Phosphater>The Biosynthesis of Sucrose Occurs in the Cytosol
The Biosynthesis of Starch Occurs in the Chloroplast Stroma
P***osynthesis Also Produces Reduced Nitrogen and Sulfur Compoundr>Rubisco's Oxygenase Activity Decreases P***osynthetic Efficiency
The Glyzolate Pathway Returns Reduced Carbon from Phosphoglyzolate to the Calvin Cycle
C4 Plants Minimize P***orespiration by Confining Rubisco to Cells Containing High Concentrati*** of CO2
CAM Plants Minimize P***orespiration and Water Loy Opening Their Stomata Ouly at Night
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 11A Further insights:The Endoiont Theory and the Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts from Ancient Bacteria
Box 11B Further InsightS:A P***osynthetic Reaction Center from a Purple Bacterium
12 The Endomembrane Systemand Peroxisomer>The Endoplasmic Reticulum
The Two Basic Kinds of Endoplasmic Reticulum Differ in Structure and Function
Rough ER Is Involved in the Biosynthesis and Processing of Proteinr>Smooth ER Is Involved in Drug Detoxification,Carbohydrate Metabolism,Calcium Storage,and Steroid Biosynthesir>The ER Plays a Central Role in the Biosynthesis of Membraner>The Golgi Complex
The Golgi Complex C***ists of a Series of Membrane-Bounde Cisternae
Two Models Depict the Flow of Lipids and Proteins Through the Golgi Complex
Roles of the ER and Golgi Complex in Protein Glycosylation
Roles of the ER and Golgl Complex in Protein Traffi
ER-Specific Proteins Contain Retention and Retrieval Tagr>Golgi Complex Proteins May Be Sorted According to the Lengths of Their Membrane-Spanning Domainr>Targeting of Soluble Lysosomal Proteins to Endosomes and Lysosomes Is a Model for Protein Sorting in the TGNTargeting of Soluble Lysosomal Proteins to Endosomes and Lysosomes Is a Model for Protein Sorting in the TGN
Secretory Pathways Transport Molecules to the Exterior of the Cell
Exocytosis and Endocytosis:Transporting Material Across the Plasma Membrane
Exocytosis Releases Intracellular Molecules to the Extracellular Medium
Endocytosis Imports Extracellular Moleculey Forming Vesicles from the Plasma Membrane
Coated Vesicles in Cellular Transport Processer>Clathrin-Coated Vesicles Are Surrounded by Lattices Compose of Clathrin and Adaptor Protein
The Asly of Clathrin Coats Drives the Formation of Vesicles from the Plasma Membrane and TGN
COPI-and COPll-Coated Vesicles Travel Between the ER and Golgi Complex Cisternae
SNARE Proteins Mediate Fusion Between Vesicles and Target Membraner>Lysosomes and Cellular Digestion
Lysosomes Isolate Digestive Enzymes from the Rest of the Cell
Lysosomes Develop from Endosomer>LysosomalEnzymes Are Important for Several Different Digestive Processer>Lysosomal Storage Diseases Are Usually Characterized by the Accumulation of Indigele Material
The Plant Vacuole:A Multifunctional Organelle
Peroxisomer>The Discovery of Peroxisomes Depended on Innovati*** in Equilibrium Density Centrifugation
Most Peroxisomal Functi*** Are Linked to Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolir>Plant Cells Contain Types of Peroxisomes Not Found in Animal Cellr>Peroxisome Biogenesis Occury Division of Preexisting Peroxisomer>Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 12A Experimental Techniques:Centrifugation:An Indispenle Tehnique of Cell Biology
Box 12B Human Applicati***:C***sterol,the LDL Receptor,and Receptor-Mediated Endocytosir>13 Signal Transduction Mechanisms:I.Electrical and Synaptic Signaling in Neuronr>Neuronr>Neur*** Ate Specially Adapted for the Transmission of Electrical Signalr>Understanding Membrane Potential
The Resting Membrane Potential Depends on Differing Concentrati*** of i*** Inside and Outside the Neuron
The Nernst Equation Describes the Relati***hip Between Membrane Potential and Ion Concentration
Steady State Concentrati*** of Common t*** Affect Resting Membrane Potential
The Goldman Equation Describes the Combined Effects of I*** on Membrane Potential
Electrical Excitability
Ion Channels Act Like Gates for the Movement of t*** Through the Membrane
Patch Clamping and Molecular Biological Techniques Allow the Activity of Single Ion Channels to Be Monitored
Specific Domains of Voltage-Gated Channels Act as Sensors and Inactivatorr>TheAction Potential
Action Potentials Propagate Electrical Signals Along an Axon
A,tion Potentials Involve Rapid Changes in the Membrane Potential of the Axon
Action Potentials Result from the Rapid Movement of I*** Through Axonal Membrane Channelr>Action Potentials Are Propagated Along the Axon Without Loalng Strength
The Myelin Sheath Acts Like an Electrical Insulator Surrounding the Axon
Synaptic Transrnission
Neurotransmitters Relay Signals Across Nerve Synapser>Elevated Calcium Levels Stimulate Secretion of Neurotransmitters from Presynaptic Neuronr>Secretion of Neurotransmitters Requires the Do and Fusion of Vesicles with the Plasma Membrane
Neurotransmgters Are Detected by Specific Receptors on Postsypaptic Neuronr>Neurotransmitters Must Be Inactivated Shortly After Their Relear>Integration and Processing of Nerve Signalr>Neur*** Can Integrate Signals from Other Neur*** Through Both Temporal and Spatial Summation
Neur*** Can Integrate Both Excitatory and Inhibitory Signals from Other Neuronr>Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 13A Human Applicati***:Poisoned Arrows.Snake Bites,and Nerve Gaser>14 Signal Transduction Mechanisms:II,Messengers and Receptorr>Chemical Signals and Cellular Receptorr>Different Types of Chemical Signals Can Be Received by Cellr>Receptor Binding Involves Specific In***cti*** Between Ligands and Their Receptorr>Receptor Binding Activates a Sequence of Signal Transduction Events Within the Cell
G Protein-Linked Receptorr>Seven Membrane Spanning Receptors Act via G Proteinr>Cyclic AMP Is a Second Messenger Whose Production is Regulated by Some G Proteinr>Disruption of G Protein Signaling Causes Several Human Diseaser>Many G Proteins Use lnositol Trisphosphate and Diacylglycerol as Second Messengerr>The Release of Calcium I*** Is a Key Event in Many Signaling Processer>Nitric Oxide Couples G Protein Linked Receptor Stimulation in Endothelial Cells to Relaxation of Smooth Muscle ells in Blood Vesselr>The βγ Subunits of G Proteins Can Also Transduce Signalr>Protein Kinase-Associated Receptorr>Growth Factors Often Bind Protein Kinase Associated Receptorr>Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Aggregate and Undergo Autophosphorylation
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Initiate a Signal Transduction Cascade Involving Ras and MAP Kinar>Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Activate a Variety of Other Signaling Pathwayr>Scaffolding Complexes Can Facilitate Cell Signaling
Dominant Negative Mutant Receptors Are Important Tools for Studying Receptor Function
Other Growth Factors Transduce Their Signals via Receptor Serine/Threonine Kinaser>Disruption of Growth Factor Signaling Can Lead to Cancer
Growth Factor Receptor Pathways Share Common Themer>Hormonal Signaling
Hormones Can Be Classified by the Distance They Travel and by Their Chemical ProperBer>Control of Glucose Metabolism Is a Good Example of Endocrine Regulation
Insulin Affects Several Signaling Pathways to Regulate Resting Glucose Levelr>Cell Signals and Apoptosir>Apoptosis Is Triggered by Death Signals or Withdrawal of Surival Factorr>Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 14A Experimental Techniques:Using Geic Model Systems to Study Cell Signaling
15 Cytoskeletal Systemr>Major Structural Elements of the Cytoskeleton
Eukaryotes Have Three Basic Types of Cytoskeletal Elementr>Bacteria Have Cytoskeletal Systems That Are Structurally Similar to Those in Eukaryoter>The Cytoskeleton Is Dypamicallg Asled and Disasled
Microtubuler>Two Types of Microtubules Are Responle for Many Functi*** in the Cell
Tubufin Heterndimers Are the Protein Building Blocks of Microtubuler>Microtubules Can Form as Singlets,Doublets,or Tripletr>Microtubules Form by the ition of Tubulin Dimers at Their Endr>ition of Tubulin Dimers Occurs More Quickly at the Flus Ends of Microtubuler>Dr ugs Can Affect the Asly o f Microtubuler>GTP Hydrolysis Contributes to the Dynamic Inility of Microtubuler>Microtubifies Originate from Microtubule Organizing Centers Within the Cell
MTOCs Organize and Polarize the Mierot ubules Within Cellr>Microtubule Stability Is Tightly Regulated in CelLy a Variety of Microtubile-Binding Proteinr>Microfilamentr>Actin Is the Protein Building Block of Microfilamentr>Different Types of Actin Are Found in Cellr>G-Actin Monomers Polymerize into F Actin Microfilamentr>Specific Drugs Affect Polymerization of Microflamentr>Ceils Can Dynamically Asle Actin into a Variety of Structurer>AcBn Binding Proteins Regulate the Polymerization,Length,and Organization of Microfilamentr>Cell Signagng Regulates Where and When Actin Based Structures Asle
Interediate Filamentr>Intermediate Filament Proteins Are Tissue Specific
Intermediate Filaments Asle from Fibrous Subunitr>Intermediate Filaments Confer Mechanical Strength on Tissuer>The Cytoskeleton Is a Mechanically Integrated Structure
Summary of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 1 Human Applicati***:Infectious Micro***anisms Can Move Within Ceils Using Actin "Tailr>16 Cellular Movement:Motility and Contractility
Motile Systemr>Intracellular Microtubule-Based Movement:Kinesin and Dynein
MT Motor Proteins Move OrganeUes Along Microt ubules DuringAxonal Transport
Motor Proteins Move Along Microtubuley Hydrolyzing ATP
Kinesins Are a Large Family of Proteins with Varying Structures and Functionr>Dyneins Can Be Grouped into Two Major Classes:Axonemal and Cytoplasmic Dyneinr>Microtubule Motors Are Involved in Shaping the Endomembrane System and Vesicle Transport
Microtubule-Based Motility:Cilia and Flagella
Cilia and Flagella Are Common Motile Appendages of Eukaryotic Cegr>Cilia and Flagella C***ist of an Axoneme Connected to a Basal Body
Microtubule Sliding Within the Axoneme Causes Cilia and Flagega to Bend
Actin-Based Cell Movernent:The Myosinr>Myosins Are a Large Family of Actin Based Motors with Diverse Roles in Cell Motility
Many Myosins Move Along Actin Filaments in Short Stepr>Filament-Based Movement in Muscle
Skeletal Muscle Cells Contain Thin and Thick Filamentr>Sarcomeres Contain Ordered Arrays of Actin,Myosin,and Accessory Proteinr>The Sliding Filament Model Explains Muscle Contraction
Cross Bridges Hold Filaments Together,and ATP Powers Their Movement
The Regulation of Muscle Contraction Depends on Calcium
The Coordinated Contraction of Cardiac Muscle Ceils Involves Electrical Coupling
Smooth Muscle Is More Similar to Nonmuscle Cells than to Skeletal Muscle
Actin-Based Motility in Nonmusde Cellr>Cell Migration via Lamegipodia Involves Cycles of Protrusion,Attachment,Translocation,and Detachment
Chemotaxis Is a Directional Movement in Resp***e to a Graded Chemical Stimulur>Amoeboid Movement Involves Cycles of Gelation and Solation of the Aciln Cytoskeleton
Aciln-Based Motors Move Components Within the Cytoplasm of Some Cellr>Summarty of Key Pointr>M Connectionr>Problem Set
Suggested Reading
Box 16A Human Applicati***:Cytoskeletaf Motor Proteins and Human Disear>17 Beyond the Cell:Cell Adhesi***,Cell Juncti***,and Extracellular Structurer>Cell-Cell Recognition and Adhesion
Transmemhrane Proteins Mediate Cell Cell Adhesion
Carhohyd rate Groups Are Important in Cell-Cell Recognition and Adhesion
Cell-Cell Junctionr>Adhesive Juncti*** Link Adjoining Ceils to Each Other
Tight Juncti*** Prevent the Movement of Molecules Across Cell Layerr>Gap Juncti*** Allow Direct Electrical and Chemical Communication Between Cellr>The Extracellular Matrix of Animal Ceilr>Collagens Are Responle for the Strength of the Extracellular Matrix
A Precursor Called Procoilagen Forms Many Types of Tissue-Specific Collagenr>Elastins Impart Elasticity and Flexibility to the Extraceilular Matrix
Collagen and Elastin Fibers Are Embed in a Matrix of Proteoglycanr>Free Hyaluronate Lubricates Joints and Facilitates Cell Migration
Adhesive Glycoprateins Anchor Cegs to the Ext racel
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