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The more you know about classical music, the more you love it.
Now, thanks to "Classical Music For Dummies," you can achieve a
w*** new level of insight into both the composers and the
compositi*** that have made classical music one of the great
accomplishments of humankind. "Classical Music For Dummies" doesn't
assume that you have a degree in musicology -- or even that you
took a course in music appreciation. Rather, the multimedially
gifted David Pogue and renowned conductor Scott Speck explain
classical music in terms you can understand, and they describe
musical elements so that you can hear them for yourself. A
reference you can dip into at any point, "Classical Music For
Dummies" covers such topics as The various forms that classical
music takes -- from symphonies to string quartets What goes on
behind the scenes and on stage to fill a concert hall with great
classical music How to recognize, by sight and by sound, the many
instruments that make up an orchestra The nuts and bolts of
classical music -- from rhythm to harmonic progression Plus,
"Classical Music For Dummies" comes complete with a CD containing
over 60 minutes of masterpieces compiled especially for the book.
The CD also includes a demo version of the Angel/EMI Classics For
DummiesTM multimedia interface to try out on your Windows-based PC
or Macintosh computer.
Preface. Foreword. Introduction. Part I: Welcome to the
Classics. Chapter 1: Prying Open the Classical Music Oyster.
Chapter 2: The Entire History of Music in 80 Pages. Chapter 3: How
to Spot a Sonata. Part II: Listen Up! Chapter 4: Dave 'n' Scott's
E-Z Concert Survival Guide. Chapter 5: A Spin through Your Free CD.
Part III: A Field Guide to the Orchestra. Chapter 6: Keyboards
& Co. Chapter 7: Strings Attached. Chapter 8: Gone with the
Woodwinds. Chapter 9: The Top (And Bottom) Brass. Chapter 10:
Percussion's Greatest Hits. Part IV: Backstage in the Composer's
Brain. Chapter 11: The Dreaded Music Theory Chapter. Chapter 12:
Once More, with Feeling: Tempo, Dynamics, and Orchestration. Part
V: The Part of Tens. Chapter 13: The Ten Most Common Misconcepti***
about Classical Music. Chapter 14: The Ten Best Musical Terms for
Cocktail Parties. Chapter 15: Ten Great Chamber Music Pieces.
Chapter 16: Ten Great Classical Music Jokes. Chapter 17: Ten Ways
to Go Beyond This Book. Part VI: Appendixes. Appendix A: Starting a
Classical Music Collection. List 1: Old Favorites. List 2: MILD on
the Taste Meter. List 3: MEDIUM on the Taste Meter. List 4: MEDIUM
HOT on the Taste Meter. List 5: HOT on the Taste Meter. Appendix B:
Classical Music Timeline. Appendix C: Glossary Index. About the CD.
Book Registration Information.
David Pogue studied music at Yale and has been a conductor on
Broadway. He is also the bestselling author of Macs For Dummies.
Scott Speck is a faculty member of the American Symphony Orchestra
League's National Conducting Workshops.
Features tips on how to start a classical music collection
Discover how much fun classical music can be! Are you baffled by
Bach? Bewildered by Beethoven? Befuddled by Brahms? Relax! This
friendly, funny, easy-to-understand guide gives you the score on
composers, instruments, orchestras, concerts, recordings, and more
- and shows you just how enjoyable and rewarding classical music
can be. More than 60 minutes of music, including excerpts from
Bach's Well Tempered Clavier - Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 -
Brahms's Symphony No. 4 - Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 -
Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, and more from recordings by Ian
Hobson, pianist and conductor, Sinfonia da Camera and Sinfonia
Varsovia Plus MP3 versi*** of the excerpts you can play on your PC,
Mac, or portable player Discover how to: UL LIDistinguish the
different styles of classical music/LI LIAttend a live concert in
style/LI LIKnow the instruments in an orchestra/LI LIUnderstand
rhythm, intervals, and other fundamentals/LI LIBuild a fabulous
classical music library/LI/UL
The more you know about classical music, the more you love it. Now, thanks to "Classical Music For Dummies," you can achieve a w*** new level of insight into both the composers and the compositi*** that have made classical music one of the great accomplishments of humankind. "Classical Music For Dummies" doesn't assume that you have a degree in musicology -- or even that you took a course in music appreciation. Rather, the multimedially gifted David Pogue and renowned conductor Scott Speck explain classical music in terms you can understand, and they describe musical elements so that you can hear them for yourself. A reference you can dip into at any point, "Classical Music For Dummies" covers such topics as The various forms that classical music takes -- from symphonies to string quartets What goes on behind the scenes and on stage to fill a concert hall with great classical music How to recognize, by sight and by sound, the many instruments that make up an orchestra The nuts and bolts of classical music -- from rhythm to harmonic progression Plus, "Classical Music For Dummies" comes complete with a CD containing over 60 minutes of masterpieces compiled especially for the book. The CD also includes a demo version of the Angel/EMI Classics For DummiesTM multimedia interface to try out on your Windows-based PC or Macintosh computer.
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