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Finally an expansive biography of one of the twentieth
century’s greatest music and cultural ic***
From noted author and rock ’n’ roll journalist Marc Spitz comes a
major David Bowie biography to rival any other. Following Bowie’s
life from his start as David Jones, an R & B—loving kid from
Bromley, England, to his rise to rock ’n’ roll aristocracy as David
Bowie, Bowie recounts his career but also reveals how much his
music has influenced other musicians and forever changed the
landscape of the modern era. Along the way, Spitz reflects on how
growing up with Bowie as his soundtrack and how writing this
definitive book on Bowie influenced him in ways he never expected,
adding a personal dimension that Bowie fans and those passionate
about art and culture will connect with and that no other bio on
the artist offers.
Bowie takes an in-depth look at the culture of postwar England in
which Bowie grew up, the mod and hippie scenes of swinging London
in the sixties, the *** and drug-fueled glitter scene of the early
seventies when Bowie’s alter-ego Ziggy Stardust was born, his rise
to global stardom in the eighties and his subsequent status as an
elder statesman of alternative culture. Spitz puts each incarnation
of Bowie into the context of its era, creating a cultural time line
that is intriguing both for its historical significance as well as
for its delineation of this rock ’n’ roll legend, the first
musician to evolve a coherent vision after the death of the sixties
Amid the ***, drugs and rock ’n’ roll mayhem, a deeper portrait
of the artist emerges. Bowie’s early struggles to go from follower
to leader, his tricky relati***hip with art and commerce and
Buddhism and the occult, his complicated family life, his open
romantic relati***hip and, finally, his perceived disavowal of all
that made him a touchstone for outcasts are all thoughtfully
explored. A fresh evaluation of his recorded work, as well as his
film, stage and video performances, is included as well.
Based on a hundred original interviews with those who knew him
best and those familia***ith his work, including ex-wife Angie
Bowie, former Bowie manager Kenneth Pitt, Siouxsie Sioux, Camille
Paglia, Dick Cavett, Todd Haynes, Ricky Gervais and Peter Frampton,
Bowie gives us not only a portrait of one of the most important
artists in the last century, but also an honest examination of a
truly revolutionary artist and the unique impact he’s had across
From the Hardcover edition.
MARC SPITZ’s writing on rock ’n’ roll and popular culture has
appeared in Spin, the New York Times, Maxim, Nylon, Blender and
Uncut (UK). He is the author of How Soon Is Never?; Too Much, Too
Late; and Nobody Likes You: Inside the Turbulent Life, Times, and
Music of Green Day and coautho***ith Brendan Mullen of We Got the
Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk.
“BOWIE is inspired, edge-worn, loud, quiet, observant, humble,
g***eous, and humane. If the record business loved music as much as
Marc Spitz does, there would still be a record business.” —Dan
Kennedy, author of Rock On: An Office Power Ballad
“A breezy, well-lit portrait of the ever-enigmatic rocker . .
. Spitz’s encyclopedic knowledge and obvious appreciation for
Bowie’s work separate this book from countless cookie-cutter rock
—Kirkus Reviews
“Spitz concentrates on the complex evolution of Bowie’s music to
deliver an evenhanded, critically thorough, while still
reverential, life of the Thin White Duke.” —Publishers Weekly
Finally an expansive biography of one of the twentieth century’s greatest music and cultural ic***
From noted author and rock ’n’ roll journalist Marc Spitz comes a major David Bowie biography to rival any other. Following Bowie’s life from his start as David Jones, an R & B—loving kid from Bromley, England, to his rise to rock ’n’ roll aristocracy as David Bowie, Bowie recounts his career but also reveals how much his music has influenced other musicians and forever changed the landscape of the modern era. Along the way, Spitz reflects on how growing up with Bowie as his soundtrack and how writing this definitive book on Bowie influenced him in ways he never expected, adding a personal dimension that Bowie fans and those passionate about art and culture will connect with and that no other bio on the artist offers.
Bowie takes an in-depth look at the culture of postwar England in which Bowie grew up, the mod and hippie scenes of swinging London in the sixties, the *** and drug-fueled glitter scene of the early seventies when Bowie’s alter-ego Ziggy Stardust was born, his rise to global stardom in the eighties and his subsequent status as an elder statesman of alternative culture. Spitz puts each incarnation of Bowie into the context of its era, creating a cultural time line that is intriguing both for its historical significance as well as for its delineation of this rock ’n’ roll legend, the first musician to evolve a coherent vision after the death of the sixties dream.
Amid the ***, drugs and rock ’n’ roll mayhem, a deeper portrait of the artist emerges. Bowie’s early struggles to go from follower to leader, his tricky relati***hip with art and commerce and Buddhism and the occult, his complicated family life, his open romantic relati***hip and, finally, his perceived disavowal of all that made him a touchstone for outcasts are all thoughtfully explored. A fresh evaluation of his recorded work, as well as his film, stage and video performances, is included as well.
Based on a hundred original interviews with those who knew him best and those familia***ith his work, including ex-wife Angie Bowie, former Bowie manager Kenneth Pitt, Siouxsie Sioux, Camille Paglia, Dick Cavett, Todd Haynes, Ricky Gervais and Peter Frampton, Bowie gives us not only a portrait of one of the most important artists in the last century, but also an honest examination of a truly revolutionary artist and the unique impact he’s had across generati***.
From the Hardcover edition.
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