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Robert Bae***as known inside the CIA as perhaps the best
operative working the Middle East. Over several decades he served
everywhere from Iraq to New Delhi and racked up such an impressive
list of accomplishments that he was eventually awarded the Career
Intelligence Medal. But if his caree***as everything a spy
might ***ire to, his personal life was a brutal illustration of
everything a spy is asked to sacrifice. Bob had few enduring
non-work friendships, only contacts and acquaintances. His
prolonged absences destroyed his marriage, and he felt intense
guilt at spending so little time with his children. Sworn to
secrecy and c***tantly driven by ulterior motives, he was a man
apart wherever he went.
Dayna Williamson thought of herself as just an ordinary
California girl -- admittedly one born into a comfortable
lifestyle. But she was always looking to get closer to the
edge. When she joined the CIA, she was initially tasked with
Agency background checks, but the attractive Berkeley graduate
quickly distinguished herself as someone who could thrive in the
field, and she was eventually assigned to “Protective Operati***”
training where she learned to handle weap*** and explosives and
conduct high-speed escape and evasion. Tapped to serve in some of
the world's most dangerous places, she discovered an inner strength
and resourcefulness she'd never known -- but she also came to see
that the spy life exacts a heavy toll. Her marriage crumbled,
her parents grew distant, and she lost touch with friends who'd
once meant everything to her.
When Bob and Dayna met on a mission in Sarajevo, it wasn't love
at first sight. They were both too jaded for that. But there was
something there, a spark. And as the danger escalated and their
affection for each other grew, they realized it was time to leave
“the Company,” to somehow rediscover the people they’d once
As worldly as both were, the couple didn’t realize at first that
turning in their Agency I.D. cards would not be enough to put their
covert past behind. The fact was, their clandestine
relati***hips remained. Living as “civilians” in
conflict-ridden Beirut, they fielded assassination proposals, met
with Arab sheiks, wily oil tyco***, terrorists, and assorted
outlaws – and came perilously close to dying. But even then
they couldn’t know that their most formidable challenge lay
Simultaneously a trip deep down the intelligence rabbit *** –
one that shows how the “game” actually works, including the
compromises it asks of those who play by its rules -- and a
portrait of two people trying to regain a normal life, The Company
We Keep is a masterly depiction of the real world of shadows.
ROBERT BAER is the author of three New York Times
bestsellers involving the CIA: See No Evil (which was the
basis for the acclaimed film “Syriana”), Sleeping with the
Devil, and The Devil We Know. He has become one of the
most authoritative voices on American intelligence and frequently
appears as a media commentator. DAYNA BEAR, before leaving the
agency to settle down with Bob, was herself an accomplished CIA
"The Company We Keep is the best true-life spy story I've ever
read…You'll find yourself rooting for these two vagabond spies, and
you won't want their exciting and moving story to end."--David
Ignatius, New York Times bestselling author of Body of Lies
"Funny, frightening, ironic, and deeply moving, this is an
utterly engrossing thrill ride through the hall of mirrors that is
modern espionage…A wonderful book."--Richard North Patterson, New
York Times bestselling author of Degree of Guilt and In the Name of
"Provides a spot-on and compelling portrait of real life inside
the CIA; the periods of boredom and frustration loudly punctuated
by fast-moving and sometimes frightening, sometimes amusing
intelligence operati***. Bob and Dayna Baer are the real deal
and they beautifully capture the murky world they lived and worked
in for years."--Valerie Plame Wilson, New York Times bestselling
author of Fair Game
"A revelation…[shows] how spies operate in the field, the
personal costs they pay for the exceptional lives they live, and
the way fate can deliver up redemption…I loved this book."--Barry
Eisler, New York Times bestselling author of Rain Fall and Fault
"An emotionally candid memoir of a life few could imagine,
juggling terrorists and dictators with all too real family
dramas…describes how two accomplished spies trained in shooting for
the heart, improbably found their own."--Jane Mayer, National Book
Award Finalist for The Dark Side
"After 20 years as the CIA's best and most adventurous spy, Bob
Baer has established himself as America's go-to writer on espionage
and the Middle East in the age of 9/11. Now he and his wife Dayna
have added a heart-stopping new chapter, revealing how a couple
caught up in the dark world of CIA intrigue try to balance romance
and gunplay while building a relati***hip on the jagged edge of
undercove***ork…The Company We Keepwill make you ask, who needs
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?"--James Risen, Pulitzer-Prize winning
author of State of War
"A cross between John Le Carre and Erich Segal…Told with flair,
intelligence and emotion – and often diary-like detail."--Leslie
Stahl, CBS News
"Extraordinary…shows the Baers’ ultimate triumph over the
isolation inherent in their professi*** and the b***ity of
bureaucracy worldwide."--Lindsay Moran, author of Blowing My Cover:
My Life as a CIA Spy
"Will illuminate the dark world of intelligence gathering that
very few people ever see. It's filled with ground truth, tradecraft
and operational details...You will not be disappointed."--Fred
Burton, VP Intelligence, STRATFOR, and author of Ghost: Confessi***
of a Counterterrorism Agent
"A cross between ***ism and adventure, this book takes us
through the emotional, poignant, and often dangerous lives of two
CIA operatives: the fear, the violence, the requisite suspicion,
and the tenuous friendships…It’s especially intriguing to follow a
woman into dark corners, thrilling missi***, and psychologically
difficult moments."--Rita Golden Gelman, author of Tales of a
Female Nomad
"Vivid and revealing…a look inside the real CIA."--David Wise,
author of Spy
Robert Bae***as known inside the CIA as perhaps the best operative working the Middle East. Over several decades he served everywhere from Iraq to New Delhi and racked up such an impressive list of accomplishments that he was eventually awarded the Career Intelligence Medal. But if his caree***as everything a spy might ***ire to, his personal life was a brutal illustration of everything a spy is asked to sacrifice. Bob had few enduring non-work friendships, only contacts and acquaintances. His prolonged absences destroyed his marriage, and he felt intense guilt at spending so little time with his children. Sworn to secrecy and c***tantly driven by ulterior motives, he was a man apart wherever he went.
Dayna Williamson thought of herself as just an ordinary California girl -- admittedly one born into a comfortable lifestyle. But she was always looking to get closer to the edge. When she joined the CIA, she was initially tasked with Agency background checks, but the attractive Berkeley graduate quickly distinguished herself as someone who could thrive in the field, and she was eventually assigned to “Protective Operati***” training where she learned to handle weap*** and explosives and conduct high-speed escape and evasion. Tapped to serve in some of the world's most dangerous places, she discovered an inner strength and resourcefulness she'd never known -- but she also came to see that the spy life exacts a heavy toll. Her marriage crumbled, her parents grew distant, and she lost touch with friends who'd once meant everything to her.
When Bob and Dayna met on a mission in Sarajevo, it wasn't love at first sight. They were both too jaded for that. But there was something there, a spark. And as the danger escalated and their affection for each other grew, they realized it was time to leave “the Company,” to somehow rediscover the people they’d once been.
As worldly as both were, the couple didn’t realize at first that turning in their Agency I.D. cards would not be enough to put their covert past behind. The fact was, their clandestine relati***hips remained. Living as “civilians” in conflict-ridden Beirut, they fielded assassination proposals, met with Arab sheiks, wily oil tyco***, terrorists, and assorted outlaws – and came perilously close to dying. But even then they couldn’t know that their most formidable challenge lay ahead.
Simultaneously a trip deep down the intelligence rabbit *** – one that shows how the “game” actually works, including the compromises it asks of those who play by its rules -- and a portrait of two people trying to regain a normal life, The Company We Keep is a masterly depiction of the real world of shadows.
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