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》共鸣电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787516827055
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2022-2
  • 页数:312
  • 价格:68.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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第1章 一场受体革命/ 1

第2章 阿片受体的罗曼史/ 21

第3章 胜肽世代/ 50

第4章 天才与野心/ 60

第5章 在宫殿的日子/ 80

第6章 破坏规则/ 93

第7章 情绪的生化分子/ 115

第8章 转折点/ 133

第9章 身心网络/ 162

第10章 新思维的结晶/ 176

第11章 跨越·交会/ 200

第12章 心灵的重建/ 228

第13章 真理/ 255

附录 健康快乐的生活:预防性的小秘方/ 299

后记 胜肽T的后续发展/ 302












He said he had concluded that the source of emoti*** is purely visceral, that is, originating in the body and not cognitive, originating in the mind, and that there is probably no brain center for emotional expression. We perceive events and have bodily feelings, and then after the perception, which joggles our memories and imagination, we label our physical sensation as one or another emotion. However, he believed that there was in fact no such entity as emotion. There is simply perception and bodily resp***e. The immediate sensory and motor reverberati*** that occur in resp***e to the perception -- the pounding heart, the tight stomach, the tensed muscles, the sweaty palms -- are the emoti***. And the emoti*** are felt throughout the body as sensati***.

Every change in the physiological state is accompanied by an appropriate change in the mental emotional state, c***cious or unc***cious, and conversely, every change in the mental emotional state, c***cious or unc***cious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in the physiological state.

The body is unc***cious mind! Repressed traumas caused by overwhelming emotion can be stored in a body part, thereafter affecting our ability to feel that part or even move it. The new work suggests there are almost infinite pathways for the c***cious mind and the body, and also provides an explanation for a number of phenomena that the emotional theorists have been c***idering.

Because of the research I've been describing, we can no longer c***ider the emotional brain to be confined to the classical locati*** of the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. For example, we have discovered other anatomical locati*** where high concentrati*** of almost every neuropeptide receptor exist, locati*** such as the dorsal horn, or back side of the spinal cord, which is the first synapse within the nervous system where all somatosensory information is processed. Not just opiate receptors but almost every peptide recepto***e looked for could be found in this spinal-cord site that filters all incoming bodily sensati***. In fact, we have found that in virtually all locati*** where information from any of the five senses- sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch-enters the nervous...

These nodal points seem to be designed so that they can be accessed and modulated by almost all neuropeptides as they go about their job of processing information, prioritizing it, and biasing it to cause unique neurophysiological changes. For example, the nucleus of Barrington is one such nodal point, since it contains many neuropeptide receptors, and depending on what neuropeptide is occupying its receptors, feelings related to ***ual arousal or bathroom functi*** can be switched or modified, made unc***cious, or moved to the most urgent priority. Emoti*** and bodily sensati*** are thus intricately intertwined, in a bidirectional network in which each can alter the other. Usually this process takes place at an unc***cious level, but it can also surface into c***ciousness under certain c...

A rat that learns a maze or receives a shock while under the influence of a drug (which you can now visualize as an external ligand that binds to receptors in the brain and body) will remember how to solve the maze or avoid the shock most efficiently if the rat is retested under the influence of the same drug. When we c***ider emoti*** as chemical ligands-that is to say, peptides-we can better understand the phenomenon known as dissociated states of learning, or state-dependent recall. Just as a drug facilitates recall of an earlier learning experience under the influence of that same drug for the rat, so the emotion-carrying peptide ligand facilitates memory in human beings. The emotion is the equivalent of the drug, both being ligands that bind to receptors in the body. What this transla...




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