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Book De*ionHave you eve***ondered: * Why Asians love "Hello Kitty"? * What the tattooed Chinese characters really say? * How to achieve feng shui for optimum make-out sessi***? * Where Asian cuties meet the white guys who love them? Then you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll realize this book is better than a Broadway production of Cats when you read scenes that include: * twenty-something Lindsey Owyang mastering the intricacies of office voicemail and fax dialing * an authentic Chinese banquet where Number One Son shows off his language skills by speaking "Chinglish" * dating disasters with grands*** of Grandma's mahjong partners * the discovery that the real China looks nothing like the pavilion at Disney World * karaoke And all the while Lindsey is falling in lust with the "white devil" in her politically correct office. But will Grandma's stinky Chinese ointments send him running? O***ill Lindsey realize that the path to true love lies somewhere between the dim sum and the pepperoni pizza? From Publishers Weekly Keltner's spunky novel about a third-generation Chinese-American in San Francisco delivers a left hook to knee-jerk political correctness and offers a comic, honest take on what it feels like to be part of two cultures. Lindsey Owyang is a modern 20-something, underemployed as a receptionist at Vegan Warrior magazine (she's a "closet meat-eater"), who unexpectedly finds herself falling "in like" with Michael Cartier, the magazine's white travel editor. But dating's tough when you live at home with a traditional Chinese grandmother and even harde***hen that grandmother is c***tantly trying to set you up with the children of her mah-jongg partners. Meanwhile, Lindsay's aunt gets colored contacts (" 'Don't you think I look at least half-white anyway?' "); a white friend says that Asian girls are stealing all the cute frat boys; and creepy "Hoarders of All Things Asian" accost her on the bus. Lindsey gets a chance to connect with her roots when she finds out that she's expected to accompany her grandmother to China to visit long-lost relatives. Here Lindsey finally gains a grounded sense of her personal and cultural past, while at the same time realizing that as an ABC (American-born Chinese), "every experience, even the unpleasant ones, had helped to slowly build her character, creating a one-of-a-kind Chinese American named Lindsey Owyang."
Keltner is unabashedly sassy and biting in her take on race and love, and the result is both refreshing and smart. From BooklistAfter a lifetime of eating Spaghetti-Os, watching The Brady Bunch, and listening to cheezy '80s music, 25-year-old Lindsey Owyang is a thoroughly modern third-generation ABC (American-born Chinese). In an effort to save money and placate her family, Lindsey lives with her tiny, mah-jongg-gambling grandmother, Pau Pau, who dispenses fashion advice, blind dates, and "stinky tiger balm." Like most young urban professional women, Lindsey agonizes over her body (she has one malformed toe, preventing her from wearing sandals), men (she avoids guys with "Asian girl fetishes"), and work (she's one of the secret meat-eaters at Vegan Warrior magazine). When her family insists Lindsey accompany Pau Pau on a nostalgic trip to China, she develops an appreciation for her roots and discovers a family secret. Bridget Jones meets The Joy Luck Club in this multicultural twist on the single-gal-in-the-city subgenre of fiction. Believable characters in realistically outlandish situati*** raise this book a few notches above standard chick-lit fare.Kaite MediatoreBook Dimensionlength: (cm)20.3width:(cm)13.5
In the fourth grade, Kim Keltne***on a cutthroat spelling bee, which encouraged her ***irati*** as a writer. Over the years, she honed her ear for dialogue by listening to elderly Chinese women dish dirt over endless games of mahjong. She met her husband at a Chaucer semina***hen she stretched out her hand and said, "Come with me if you want to live." They now reside in San Francisco's Sunset District, where all the other Chinese people live.
Book Description
Have you eve***ondered:
* Why Asians love "Hello Kitty"?
* What the tattooed Chinese characters really say?
* How to achieve feng shui for optimum make-out sessi***?
* Where Asian cuties meet the white guys who love them?
Then you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll realize this book is better than a Broadway production of Cats when you read scenes that include:
* twenty-something Lindsey Owyang mastering the intricacies of office voicemail and fax dialing
* an authentic Chinese banquet where Number One Son shows off his language skills by speaking "Chinglish"
* dating disasters with grands*** of Grandma's mahjong partners
* the discovery that the real China looks nothing like the pavilion at Disney World
* karaoke
And all the while Lindsey is falling in lust with the "white devil" in her politically correct office. But will Grandma's stinky Chinese ointments send him running? O***ill Lindsey realize that the path to true love lies somewhere between the dim sum and the pepperoni pizza?
From Publishers Weekly
Wong Keltner's spunky novel about a third-generation Chinese-American in San Francisco delivers a left hook to knee-jerk political correctness and offers a comic, honest take on what it feels like to be part of two cultures. Lindsey Owyang is a modern 20-something, underemployed as a receptionist at Vegan Warrior magazine (she's a "closet meat-eater"), who unexpectedly finds herself falling "in like" with Michael Cartier, the magazine's white travel editor. But dating's tough when you live at home with a traditional Chinese grandmother and even harde***hen that grandmother is c***tantly trying to set you up with the children of her mah-jongg partners. Meanwhile, Lindsay's aunt gets colored contacts (" 'Don't you think I look at least half-white anyway?' "); a white friend says that Asian girls are stealing all the cute frat boys; and creepy "Hoarders of All Things Asian" accost her on the bus. Lindsey gets a chance to connect with her roots when she finds out that she's expected to accompany her grandmother to China to visit long-lost relatives. Here Lindsey finally gains a grounded sense of her personal and cultural past, while at the same time realizing that as an ABC (American-born Chinese), "every experience, even the unpleasant ones, had helped to slowly build her character, creating a one-of-a-kind Chinese American named Lindsey Owyang." Wong Keltner is unabashedly sassy and biting in her take on race and love, and the result is both refreshing and smart.
From Booklist
After a lifetime of eating Spaghetti-Os, watching The Brady Bunch, and listening to cheezy '80s music, 25-year-old Lindsey Owyang is a thoroughly modern third-generation ABC (American-born Chinese). In an effort to save money and placate her family, Lindsey lives with her tiny, mah-jongg-gambling grandmother, Pau Pau, who dispenses fashion advice, blind dates, and "stinky tiger balm." Like most young urban professional women, Lindsey agonizes over her body (she has one malformed toe, preventing her from wearing sandals), men (she avoids guys with "Asian girl fetishes"), and work (she's one of the secret meat-eaters at Vegan Warrior magazine). When her family insists Lindsey accompany Pau Pau on a nostalgic trip to China, she develops an appreciation for her roots and discovers a family secret. Bridget Jones meets The Joy Luck Club in this multicultural twist on the single-gal-in-the-city subgenre of fiction. Believable characters in realistically outlandish situati*** raise this book a few notches above standard chick-lit fare.
Kaite Mediatore
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)13.5
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