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“ Leading at a Higher Level translates decades of research and 25 years of global experience into ***, practical, and powerful strategies to equip leaders at every level to build ***anizati*** that produce bottom-line results. At Nissan, we have made these principles a core part of our leadership philosophy, better equipping our managers to bring out the great energies and talents of our employees.” Jim Irvine , Vice President of Human Resources, Nissan North America “At Southwest Airlines, we have always strived to lead at a higher level. We truly believe that profit is the applause you get for taking care of your internal and external customers. We have always insisted upon a happy, carefree, team-spirited—yes, even fun—working environment, which we think results in motivated employees who will do the right thing for their internal and external customers. Reading this book will make a positive difference in your ***anization.” Colleen C. Barrett , President, Southwest Airlines “If you want to have a great company, you don’t have a choice but to lead at a higher level. When you do that, you excite your people, they take care of your customers, and your cash register goes ca-ching.” Horst Schulze , President and CEO, The West Paces Hotel Group, LLC; Founding and former President & COO, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC “Leading at a higher level is a must today if leaders are to rebuild trust and credibility, as we are doing at Tyco. This book will teach you how.” Eric Pillmore , Senior Vice President of Corporate Governance, Tyco International The definitive “Blanchard on Leadership” 25 years of breakthrough leadership insights in one extraordinary book! From The One Minute Manager® to Raving Fans, Ken Blanchard’s books have helped milli*** of people unleash their power and the potential of everyone around them. The Ken Blanchard Companies has helped thousands of ***anizati*** become more people-oriented, customer-centered, and performance-driven. In Leading at a Higher Level, Blanchard and his colleagues have brought together all they've learned about world-class leadership. You'll discover how to create targets and visi*** based on the “triple bottom line”...and make sure people know who you are, where you’re going, and the values that will guide your journey. Blanchard extends his breakthrough work on delivering legendary customer service and creating “raving fans.” You’ll find the definitive discussion of the renowned Situational Leadership® II techniques for leading yourself, individuals, teams, and entire ***anizati***. Most importantly, Leading at a Higher Level will help you dig deep within, discover the personal “leadership point of view” all great leaders possess— and apply it throughout your entire life. For everyone who wants to become a better leader... ...in any company, any ***anization, any area of life Set the right targets, follow the right vision Focus on the “bottom lines” that really matter Serve your customers at a higher level Deliver your ideal customer experience, and create “raving fans” Beyond ego: the way of the servant leader Listen, praise, ***, guide, and help your people win Lead at a higher level. Lead your people to greatness as you create high performing ***anizati*** that make life better for everyone. This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone. Ken Blanchard (coauthor of The One Minute Manager ®) and his colleagues have spent more than 25 years helping good leaders and ***anizati*** become great, and stay great . Now, for the first time, they’ve brought together everything they’ve learned about outstanding leadership. Discover how to... Go beyond the short term and zero in on the right target and vision Deliver legendary, maniacal customer service, and earn raving fans Truly empower your people and unleash their incredible potential Ground your leadership in humility and focus on the greater good For a long time, leaders have relied on Ken Blanchard’s insight, wisdom, and practical techniques. Now, he and his colleagues have delivered the leadership classic for a new generation: Leading at a Higher Level. www.LeadingAtAHigherLevel.com Contents Introduction: Leading at a Higher Level—by Ken Blanchard xvii Section I: Set Your Sights on the Right Target and Vision Chapter 1 Is Your Organization High Performing? 3 Chapter 2 The Power of Vision 21 Section II: Treat Your Customers Right Chapter 3 Serving Customers at a Higher Level 39 Section III: Treat Your People Right Chapter 4 Empowerment Is the Key 67 Chapter 5 Situational Leadership® II: The Integrating Concept 87 Chapter 6 Self Leadership: The Power Behind Empowerment 103 Chapter 7 Partnering for Performance 117 Chapter 8 Essential Skills for Partnering for Performance: The One Minute Manager® 145 Chapter 9 Situational Team Leadership 167 Chapter 10 Organizational Leadership 195 Chapter 11 Strategies for Managing a Change 219 Section IV: Have the Right Kind of Leadership Chapter 12 Servant Leadership 249 Chapter 13 Determining Your Leadership Point of View 277 Endnotes 297 Organizational Change Readiness Assessment 309 Acknowledgments and Praisings 313 About the Authors 317 Services Available 333 Index 335
“ Leading at a Higher Level translates decades of research and 25 years of global experience into ***, practical, and powerful strategies to equip leaders at every level to build ***anizati*** that produce bottom-line results. At Nissan, we have made these principles a core part of our leadership philosophy, better equipping our managers to bring out the great energies and talents of our employees.” Jim Irvine , Vice President of Human Resources, Nissan North America “At Southwest Airlines, we have always strived to lead at a higher level. We truly believe that profit is the applause you get for taking care of your internal and external customers. We have always insisted upon a happy, carefree, team-spirited—yes, even fun—working environment, which we think results in motivated employees who will do the right thing for their internal and external customers. Reading this book will make a positive difference in your ***anization.” Colleen C. Barrett , President, Southwest Airlines “If you want to have a great company, you don’t have a choice but to lead at a higher level. When you do that, you excite your people, they take care of your customers, and your cash register goes ca-ching.” Horst Schulze , President and CEO, The West Paces Hotel Group, LLC; Founding and former President & COO, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC “Leading at a higher level is a must today if leaders are to rebuild trust and credibility, as we are doing at Tyco. This book will teach you how.” Eric Pillmore , Senior Vice President of Corporate Governance, Tyco International The definitive “Blanchard on Leadership” 25 years of breakthrough leadership insights in one extraordinary book! From The One Minute Manager® to Raving Fans, Ken Blanchard’s books have helped milli*** of people unleash their power and the potential of everyone around them. The Ken Blanchard Companies has helped thousands of ***anizati*** become more people-oriented, customer-centered, and performance-driven. In Leading at a Higher Level, Blanchard and his colleagues have brought together all they've learned about world-class leadership. You'll discover how to create targets and visi*** based on the “triple bottom line”...and make sure people know who you are, where you’re going, and the values that will guide your journey. Blanchard extends his breakthrough work on delivering legendary customer service and creating “raving fans.” You’ll find the definitive discussion of the renowned Situational Leadership® II techniques for leading yourself, individuals, teams, and entire ***anizati***. Most importantly, Leading at a Higher Level will help you dig deep within, discover the personal “leadership point of view” all great leaders possess— and apply it throughout your entire life. For everyone who wants to become a better leader... ...in any company, any ***anization, any area of life Set the right targets, follow the right vision Focus on the “bottom lines” that really matter Serve your customers at a higher level Deliver your ideal customer experience, and create “raving fans” Beyond ego: the way of the servant leader Listen, praise, ***, guide, and help your people win Lead at a higher level. Lead your people to greatness as you create high performing ***anizati*** that make life better for everyone. This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone. Ken Blanchard (coauthor of The One Minute Manager ®) and his colleagues have spent more than 25 years helping good leaders and ***anizati*** become great, and stay great . Now, for the first time, they’ve brought together everything they’ve learned about outstanding leadership. Discover how to... Go beyond the short term and zero in on the right target and vision Deliver legendary, maniacal customer service, and earn raving fans Truly empower your people and unleash their incredible potential Ground your leadership in humility and focus on the greater good For a long time, leaders have relied on Ken Blanchard’s insight, wisdom, and practical techniques. Now, he and his colleagues have delivered the leadership classic for a new generation: Leading at a Higher Level. www.LeadingAtAHigherLevel.com Contents Introduction: Leading at a Higher Level—by Ken Blanchard xvii Section I: Set Your Sights on the Right Target and Vision Chapter 1 Is Your Organization High Performing? 3 Chapter 2 The Power of Vision 21 Section II: Treat Your Customers Right Chapter 3 Serving Customers at a Higher Level 39 Section III: Treat Your People Right Chapter 4 Empowerment Is the Key 67 Chapter 5 Situational Leadership® II: The Integrating Concept 87 Chapter 6 Self Leadership: The Power Behind Empowerment 103 Chapter 7 Partnering for Performance 117 Chapter 8 Essential Skills for Partnering for Performance: The One Minute Manager® 145 Chapter 9 Situational Team Leadership 167 Chapter 10 Organizational Leadership 195 Chapter 11 Strategies for Managing a Change 219 Section IV: Have the Right Kind of Leadership Chapter 12 Servant Leadership 249 Chapter 13 Determining Your Leadership Point of View 277 Endnotes 297 Organizational Change Readiness Assessment 309 Acknowledgments and Praisings 313 About the Authors 317 Services Available 333 Index 335
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