碎金风华:音乐文物的复制、复原研究/王子初 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》碎金风华:音乐文物的复制、复原研究/王子初电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787030681652
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2021-05
  • 页数:463
  • 价格:314.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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绪论 (1)

第一章中华奇迹篇(上):曾侯乙编钟的复原研究 (11)

一、曾侯乙编钟——人类青铜时代的之作 (14)

二、编钟的复制与复原研究 (19)

三、复原曾侯乙编钟的主要技术指标与参数 (31)

第二章中华奇迹篇(下):贾湖骨笛的深层研究及其复制、复原 (48)

一、贾湖骨笛出土概述 (51)

二、骨笛研究现状 (55)

三、贾湖“竹笛”的推论 (57)

四、骨笛的深层研究 (60)

五、贾湖骨笛的历史意义 (71)

第三章史前乐舞篇:远古的号角 (79)

一、陶埙、骨哨的复仿制 (80)

二、陶摇响器的复仿制 (89)

三、陶铃、陶钟、铜铃的复仿制 (92)

四、陶鼓、陶角的复制、复原 (95)

五、舞人纹彩陶盆的仿制 (99)

第四章殷商乐器篇:铿锵的青铜音乐 (101)

一、编铙和缚 (102)

二、陶埙、陶鼓 (108)

三、特磐和编磬 (112)

第五章西周乐悬篇:礼乐文明之光 (122)

一、曾侯坑墓编钟(5件套)的复制研究 (123)

二、晋侯苏编钟(16件套)的复原 (144)

第六章春秋战国篇:绚丽纷繁的青铜奇观 (164)

一、郑公大墓编钟(24件套)的复原 (165)

二、河南新郑郑国祭祀遗址4号坎编钟(24件套)的复制 (175)

三、许公宁墓编钟(37件套)的复制 (188)

四、聶羌钟(14件套)的复原 (203)

五、河南信阳长台关1号墓编钟(13件套)的复制 (211)

六、王孙浩编钟(26件套)复制 (218)

七、古越国编句糴的复原(29件套 ) (227)

八、新疆出土箜篌(8件)的研究和复原 (231)

九、曾侯乙墓编磬(32件套)的复原研究 (239)

十、曾侯乙墓出土的竹木乐器(16件)的复制 (252)

十一、其他乐器的复制、复原 (283)

第七章汉魏清商篇(上):西汉江都王墓“玉”编磬(20件套)的复原研究工程 (297)

一、编磬糞虡的复制 (300)

二、编磬的材质与配方 (305)

三、复原仿玉玻璃编磬的设计与制作 (320)

四、编磐烧铸流程 (329)

五、调音磬的操作理念与调音的实施 (338)

第八章汉魏清商篇(中):西汉江都王墓编钟(19件套)的复制研究 (356)

一、西汉江都王墓编钟的复制和复原 (359)

二、编钟的合金配比 (362)

三、编钟的音律设计 (365)

四、复制编钟的前期流程 (368)

五、制壳、熔炼与浇铸 (374)

六、钟坯的调音 (378)

七、复制编钟的外观 (381)

第九章汉魏清商篇(下):汉画像与汉乐俑览胜 (386)

一、汉画像(7件)的复制 (387)

二、汉伎乐俑的复仿制(9件 ) (394)

第十章唐宋伎乐篇:红毯笙歌的回响 (400)

一、隋炀帝萧后墓钟磬乐悬(36件套)的复原研究 (402)

二、唐乐舞俑(23件)的复制 (407)

三、日本奈良东大寺正仓院唐传乐器的复制 (413)

四、唐宋古琴(2件)的复制 (422)

五、复制河北曲阳五代王处直墓伎乐石刻 (428)

结语实验音乐考古在中国 (432)

参考文献 (453)

索引 (460)

后记 (462)


Preface (1)

Chapter 1 The Chinese Miracles ( I ) The Study on Restoration of Bianzhong of Marquis Yi (11)

1. Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng:The Peak of Bronze Age (14)

2. The Study on Replication and Restoration of Bianzhong (19 )

3. Main Technical Indexes and Parameter on the Restoration of Bianzhong (31)

Chapter 2 The Chinese Miracles (II) The Profound Study,Replication and Restoration of Jiahu Bone Flute (48)

1. An Overview of Excavation on Jiahu Bone Flute (51)

2. The Research Status of Bone Flute (55)

3. The Inference of “Bamboo Flute” in Jiahu (57)

4. The Profound Study of Bone Flute (60)

5. The Historical Significance of Jiahu Bone Flute (71)

Chapter 3 Prehistoric Music and Dance Ancient Horn (79)

1. The Replication and Reproduction on Pottery Xun and Bone Whistle (80)

2. The Replication and Reproduction on Pottery Shaker (89)

3. The Replication and Reproduction on Pottery Bell, Pottery Zhong and Bronze Bell (92)

4. The Replication and Restoration on Pottery Drum and Pottery Horn (95)

5. The Reproduction on Dancers Painted Pottery Pot (99)

Chapter 4 Musical Instruments in Yin-Shang Dynasty Sonorous Bronze Music (101)

1. Bian nao and Bo (102)

2. Pottery Xun and Pottery Drum (108)

3. Teqing and Bianqing (112)

Chapter 5 Yuexuan in Western Zhou The Light of Liyue Culture (122 )

1. The Replication on Bianzhong of Marquis Kang of Zeng(5 pieces) (123)

2. The Restoration on Bianzhong of Marquis Su of Jin(16 pieces) (144)

Chapter 6 The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Splendid Bronze Wonders (164)

1. The Restoration on Bianzhong in Duke Zheng’s Tomb(24 pieces) (165)

2. The Replication on Bianzhong in Pit No.4 of the Scarifice Site of Zheng State(24pieces) (175)

3. The Replication on Bianzhong in Duke Xu,s Tomb(37 pieces) (188)

4. The Restoration on Biaoqiang Bianzhong(14 pieces) (203)

5. The Replication on Bianzhong in the Tomb No.l of Changtaiguan County, Xinyang City, Henan Province( 13 pieces) (211)

6. The Replication on Bianzhong ofWangsun Gao (26 pieces) (218)

7. The Restoration on Bian,goudiao of Ancient Yue State (29 pieces) (227)

8. The Study and Restoration on Konghou unearthed in Xinjiang Province (8 pieces) (231)

9. The Restoration on Bianqing in the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng (32 pieces) (239)

10. The Replication on Bamboo and Wood Musical Instruments in the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng( 16 pieces) (252)

11. The Replication and Restoration on Other Musical Instruments (283)

Chapter 7 Qingshang Music in Han and Wei Dynasties(I) Restoration Project on “Jade” Bianqing in the Tomb of Jiangdu King LiuFei(20 pieces) (297)

1. The Replication of Bianqing’s Beam (300)

2. The Material and Formula of Bianqing (305)

3. The Design and Production on the Restoration of Imitation Jade Bianqing (320)

4. The Firing and Casting Process of Bianqing (329)

5. The Operation Concept and Implementation of Bianqing’s Tuning (338)

Chapter 8 Qingshang Music in Han and Wei Dynasties( II) The Study on Replication of Bianzhong in the Tomb of Jiangdu King LiuFei(19 pieces) (356)

1. The Replication and Restortaion of Bianzhong in the Tomb of Jiangdu King LiuFei (359)

2. The Alloy Ratio of Bianzhong (362)

3. The Temperament Design of Bianzhong (365)

4. The Preliminary Process of Bianzhong’s Replication (368)

5. Shell Making, Melting and Casting (374)

6. The Tuning on Bianzhong’s Embryonic Form (378)

7. The Replication on Bianzhong’s Appearance (381)

Chapter 9 Qingshang Music in Han and Wei Dynasties( ID ) Appreciation of Han Stone Relies and Musical Figurines (386)

1. The Replication on Han Stone Reliefs (7 pieces) (387)

2. The Replication and Reproduction on Han Jiyue Figurines (9 pieces) (394)

Chapter 10 Jiyue in Tang and Song Dynasties Music on the Carpet (400)

1. The Restoration on Yuexuan in the Tomb of Emepror Suiyang and Queen Xiao(36 pieces) (402)

2. The Replication on Tang Yuewu Pottery Figurines(23 pieces) (407)

3. The Replication on Musical Instruments of Tang Dynasty in Shosoin in Japan (413)

4. The Replication on Qin of Tang and Song Dynasties(2 pieces) (422)

5. The Replication on Jiyue Stone Carving in the Tomb of Wang Chuzhi (428)

Conclusion The Development of Experimental Music Archaeology in China (432)

References (453)

Index (460)

Post (462)











音乐文物历经岁月沧桑,却如碎金,残而不改其珍!是谓“碎金风华”。《碎金风华:音乐文物的复制、复原研究》以笔者多年复制、复原音乐文物的实验研究及相关成果,构建起一个“中国实验音乐考古学”研究的专题系列。   《碎金风华:音乐文物的复制、复原研究》具体讲述应用电子计算机X线断层扫描及3D打印技术、精密铸造工艺等现代科技方法复制、复原曾侯乙编钟、贾湖骨笛及西汉江都王刘非墓仿玉玻璃编磬等中华音乐考古史上奇迹的过程。这些音乐文物的复现,以其典型的“中国元素”,当有利于中国古代灿烂的音乐文化的传承与弘扬、中华民族自信心和凝聚力的增强。


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