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Authors Jason Bloomberg and Ronald Schmelzer-senior ***ysts for highly respected IT advisory and ***ysis firm ZapThink-say it all in the title of their new book, Service Orient or Be Doomed!: How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business. That is, if you fail to service orient your company, you will fail in competing with the ***anizati*** that do.
This provocative new book takes service orientation out of its more familiar technological surroundings within service-oriented architecture and introduces it as a philosophy that advocates its rightful place within a business context, redefining it as a new way of thinking about ***anizing your business and its processes.
Informal, challenging, and intelligent in style, Service Orient or Be Doomed!: How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business shows you how you can best use technology resources to meet your company's business goals and empower your company to go from "stuck" to "competitive."
作者简介:Jason Bloomberg (Uxbridge, MA), ZapThink senior ***yst, has a diverse background in eBusiness technology management and industry ***ysis, including serving as a senior ***yst in IDC's eBusiness Advisory group, as well as holding eBusiness management positi*** at USWeb/CKS (later marchFIRST) and WaveBend Soluti*** (now Hitachi C***ulting). He has a bachelor's degree in physics from Pomona College, and Masters degrees in mathematics and history & philosophy of science from the University of Pittsburgh.
CHAPTER 1: The Business Inflexibility Trap
The Mother of All Business Problems
One C***tant Is Change
Compliance Conundrum
Need for Business Agility
CHAPTER 2: If You’re in a Hole, the First Thing to Do Is Stop Digging
IT Decision Making’s Fatal Flaw
The IT “Rat’s Nest”
Why Are the Nerds Sitting at Their Own Table?
CHAPTER 3: What Really Happened to eBusiness
eBusiness was a Great Idea, so What Happened?
eBusiness Is Dead! Long Live eBusiness!
How to Think like an eBusinessperson
Why Aren’t the Systems Integrators Helping Anymore?
Thrift: Get Used to It
CHAPTER 4: What Do You Want Your IT to Do, Anyway?
Everyone’s a Grandma
Middleware: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?
Automation Paradox
Business Process: Sweetness and Light or Evil Hellspawn?
Missing Link in the IT Chain
Who’s in Control of IT Anyway?
CHAPTER 5: The Secret Sauce: Loose Coupling
Tale of Distributed Computing
Power of Abstraction
Role of Open Standard
Running IT Like a Railroad
How to Think Loosely Coupled
Secret of the Best Ice Skaters
How Loose Is Your Coupling?
CHAPTER 6: Service Orientation: Light at the End of the Tunnel
What’s a Service, Anyway?
Services + Loose Coupling = Agility
Process This!
How Service-Oriented Process Replaces Traditional Integration
CHAPTER 7: Is There an Architect in the House?
New Discipline of Architecture
Just How Big Is the Big Picture?
Putting All the Pieces Together
Where Are the Architects?
Whither the IT Department?
CHAPTER 8: How to Think Service Oriented
When Not to Use Service-Oriented Architecture
Keeping Up with the Competition
Service Orientation for Big Fish
Service Orientation for Small Fish
SOA to Stay Out of Jail
SOA for User Empowerment
SOA for Value Chains
CHAPTER 9: Okay, So Where Do We Start?
Identifying the Problem
Choosing Your Battles
Top-Down Planning and Bottom-Up Planning
Closer Look at Process Decomposition
Find Your Champion
CHAPTER 10: Tackling the Inertia in the Organization
Selling Service Orientation to Your Boss, Team, and Company
Quantifying the Cost and the Return on the Service Orientation Investment
Money, Money, Money: Where Will It Come from to Pay for SOA?
Reaching the SOA Tipping Point
Return of the Luddites
New Service-Oriented Organization
CHAPTER 11: Build Agility with Agility
Death to the Software Development Lifecycle!
Lego Block Model of Service Orientation
Four Pillars of Service-Oriented Development
Not Your Parents’ Requirements Gathering
Build, Buy, or Repurpose?
Reuse: The Holy Grail of IT
CHAPTER 12: Becoming a Service-Oriented Enterprise
Making IT Matter
Building Metaprocesses
Connecting the Dots: Service Orientation, Outsourcing, and the Industrialization of IT
Sunset of Legacy
Vision of the Business Web
What Does It All Mean?
How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business "The real value of this book is that it makes SOA and Web services, which are critical and business-transforming, crystal-clear to the layman, both business and IT leaders. The book stays focused on the real-world issues facing business and government instituti*** today. In an industry full of experts of many stripes, Ron and Jason are the real thing: savvy, experienced, and realistic. They have produced a must-read book for management."-Paul Lipton, Senior Architect, Unicenter Web Services and Application Management Computer Associates "This is by far the finest publication on SOA of our time. From cover to back, Service Orient or Be Doomed! strips away the layers of confusion most IT stakeholders face when confronted with enterprise architecture, and illustrates pragmatic and practical paths towards a sustainable and efficient enterprise architecture. Both the technically savvy and the bean counters will enjoy this book that speaks to the critical points they need to understand."-Duane A. Nickull Senior Standards Strategist, Adobe Systems, Inc. Chair, OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee Vice chair, United Nati*** CEFACT (UN/CEFACT) "If you're looking for a guide that's based on reality, this is it. These guys know how you can service-orient your enterprise and have the best chance of success. This book is the best SOA tool you can buy. I'm recommending it to everyone."-Dave Linthicum, CEO, BRIDGEWERX "Jason and Ron are experts on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and have written the first book that is aimed at helping a nontechnical businessperson understand why the SOA computing revolution is critical to business. Rather than provide a nerdy death via buzzword book, Jason and Ron take a humorous, clever, and insightful romp through this new technology and how it impacts business in general."-Brad Feld, Mobius Venture Capital Authors Jason Bloomberg and Ronald Schmelzer-senior ***ysts for highly respected IT advisory and ***ysis firm ZapThink-say it all in the title of their new book, Service Orient or Be Doomed!: How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business. That is, if you fail to service orient your company, you will fail in competing with the ***anizati*** that do. This provocative new book takes service orientation out of its more familiar technological surroundings within service-oriented architecture and introduces it as a philosophy that advocates its rightful place within a business context, redefining it as a new way of thinking about ***anizing your business and its processes. Informal, challenging, and intelligent in style, Service Orient or Be Doomed!: How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business shows you how you can best use technology resources to meet your company's business goals and empower your company to go from "stuck" to "competitive."
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