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WRITE TO THE TOP (REVISED ED)(I***N=9780812968989)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780812968989
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2004-07
  • 页数:280
  • 价格:68.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:大16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Now re***anized into an easy-to-follow, six step approach to effective writing for every business communication format.








Writing Can Make or Break Your Career

Most of us dread writing in some way

Tom LeBlanc glances at his watch and then back at the empty screen

in front of him. The ticking of the wall clock grows louder, and a

siren outside the window makes him lose his train of thought for

the second time. The right words are just beyond his reach.

His mind wanders to the next day's appointments and to the movie he

is going to see with Elaine that evening. A ringing telephone

brings his attention back to the memo he wants to write. "I'm just

not getting anywhere," he thinks. "I know pretty much what I want

to say, but I can't get those first words out."

Tom stands, straightens up his desk, and wonders if a cup of coffee

will wake him up. "Maybe I'll just let it go until tomorrow," he


An enormous percentage of the people we work with tell us that they

regularly feel the way this manager does. Whethe***riting a long

report or a short memo, they find themselves staring at the blank

page or screen more often than they'd care to admit. At those times

the process can seem so overwhelming that many will do anything to

avoid getting started.

Writers get into this trouble because most of them were not taught

an effective, step-by-step approach to writing. They were often

told, with bright red pen, what they were doing wrong, but few

teachers ever said, "Write this way!"

Convenient distracti***

In the office there are many distracti***: the phone rings, an

associate drops by, or there's e-mail to check. Here is a list of

obstacles to writing mentioned by participants in a

Better Communicati***(r) business-writing workshop:

-I need to clean my desk before I can start writing.

-I can't find the time to do my job and write this proposal,


-My manager called a special meeting.

-No matte***hat I write, it will be ripped to shreds.

-I don't understand why they want me to put this in writing.

-I need to check my messages first.

For those who dread beginning o***ho are embarrassed about their

skills, almost any other activity will win out ove***riting.

Our mass-media society sabotages good writing skills

These days it's easy to communicate with a minimum of writing. The

Internet gives us business information, news, and entertainment.

Family, friends, and business associates are a phone call away.

E-mail barely counts as writing anymore-much to the detriment of

clear communication. People read dramatically fewer books than they

did 50 years ago, and it shows. As we read less fiction or

nonfiction, we are becoming far less comfortable with the written


No wonder many people say that writing is the part of their job

they like the least. In fact, most of them would probably be happy

to see other methods of communication replace writing


Today's biggest writing challenges

Our clients tell us that they are faced with several challenges

that they are aware of. After listing these, we'll add a couple

they may not be aware of.

No time

The first and most daunting task most businesspeople climbing the

corporate ladder experience is the need to write twice as quickly

as perhaps five years ago. In a company that has experienced

downsizing, these people must be able to do a job that two or three

did in the past. If they are slowed down by thei***riting

resp***ibilities, their daily success and possibly their careers

will suffer.

The good news: This book has a solution that works for improving

writing efficiency. At Better Communicati*** we measure the writing

productivity of over 4,000 graduates each year-and all report

writing 30 to 50 percent faster after taking one of our


Writer's block

The inability to get started can have many causes: not knowing who

your readers are or how to approach them, lacking a clear vision of

where you want to go with your message, negative past experiences

that shook your confidence.

The good news: There are many more causes of writer's block, but

our strategies will help you overcome them all. According to our

graduates, even years after one of ou***orkshops, their start-up

speed keeps improving.

C***tant interrupti***

It's frequently impossible even to reply to an e-mail without three

phone calls and two drop-ins slowing you down. This, on top of the

two challenges we have already discussed, can grind you to a


The good news: This book offers several step-by-step processes that

can guide you through writing any type of document, from the

***st e-mail to the most complex of presentati***. If you are

interrupted in Step 3, it's all right. You can go back anytime,

finish that step, and move on to Step 4. You always know where you

are in the writing process and what to do next.

It's Hard to persuade and influence

There are specific techniques for convincing readers that your

ideas are the right ones. Some are ***-good for quick e-mails,

for example. Others guide you through the process of c***tructing

persuasive arguments built on inductive logic. These arguments can

be inserted into more than one type of document.

The good news: You can find strategies for influence and persuasion

in this book.

Building your professional image-and your career

There are two challenges of which corporate writers are often

blissfully unaware. The first is professional image, how you are

perceived by your managers and peers. We are c***tantly surprised

at how many corporate writers, especially emerging ones, don't

understand that their casual "instant messaging" approach to

business e-mail is doing them a grave disservice. They just don't

believe that taking the time to write a professional-sounding

e-mail makes a difference. Managers, however, are c***tantly

telling us that they judge others negatively for this failure.

Indeed, managers doubt other ***ects of their coworkers' skills

when they receive careless, error-filled e-mail.

Second, if you work in a large company and are known only on

e-mail, you face the challenge of how to differentiate yourself and

advance your career. With the ever-greater use of phone and

Internet conferencing, many meeting participants have never met one

another. Do you judge others a bit harshly if they send you a messy

e-mail riddled with errors? Are you sure that yours don't look the

same? Do you take the time to use spell check and grammar


The good news: "Energize Your E-mail" in Part 4 will help you avoid

these all-too-common errors. Part 5 focuses on the rigors of

editing and lets you quiz yourself to see how much you already


Writing skills will always be vital to business


Most businesspeople we meet are not happy with thei***riting

skills. On top of this, they spend hours reading and replying to

ever more e-mails a day. They must make decisi*** about graphics

and page layout-tasks that are alien to most. No matter how

technological the workplace may become, real powe***ill still have

its source in the written word.

Good writing skills are in demand by employers. Skill in writing

correlates highly with the ability to think well-to ***yze

information, weigh alternatives, and make decisi***. Writing

ability is also one of the core competencies necessary to climb the

corporate ladder. Our experience c***ulting with executives

verifies that, these days, no one gets to the top without being

able to write well.

Why business documents fail

No matte***hat the topic, most of the writing we coaches and

editors see suffers from one major flaw: it is written more from

the writer's point of view than from an angle that will appeal to

the reader. One of the greatest challenges to writers is to get

outside of their personal interests to present their ideas in a way

that will answer every reader's four biggest questi***:

1.What's this about?

2.Why should I read this?

3.What's in this for me?

4.What am I being asked to do?

We will be explaining more about reader-centered writing and how to

achieve it as we go through "Six Steps to Reader-Centered

Writing(r)," "Writing Presentation Documents”," "Challenges of

Persuasion," and "Action Through Words." You'll see how the

reader-centered approach will make you***riting more persuasive and

help you achieve the results you want.

Why use a process?

How do efficient writers write? Some seem to have a natural flair,

while others develop the skill through practice. Most of the

participants in ou***riting workshops confirm that thei***riting

improves when they begin to look at it as a manageable process,

rather than as an irritating chore. How can you make this shift in

attitude? By breaking the writing task into its components.

The different steps we offer for various types of documents make

efficient writing easy to learn. Using a systematic approach, you

can always pick up where you left off in the process, even after an

unexpected interruption. This is an especially important skill if

you're working on more than one document at a time.

A writing process benefits the writer in surprising


One manage***rote a long document developing an idea for a new

business direction. As he worked his way through the writing

process, he changed his mind about the value of pursuing the new

approach and actually recommended aborting the project. "The

writing process helped me see the facts more objectively," he told

us. Because he had been so emotionally tied to his great idea, he

wasn't able to think it through clearly until he systematically

approached the task of writing it down.

Writing is thought on paper, a tool for creating and ***anizing

ideas. When writers transfer random ideas from the brain to paper,

they begin to understand their own thoughts better. As they

continue the process and develop a ...





Now re***anized into an easy-to-follow, six step approach to effective writing for every business communication format.


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