费恩曼物理学讲义(第2卷)(英文版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》费恩曼物理学讲义(第2卷)(英文版)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787506272483
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2004-11
  • 页数:601
  • 价格:98.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
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chapter 1. electromagnetism .

1-1 electrical forces 1-1

1-2 electric and magnetic felds 1-3

1-3 characteristics of vector fields 1-4

1-4 the laws of electromagnetism i-5

i-5 what are the fields? 1-9

1-6 electromagnetism in science and technology 1-10

chapter 2. differential calculus of vector fields

2-1 understanding physics 2-1

2-2 scalar and vector fields—t and h 2-2

2-3 derivatives of fields—the gradient 2-4

2-4 the operator v 2-6

2-5 operati*** with v 2-7

2-6 the differential equation of heat flow 2-8

2-7 second derivatives of vector fields 2-9

2-8 pitfalls 2-11

chapter 3. vector integral calculus

3-1 vector integrals; the line integral of v,it 3-1

3-2 the flux of a vector field 3-2

3-3 the flux from a cube; gauss' theorem 3-4

.3-4 heat conduction; the diffusion equation 3-6

3-5 the circulation of a vector field 3-8

3-6 the circulation around a square;

stokes' theorem 3-9

3-7 curl-free and divergence-free fields 3-10

3-8 summary 3-11

chapter 4. electrostatics

4-1 statics 4—1

4-2 coulomb's law; superposition 4-2

4-3 electric potential 4-4

4-4 e=- φ 4-6

4-5 the flux of e 4-7

4-6 gauss' law; divergence of e 4-9

4-7 field of a sphere of charge 4-10

4-8 field lines; equipotential surfaces 4-1l

chapter 5. application of gauss' law

5-1 electrostatics is gauss's law plus . . . 5-1

5-2 equilibrium in an electrostatic field 5-1

5-3 equilibrium with conductors 5-2

5-4 stability of atoms 5-3

5-5 the field of a line charge 5-3

5-6 a sheet of charge; two sheets 5-4

5-7 a sphere of charge; a spherical shell 5-4

5-8 is the field of a point charge exactly 1/r2? 5-5

5-9 the fields of a conductor 5-7

5-10 the field in a cavity of a conductor 5-8

chapter 6. the electric field in various


6-1 equati*** of the electrostatic potential 6-1

6-2 the electric dipole 6-2

6-3 remarks on vector equati*** 6-4

6-4 the dipole potential as a gradient 6-4

6-5 the dipole approximation for an arbitrary

distribution 6-6

6-6 the fields of charged conductors 6-8

6-7 the method of images 6-8

6-8 a point charge near a conducting plane 6-9

6-9 a point charge near a conducting sphere 6-10

6-10 condensers; parallel plates 6-11

6-11 high-voltage breakdown 6-13

6-12 the field-emission microscope 6-14

chapter 7. the electric field in various

circumstances (continued)

7-1 methods for finding the electrostatic field 7-1

7-2 two-dimensional fields; functi*** of the complex

variable 7-2

7-3 plasma oscillati*** 7-5

7—4 colloidal particles in an electrolyte 7-8

7-5 the electrostatic field of a grid 7-10

chapter 8. electrostatic energy

8-1 the electrostatic energy of charges. a uniform

sphere 8-t

8-2 the energy of a condenser. forces on charged

conductors 8-2

8-3 the electrostatic energy of an ionic crystal 8-4

8-4 electrostatic energy in nuclei 8-6

8-5 energy in the electrostatic field 8-9

8-6 the energy of a point charge 8-12

chapter 9. electricity in the atmosphere

9-1 the electric potential gradient of the

atmosphere 9-1

9-2 electric currents in the atmosphere 9-2

9-3 origin of the atmospheric currents 9-4

9-4 thunderstorms 9-5

9-5 the mechanism of charge separation 9-7

9-6 lightning 9-10

chapter 10. dielectrics

10-1 the dielectric c***tant 10-1

10—2 the polarization vector p 10-2

10-3 polarization charges 10-3

10-4 the electrostatic equati*** with dielectrics 10-6

10-5 fields and forces with dielectrics 10-7

chapter 11. inside dielectrics

11-1 molecular dipoles 11-1

11-2 electronic polarization 11-1

11-3 polar molecules; orientation polarization 11-3

11-4 electric fields in cavities of a dielectric 11-5

11-5 the dielectric c***tant of liquids; the clausius-

mossotti equation 11-6

11-6 solid dielectrics 11-8

11-7 ferroelectricity; batioa 11-8

chapter 12. electrostatic ***ogs

12-1 the same equati*** have the same soluti*** 12-1

12-2 the flow of heat; a point source near an infinite

plane boundary 12-2

12-3 the stretched membrane 12-5

12-4 the diffusion of neutr***; a uniform spherical

source in a homogeneous medium 12-6

12-5 irrotational fluid flow; the flow past a sphere 12-8

12-6 illumination; the uniform lighting of a plane 12-10

12-7 the "underlying unity" of nature 12-12

chapter 13. magnetostatics

13-1 the magnetic field 13-1

13-2 electric current; the c***ervation of charge 13-1

13-3 the magnetic force on a current 13-2

13-4 the magnetic field of steady currents;

ampere's law 13-3

13-5 the magnetic field of a straight wire and of a

solenoid; atomic currents 13-5

13-6 the relativity of magnetic and electric fields 13-6

13-7 the transformation of currents and charges 13-11

13-8 superposition; the right-hand rule 13-11

chapter 14. the magnetic field in various


14-1 the vector potential 14-1

14-2 the vector potential of known currents 14-3

14-3 a straight wire 14-4

14-4 a long solenoid 14-5

14-5 the field of a small loop; the magnetic dipole 14-7

14-6 the vector potential of a circuit 14-8

14-7 the law of blot and savart 14-9

chapter 15. the vector potential

15-1 the forces on a current loop; energy of

a dipole 15-1

15-2 mechanical and electrical energies 15-3

15-3 the energy of steady currents 15-6

15-4 b versus a 15-7

15-5 the vector potential and quantum mechanics 15-8

15-6 what is true for statics is false for dynamics 15-14

chapter 16. induced currents

16-1 motors and generators 16-1

16-2 transformers and inductances 16-4

16-3 forces on induced currents 16-5

16-4 electrical technology 16-8

chapter 17. the laws of induction

17-1 the physics of induction 17-1

17-2 excepti*** to the "flux rule" 17-2

17-3 particle acceleration by an induced electric field;

the betatron 17-3

17-4 a paradox 17-5

17-5 alternating-current generator 17-6

17-6 mutual inductance 17-9

17-7 self-inductance 17-11

17-8 inductance and magnetic energy 17-12

chapter 18. the maxwell equati***

18-1 maxwell's equati*** 18-1

18-2 how the new term works 18-3

18-3 all of classical physics 18-5

18-4 a travelling field 18-5

18-5 the speed of light 18-8

18-6 solving maxwell's equati***; the potentials and the

wave equation 18-9

chapter 19. the principle of least action

a special lecture—almost verbatim 19-1

a note added after the lecture 19-14

chapter 20. soluti*** of maxwell's equati***

in free space

20-1 waves in free space; plane waves 20-1

20-2 three-dimensional waves 20-8

20-3 scientific imagination 20-9

20-4 spherical waves 20—12

chapter 21. soluti*** of maxwell's equati*** ..

with currents and charges

21-1 light and electromagnetic waves 21-1

21-2 spherical waves from a point source 21-2

21-3 the general solution of maxwell's equati*** 21-4

21-4 the fields of an oscillating dipole 21-5

21-5 the potentials of a moving charge; the general

solution of lienard and wiechert 21-9

21-6 the potentials for a charge moving with c***tant

velocity; the lorentz formula 21-12

chapter 22. ac circuits

22-1 impedances 22-1

22-2 generators 22-5

22-3 networks of ideal elements; kirchhoff's rules 22-7

22-4 equivalent circuits 22-10

22-5 energy 22-11

22-6 a ladder network 22-12

22-7 filters 22-14

22-8 other circuit elements 22-16

chapter 23. cavity resonators

23-1 real circuit elements 23-1

23-2 a capacitor at high frequencies 23-2

23-3 a resonant cavity 23-6

23-4 cavity modes 23-9

23-5 cavities and resonant circuits 23-10

chapter 24. waveguides

24-1 the transmission line 24-1

24-2 the rectangula***aveguide 24-4

24-3 the cutoff frequency 24-6

24-4 the speed of the guided waves 24-7

24-5 observing guided waves 24-7

24-6 waveguide plumbing 24-8

24-7 waveguide modes 24-10

24-8 anothe***ay of looking at the guided waves 24-10

chapter 25. electrodynamics in relativistic


25-1 four-vectors 25-1

25-2 the scalar product 25-3

25-3 the four-dimensional gradient 25-6

25-4 electrodynamics in four-dimensional notation 25-8

25-5 the four-potential of a moving charge 25-9

25-6 the invariance of the equati*** of

electrodynamics 25-10

chapter 26. lorentz transformati*** of the fields

26-1 the four-potential of a moving charge 26-1

26-2 the fields of a point charge with a c***tant

velocity 26-2

26-3 relativistic transformation of the fields 26-5

26-4 the equati*** of motion in relativistic

notation 26-11

chapter 27. field energy and field momentum

27-1 local c***ervation 27-1

27-2 energy c***ervation and electromagnetism 27-2

27-3 energy density and energy flow in the

electromagnetic field 27-3

27-4 the ambiguity of the field energy 27-6

27-5 examples of energy flow 27-6

27-6 field momentum 27-9

chapter 28. electromagnetic mass

28-1 the field energy of a point charge 28-1

28-2 the field momentum of a moving charge 28-2

28-3 electromagnetic moss 28-3

28-4 the force of an electron on itself 28-4

28-5 attempts to modify the maxwell theory 28-6

28-6 the nuclear force field 28-12

chapter 29. the motion of charges in electric

and magnetic fields

29-1 motion in a uniform electric or magnetic field 29-1

29-2 momentum ***ysis 29-1

29-3 an electrostatic lens 29-2

29-4 a magnetic lens 29-3

29-5 the electron microscope 29-3

29-6 *** guide fields 29-4

29-7 alternating-gradient focusing 29-6

29-8 motion in crossed electric and magnetic fields 29-8

chapter 30. the internal geometry of crystals

30-1 the internal geometry of crystals 30-1

30-2 chemical bonds in crystals 30-2

30-3 the growth of crystals 30-3

30-4 crystal lattices 30-3

30-5 symmetries in two dimensi*** 30-4

30-6 symmetries in three dimensi*** 30-7

30-7 the strength of metals 30-8

30-8 dislocati*** and crystal growth 30-9

30-9 the bragg-nye crystal model 30-10

chapter 31. tensors

31-1 the tensor of polarizability 31-1

31-2 transforming the tensor components 31-3

31-3 the energy ellipsoid 3 i-3

31-4 other tensors; the tensor of inertia 31-6

31-5 the cross product 31-8

31-6 the tensor of stress 31-9

31-7 tensors of higher rank 31-11

31-8 the four-tensor of electromagnetic

momentum 31-12

chapter 32. refractive index of dense materials

32-1 polarization of matter 32-1

32-2 maxwell's equati*** in a dielectric 32-3

32-3 waves in a dielectric 32-5

32-4 the complex index of refraction 32-8

32-5 the index of a mixture 32-8

32-6 waves in metals 32-10

32-7 low-frequency and high-frequency approximati***;

the skin depth and the plasma frequency 32-11

chapter 33. reflection from surfaces

33-1 reflection and refraction of light 33-1

33-2 waves in dense materials 33-2

33-3 the boundary conditi*** 33-4

33-4 the reflected and transmitted waves 33-7

33-5 reflection from metals 33-11

33-6 total internal reflection 33-12

chapter 34. the magnetism of matter

34-1 diamagnetism and paramagnetism 34-1

34-2 magnetic moments and angular momentum 34-3

34-3 the precession of atomic magnets 34-4

34-4 diamagnetism 34-5

34-5 larmor's theorem 34-6

34-6 classical physics gives neither diamagnetism nor

paramagnetism 34-8

34-7 angular momentum in quantum mechanics 34-8

34-8 the magnetic energy of atoms 34-11

chapter 35. paramagnetism and magnetic resonance

35-1 quantized magnetic states 35-1

35-2 the stern-gerlach experiment 35-3

35-3 the rabi molecular-beam method 35-4

35-4 the paramagnetism of bulk materials 35-6

35-5 cooling by adiabatic demagnetization 35-9

35-6 nuclear magnetic resonance 35-10

chapter 36. ferromagnetism

36-1 magnetization currents 36-1

36-2 the field h'36-5

36-3 the magnetization curve 36-6

36-4 iron-core inductances 36-8

36-5 electromagnets 36-9

36-6 spontaneous magnetization 36-11

chapter 37. magnetic materials

37-1 understanding ferromagnetism 37-1

37-2 thermodynamic properties 37-4

37-3 the hysteresis curve 37-5

37-4 ferromagnetic materials 37-10

37-5 extraordinary magnetic materials 37-11

chapter 38. elasticity

38-1 hooke's law 38-1

38-2 uniform strains 38-2

38-3 the torsion bar; shea***aves 38-5

38-4 the bent beam 38-9

38-5 buckling 38-i1

chapter 39. elastic materials

39-1 the tensor of strain 39-1

39-2 the tensor of elasticity 39-4

39-3 the moti*** in an elastic body 39-6

39-4 nonelastic behavior 39-8

39-5 calculating the elastic c***tants 39-10

chapter 40. the flow of dry water

40-1 hydrostatics 40-1

40-2 the equati*** of motion 40-2

40-3 steady fiow—bernoulli's theorem 40-6

40-4 circulation 40-9

40-5 vortex lines 40-10

chapter 41. the flow of wet water

41-1 viscosity 41-1

41-2 viscous flow 41-4

41-3 the reynolds number 41-5

4l-4 flow past a circular cylinder 41-7

41-5 the limit of zero viscosity 41-9

41-6 couette flow 41-10

chapter 42. curven space

42-1 curved spaces with two dimensi*** 42-1

42-2 curvature in three-dimensional space 42-5

42-3 our space is curved 42-6

42-4 geometry in space-time 42-7

42-5 gravity and the principle of equivalence 42-8

42-6 the speed of clocks in a gravitational field 42-9

42-7 the curvature of space-time 42-11

42-8 motion in curved space-time 42-12

42-9 einstein's theory of gravitation 42-13











▽²u=-f/τ (12.18)








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