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Do you remembe***here the deed to your house is, what you paid
for the painting hanging over your mantle, where your life
insurance documents are? Have you p***ographed your belongings?
Have you thought through your estate planning? Does anyone know
what to do if something happens to you? Does everyone know what
you***ishes are?
Life Organizer: The Essential Record Keeper & Estate Planner
is the perfect place for storing all essential information, and
finding lots of personal planning advice. Learn how an estate plan
is, well…planned, and what you need to get started. In one handy
location, find reader-friendly explanati***, definiti***, tips,
worksheets and storage space for everything you need to ***anize
you***ishes and assets, and get on with your life!
Nancy Randolph Greenyway, the extraordinary co-author of Pass it
On: A Practical Approach to the Fears and Facts of Planning Your
Estate (Hyperion), combines clear and friendly prose with legal
expertise to make Life Organizer the definitive resource for
reference, ***anization, and storage in all matters of basic estate
The ***anizer is divided into eight secti***:
? Family and Beneficiaries
? Personal C***iderati***
? Property and Investment Records
? Insurance, Retirement and Business
? My Will, Trusts and Gifts
? Health Care Choices
? Final Wishes
? Resources and Advisors
Produced as a three-ring-binder, Life Organizer includes 8 tabs
with pockets, 15 plastic sleeves for storing copies of important
documents, and 1 sleeve to hold 2 DVDs for p***o and video
inventory, plus dozens of worksheets, checklists, and pages for
contact information of family members and professionals.
Whether you’re a baby boomer planning your estate, parent with a
new family, or recent grad just beginning to earn an income, it’s a
beautiful and helpful ***anizer for anyone at any age.
Nancy Randolph Greenway is co-author and primary writer of Pass
it On: A Practical Guide to the Fears and Facts of Planning Your
Estate (Hyperion, 2001). With a law degree and personal experience
in estate matters across many states, Greenway remains uniquely
qualified to distill estate-planning concerns faced at any stage of
Nancy Randolph Greenway is co-author and primary writer of
Pass It On, A Practical Guide to the Fears and Facts of Planning
Your Estate, Hyperion, 2000.
With a law degree and extensive personal experience in estate
matters across many states, Greenway remains uniquely qualified to
distill estate-planning concerns faced at any stage of life.
"A how-to guide meets filing cabinet…Greenway opens each
section by explaining concepts and defining terms in delightfully
plain English…The Life Organizer is especially handy because it
includes storage space. You can fill out the worksheets and
use the folders to corral all your vital information. The
book even comes with sample worksheets, so you know how to fill
them out.", Katie Karlson
"Parenting Gem: Was getting ***anized one of your New Year’s
resoluti***?...Step-by-step info will help you understand Family
& Beneficiaries, Wills, Trusts & Gifts, Health Care
Choices, plus a lot more. Designed so you can keep all your
important documents in one place, and better yet, find them when
you really need them! Just supply the required information in the
workbook secti***. Included are checklists, worksheets, sleeves to
hold DVDs for p***o and video inventory - practical and ***, an
open and shut case."
-LA Parent
"Life Organizer is a very useful resource that should be highly
c***idered for those who want their life's information written
-Midwest Book Review
"A great resource...the author not only gives a great tool for
estate planning, but lots of useful information and tips as
well. I highly recommend this ***anizer to ***s of all ages
to help get your affairs in order."
Do you remembe***here the deed to your house is, what you paid for the painting hanging over your mantle, where your life insurance documents are? Have you p***ographed your belongings? Have you thought through your estate planning? Does anyone know what to do if something happens to you? Does everyone know what you***ishes are?
Life Organizer: The Essential Record Keeper & Estate Planner is the perfect place for storing all essential information, and finding lots of personal planning advice. Learn how an estate plan is, well…planned, and what you need to get started. In one handy location, find reader-friendly explanati***, definiti***, tips, worksheets and storage space for everything you need to ***anize you***ishes and assets, and get on with your life!
Nancy Randolph Greenyway, the extraordinary co-author of Pass it On: A Practical Approach to the Fears and Facts of Planning Your Estate (Hyperion), combines clear and friendly prose with legal expertise to make Life Organizer the definitive resource for reference, ***anization, and storage in all matters of basic estate planning.
The ***anizer is divided into eight secti***:
• Family and Beneficiaries
• Personal C***iderati***
• Property and Investment Records
• Insurance, Retirement and Business
• My Will, Trusts and Gifts
• Health Care Choices
• Final Wishes
• Resources and Advisors
Produced as a three-ring-binder, Life Organizer includes 8 tabs with pockets, 15 plastic sleeves for storing copies of important documents, and 1 sleeve to hold 2 DVDs for p***o and video inventory, plus dozens of worksheets, checklists, and pages for contact information of family members and professionals.
Whether you’re a baby boomer planning your estate, parent with a new family, or recent grad just beginning to earn an income, it’s a beautiful and helpful ***anizer for anyone at any age.
Nancy Randolph Greenway is co-author and primary writer of Pass it On: A Practical Guide to the Fears and Facts of Planning Your Estate (Hyperion, 2001). With a law degree and personal experience in estate matters across many states, Greenway remains uniquely qualified to distill estate-planning concerns faced at any stage of life.
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