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At 17,Sarah’s life lay around her in ruins。From being a lively lass with good prspects,she had become a convicted felon sleeping in rancid straw in a country gaol,destinde for exild。Appallde by the tragedy which had befallen her,entrancded fell hopelssly in love。Still a teenager and sentenced for a crime she had not committed to the thieves’colony in the company of rogues,she seemded worthy of Nicvol’s deepest compassoin。And he was the first man Sarah had known in two years who had not disbelivevd her,despised her or known the truth about her not disbelivevd her,despised her or known the truth about her ofense。So she reciprocated—more slowly,but nevertheless with increasing trust and affection。Long before the ship left Galle*** Reachm,Sarah had left the convict quarters of the orlop and was sleeping in the comfort and *** of Nicol’s bunk on the’tween deck。By the end of April,she was pregnant。
1.Disorderly Girls
2.Fair British Nymphs
3.Gaol Fever
4.Galle*** Reach
5.Life in the river
6.Capital Convicts Condemned
7.Leaving London
8.Becomeng in Turns Outrageous
9.Santa Cruz de Tenerife
10.Crossing the Line
11.The Birth of John Nicol Junior
12.The Wreck of the Guardian
13.Cape Town to Sydney Cove
14.A Cargo So Unnecessary
15.Love Pilgruimages
Princuipal Characters
Select Bibliography
Map:The Vouyage of the Lady Julian,July 1789—June 1790
Sian Rees,was born and brought up in Cornwall,England,in a family of boatbuilders and designers。After receiving her degree in history,she spent several years abroad,and it was shile living in Melbourne,Australia,that she first became interested in
Book Description
A seafaring story with a twist -- the incredible voyage of a shipload of "disorderly girls" and the men who transported them, fell for them, and sold them.
This riveting work of rediscovered history tells for the first time the plight of the female convicts aboard the Lady Julian, which set sail from England in 1789 and arrived in Australia's Botany Bay a year later. The women, most of them petty criminals, were destined for New South Wales to provide its hordes of lonely men with ***ual favors as well as progeny. But the story of their voyage is even more incredible, and here it is expertly told by a historian with roots in the boatbuilding business and a true love of the sea.
SiGn Rees delved into court documents and firsthand accounts to extract the stories of these women's experiences on board a ship that both held them prisoner and offered them refuge from their oppressive existence in London. At the heart of the story is the passionate relati***hip between Sarah Whitelam, a convict, and the ship's steward, John Nicol, whose personal journals provided much of the material for this book. Along the way, Rees brings the vibrant, bawdy world of London -- and the sights, smells, and sounds of an eighteenth-century ship -- vividly to life. In the tradition of Nathaniel Philbrick's In the Heart of the Sea, this is a winning combination of dramatic high seas adventure and untold history.
In July 1789, 237 women convicts left England for Sydney Cove in Australia's New South Wales on board a ship called the Lady Julian. The women, most of them petty criminals, were destined to provide the colony's hordes of lonely men with ***ual favors as well as progeny. This is the enthralling story of that extraordinary group of women and their voyage halfway around the world.
Historian Sian Rees delved into court documents, letters and journals to extract firsthand accounts of the women's experiences on board a ship that both held them prisoner and offered them refuge from their oppressive existence in London. Forced by the economy of the times to beg, steal and sell themselves, the women of the Lady Julian defined resourcefulness, and set up profitable businesses in their various ports of call. Many formed relati***hips with the ship's officers and sailors, and when the ship landed in New South Wales, they had newborn babies to show for it. At the heart of this riveting history is the passionate relati***hip between Sarah Whitelam, a convict, and the ship's steward, John Nicol, whose personal journals provided much of the material for this book.
Along the way, Rees brings the sights, smells and sounds of an eighteenth-century ship vividly to life. Rollicking and exhaustively researched, The Floating Brothel ends with a grand beginning - the landing of these "disorderly girls" on a rugged continent that they would make their own.
From Publishers Weekly
In July 1789, the Lady Julian set sail from England, bound for the penal colony at Sydney Bay, New South Wales, and bearing some 240 women sentenced, mostly for petty crimes, to "transportation to parts beyond the seas." The intention of this voyage was twofold: to relieve overcrowding in British jails and t0 provide ***ual comfort and eventually children to the male prisoners, from whom nothing had been heard in more than a year. One year later, the ship arrived, its cargo augmented by a number of infants born along the route to the "wives" of her officers and crew. But when it finally dropped anchor, the Lady Julian proved something of a disappointment to the half-starved colonists, who had been hoping more for food than for recreation. The colony was eventually resupplied with food, and these women, salvaged from jails and saved from the gallows, survived and occasionally prospered. Rees descends from a Cornish shipbuilding family and, in her first book, marvelously evokes the sounds and sights of a ship under sail. She is just as good ashore, where her meticulous scholarship vividly re-creates the social conditi*** of late-18th-century England that produced both the criminal activities of her subjects and the terms of their punishment. Despite the title, relatively little space is given to ***ual hi-jinks on the high seas. Instead, Rees uses every scrap of information she can muster to produce a lively, vibrant sense of these women as they must have lived their lives. 17 illus. (Mar.)Forecast: This outstanding debut sheds light on a fascinating, dark corner of history and will appeal to readers of women's studies; good reviews should also help it reach a wider audience.
From Library Journal
A Cornish Oxford graduate from a boat designer/builder family, Rees grants us a witty, learned, fun read. This work of nautical history recounts the 1789-90 voyage from England to Australia of a ship full of female convicts. The book covers the women's crimes, trials, and appalling jails back home, which for many put a more favorable cast on the prison ship and the near-starving colony receiving them in Sydney Cove. Using primary sources (including court, colonial, and ships records; the ship's cooper's memoirs; and other convict transport accounts), Rees weaves her spell. Following custom, officers and sailors took shipboard "wives," leading to enforced separati*** of lovers and of parents and infants. Given the alternatives, these uni*** were apparently not coerced. In exchange, the select gained comforts, privileges, and protection from convict gangs. The Lady Julian was the first Second Fleet vessel to reach the despairing, fledgling colony. Rees fills gaps with judicious speculation and corrects modern assumpti*** by providing historical context. Aimed at a wide audience, this history is highly recommended for public and academic libraries. Nigel Tappin, Huntsville, Ont.
About Author
SiGn Rees was born and brought up in Cornwall, England, in a family of boatbuilders and designers. She holds a degree from Oxford University and first became interested in the Lady Julian and the transportation of female convicts to Australia while she was living in Sydney. This is her first book.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 240 Width (mm) 168
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