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Increase efficiency while saving money with "on-demand" computing The biggest game-changing force in business since the creation of the Internet,cloud computing simplifies and lowers the cost of operati*** while providing flexibilityand power you never dreamed possible. Make your strategic move now, with ManagementStrategies for the Cloud Revolution! "Management Strategies for the Cloud Revolution is an important work that captures theconcepts and technological advances fueling the rapid adoption of cloud computing today.It illuminates how specific core technologies have led to the emergence of those patterns asthe foundation for the next generation of IT-managed infrastructure." -Rich Wolski, Chief Technology Officer and cofounder of Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.,and Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara "Explains in marvelously plain English how clouds will change ou***orld...If the potential ofcloud computing doesn't excite you now, it will after you read this book. Buy a copy and put iton your CEO's desk. Babcock explains it all." -Paul Gillin, bestselling author of The New Influencers "A valuable primer and handbook. It will help you master the technology and follow the storyas innovators craft the future of cloud computing." -Ted schadler, VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester Research, Inc.,and coauthor of Empowered "This readable, thought-provoking book will be especially useful to business professionals and practitioners." Choice magazine About the Book Everyday business as we know it is poisedfor a monumental shift, courtesy of cloudcomputing-the biggest game-changer since thecreation of the Internet itself. There's no doubtabout it: If you want to compete in the future,you must begin educating yourself about cloudcomputing now. From InformationWeek editor Charles Babcock, aleading authority on the business benefits and pitfallsof cloud computing, Management Strategiesfor the Cloud Revolution provides the tools everymanager needs to create a new business strategythat harnesses all the power cloud computing hasto offer. Cloud computing is the equivalent of renting timeon a computing infrastructure over the Internet, ratherthan building your own from the ground up. Accessto the cloud is growing quickly, and the benefits areundeniable. Those who begin incorporating cloudcomputing into their business strategy will enjoy: Dramatic Cost Savings: The cloud makesavailable innovative technologies that wouldotherwise be too expensive. Ubiquitous Access: Employees canaccess the server power they need anytime,anywhere, and send it the program theywant to run. Unprecedented Agility: Business processesand business infrastructures can be alteredquicker than ever. Steady Traffic Flow: Even during peak loads,systems in the cloud can overcome bottlenecksand expand to meet the user's needs. Working on the cloud, your ***ysts, business intelligenceexperts, and researchers can access large-scale,high-speed, highly reliable systems whilepaying only for short-term use. You didn't set up your own electrical grid to poweryour computers. Why pay big money to use themwhen you don't have to? The cloud is on the horizon,and it's looming larger by the day. Learn how to takefull advantage of it with Management Strategies forthe Cloud Revolution.
Increase efficiency while saving money with "on-demand" computing The biggest game-changing force in business since the creation of the Internet,cloud computing simplifies and lowers the cost of operati*** while providing flexibilityand power you never dreamed possible. Make your strategic move now, with ManagementStrategies for the Cloud Revolution! "Management Strategies for the Cloud Revolution is an important work that captures theconcepts and technological advances fueling the rapid adoption of cloud computing today.It illuminates how specific core technologies have led to the emergence of those patterns asthe foundation for the next generation of IT-managed infrastructure." -Rich Wolski, Chief Technology Officer and cofounder of Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.,and Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara "Explains in marvelously plain English how clouds will change ou***orld...If the potential ofcloud computing doesn't excite you now, it will after you read this book. Buy a copy and put iton your CEO's desk. Babcock explains it all." -Paul Gillin, bestselling author of The New Influencers "A valuable primer and handbook. It will help you master the technology and follow the storyas innovators craft the future of cloud computing." -Ted schadler, VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester Research, Inc.,and coauthor of Empowered "This readable, thought-provoking book will be especially useful to business professionals and practitioners." Choice magazine About the Book Everyday business as we know it is poisedfor a monumental shift, courtesy of cloudcomputing-the biggest game-changer since thecreation of the Internet itself. There's no doubtabout it: If you want to compete in the future,you must begin educating yourself about cloudcomputing now. From InformationWeek editor Charles Babcock, aleading authority on the business benefits and pitfallsof cloud computing, Management Strategiesfor the Cloud Revolution provides the tools everymanager needs to create a new business strategythat harnesses all the power cloud computing hasto offer. Cloud computing is the equivalent of renting timeon a computing infrastructure over the Internet, ratherthan building your own from the ground up. Accessto the cloud is growing quickly, and the benefits areundeniable. Those who begin incorporating cloudcomputing into their business strategy will enjoy: Dramatic Cost Savings: The cloud makesavailable innovative technologies that wouldotherwise be too expensive. Ubiquitous Access: Employees canaccess the server power they need anytime,anywhere, and send it the program theywant to run. Unprecedented Agility: Business processesand business infrastructures can be alteredquicker than ever. Steady Traffic Flow: Even during peak loads,systems in the cloud can overcome bottlenecksand expand to meet the user's needs. Working on the cloud, your ***ysts, business intelligenceexperts, and researchers can access large-scale,high-speed, highly reliable systems whilepaying only for short-term use. You didn't set up your own electrical grid to poweryour computers. Why pay big money to use themwhen you don't have to? The cloud is on the horizon,and it's looming larger by the day. Learn how to takefull advantage of it with Management Strategies forthe Cloud Revolution.
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