Ethics in psyc***herapy and counseling : a practical guide心理疗法与咨询业中的道德:实用指南 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Ethics in psyc***herapy and counseling : a practical guide心理疗法与咨询业中的道德:实用指南电子书下载地址
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Praise for Ethics in Psyc***herapy and Counseling, Third Edition
"This is absolutely the best text on professional ethics around. . . . This is a refreshingly open and inviting text that has become a classic in the field."
—Derald Wing Sue, professor of psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University
"I love this book! And so will therapists, supervisors, and trainees. In fact, it really should be required reading for every mental health professional and ***iring professional. . . . And it is a fun read to boot!"
—Stephen J. Ceci, H. L. Carr Professor of Psychology, Cornell University
"Pope and Vasquez have done it again. . . . an indispensable resource for seasoned professionals and students alike."
—Beverly Greene, professor of psychology, St. John's University
"[The third edition] focuses on how to think about ethical dilemmas . . . with empathy for the decision-make***hose best option may have to be a compromise between different values. If there is only room on the shelf for one book in the genre, this is it."
—Patrick O'Neill, former president, Canadian Psychological Association
"This third edition of the classic ethics text provides invaluable resources and enables readers to engage in critical thinking in order to make their own decisi***.?This superb reference belongs in every psychology training program's curriculum and on every psychologist's?bookshelf."
—Lillian Comas-Diaz, 2006 president, APA Division of Psychologists in Independent Practice
"Ken Pope and Melba Vasquez are right on target once again in the third edition, a book that every practicing mental health professional should read and have in their reference library."
—Jeffrey N. Younggren, risk management c***ultant, American Psychological Association Insurance Trust
"Without a doubt, this is the definitive book on ethics within psychology that can inform students, educators, clinical researchers, and practitioners."
—Nadine J. Kaslow, professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Emory University School of Medicine
"This stunningly good book . . . should be on every therapist's desk for quick reference."
—David Barlow, professor of psychology and psychiatry, Boston University
List of Tables
1 Helping Without Hurting: Personal Resp***ibility,
C***tant Questioning, and Basic Assumpti***
2 Ethics and Critical Thinking
3 Trust, Power, and Caring
4 Competence and the Human Therapist
S Creating Strategies for Self-Care
6 Creating a Professional Will
7 Codes and Complaints in Context: Historical,
Empirical, and Actuarial Foundati***
8 Responding to Ethics, Licensing, or
Malpractice Complaints
9 Steps in Ethical Decision Making
10 Beginnings and Endings, Absences and Accessibility
11 Informed C***ent and Informed Refusal
12 Assessment, Testing, and Diagnosis
13 Sexual Relati***hips with Clients
14 N***exual Multiple Relati***hips and Other
Boundary Issues
15 Culture, Context, and Individual Differences
16 Confidentiality
17 Responding to Suicidal Risk
18 The Supervisory Relati***hip
A American Psychological Association Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
B Canadian Psychological Association Code of
Ethics for Psychologists
C American Psychological Association Committee
on Legal Issues: Strategies for Private Practitioners
Coping with Subpoenas or Compelled Testimony
for Client Records or Test Data
D American Psychological Association Statement on
Services by Telephone, Teleconferencing, and Internet
E Patients' Mental Health Rights
F Ethical Guidelines for Professional Care in a
Managed Care Environment
G Ethics Codes, Professional Standards, and Practice
Guidelines for Assessment, Therapy, Counseling,
and Forensic Practice
About the Authors
Name Index
Subject Index
Kenneth S. Pope received his Ph.D. from Yale and is in independent practice as a licensed psychologist in Connecticut. He has chaired the Ethics Committees of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). He is the author of ten books, and has also authored or co-authored over 100 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed scientific and professional journals. He has received the APA Division of Clinical Psychology Award for Distinguished Professional Contributi*** to Clinical Psychology and the APA Award for Distinguished Contributi*** to Public Service.
Melba J. T. Vasquez received her Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Texas, and is a psychologist in private practice in Austin, Texas. She served on the APA Ethics Committee, the APA Ethics Committee Task Force for Revision of 1992 Ethics Code, and APA Board of Social and Ethical Resp***ibility. She has taught graduate courses in ethics, counseling and psyc***herapy, and multicultural issues in psychology. She is past president of the APA Society for the Psychology of Women and has won numerous awards including the 2000 Distinguished Leader for Women in Psychology.
Praise for Ethics in Psyc***herapy and Counseling, Third Edition "This is absolutely the best text on professional ethics around. . . . This is a refreshingly open and inviting text that has become a classic in the field."
—Derald Wing Sue, professor of psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University "I love this book! And so will therapists, supervisors, and trainees. In fact, it really should be required reading for every mental health professional and ***iring professional. . . . And it is a fun read to boot!"
—Stephen J. Ceci, H. L. Carr Professor of Psychology, Cornell University "Pope and Vasquez have done it again. . . . an indispensable resource for seasoned professionals and students alike."
—Beverly Greene, professor of psychology, St. John′s University "[The third edition] focuses on how to think about ethical dilemmas . . . with empathy for the decision–make***hose best option may have to be a compromise between different values. If there is only room on the shelf for one book in the genre, this is it."
—Patrick O′Neill, former president, Canadian Psychological Association "This third edition of the classic ethics text provides invaluable resources and enables readers to engage in critical thinking in order to make their own decisi***.?This superb reference belongs in every psychology training program′s curriculum and on every psychologist′s?bookshelf."
—Lillian Comas–Diaz, 2006 president, APA Division of Psychologists in Independent Practice "Ken Pope and Melba Vasquez are right on target once again in the third edition, a book that every practicing mental health professional should read and have in their reference library."
—Jeffrey N. Younggren, risk management c***ultant, American Psychological Association Insurance Trust "Without a doubt, this is the definitive book on ethics within psychology that can inform students, educators, clinical researchers, and practitioners."
—Nadine J. Kaslow, professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Emory University School of Medicine "This stunningly good book . . . should be on every therapist′s desk for quick reference."
—David Barlow, professor of psychology and psychiatry, Boston University
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