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"In a sea of snake oil and get-rich-quick n***ense about fast money on the Internet from people who haven't really done it, O'Bryan's book is a ship of sanity to an island of comm***ense e-commerce? This works."
—Mark Joyner, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simple.ology
"The Internet has leveled the playing field, *** it possible for anybody to start a business. O'Bryan, however, has given us the easy-to-follow instruction manual on how to first discover your niche and then build it into a big enterprise that can run itself from almost anywhere-all from his successful and proven formulas. A great book for anybody serious about a better quality of life."
—Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Sunglass Corporation
"This amazing book can free all working people to make money doing what they truly love!"
—Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits
"I know O'Bryan as a friend and colleague. He has painstakingly put together a book, with no frills or fanfare, that straight-up shares his hard-won wisdom. May I urge you to get it and read it? Not only will you enjoy it-but once you act on what you learn, you can profit mightily as well. Why? Because what's in this book lets you stop *** the victim's compromise on a daily basis-and start doing the victory dance, whenever you want!"
—David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich
"O'Bryan lives the portable empire, running his business from a laptop with a cigar and a glass of fine wine. There is no one better to be your guide as you create your own, because he's laid out every step for you in his inspiring and easy-to-read book. There is no need to be chained to a desk or locked in a cubicle, and your business can take you far beyond your kitchen table with the blueprint O'Bryan shares from his own successful journey."
—Craig Perrine, www.maverickmarketer.com
"Freedom-O'Bryan's new book makes you understand exactly how to obtain it and create the lifestyle of your dreams. Anyone who can go from being a dead-broke musician living in a mobile home to generating six figures in a single month is worth reading."
—Bill Hibbler, coauthor of Meet and Grow Rich
About the Author.
Foreword: The Most Dangerous Book.
Preface: The Most Dangerous Book Ever Written.
How to Use This Book.
Part One: How To.
Your Playground-Choosing Your Niche.
Building Your List.
Automating Your Empire.
Interview with "Maverick Marketer," Craig Perrine.
Easy To Be Hard.
Mastermind Groups.
Communicating With Your List.
The Basics-Introduction to Copywriting.
Interview with Dr. Joe Vitale.
Product Creation.
How to Create Products.
The Basics: "O'Bryan's Theorem of Internet Wealth".
Burn Rate.
Joint Ventures.
Your Ebook Business For Less Than $100.
The Short Course on Internet Marketing.
Do It!
Gold on the Playground.
Million Dollar Questi***.
Trances, Evil Magicians-and the Counter-Spell.
The Counter-Spell.
Zen and the Art of Internet Marketing.
On the Back Roads with a Portable Empire.
Marna's Story.
Part Two: Mindset of Success.
Your Inner Game.
Feeding Yourself.
Your Money Thermostat.
Self Sabotage Solution.
The Gold Zone.
How Big Is Your Box?
"I'd Rather Fail Big than Live Small".
Failing Up.
Where Giants Slept.
The Magic of "Un-Framing".
Un-Framing for Fun and Profit.
What's Next?
For The Dreamers.
The Fun Zone.
All the Success You Can Stand.
Thin Slicing Through the Information Overload Jungle.
Magical Marketing Tour.
"Strawberry Fields...Nothing is Real...Strawberry Fields Forever".
Portable Empire Heads West.
Kali, the Benevolent Destroyer.
Online Resources.
The Portable Empire in Seven Steps.
Your Portable Empire Online.
Pat O'Bryan is the Director of the Milagro Research Institute, CEO of Practical Metaphysics, Inc., a successful musician, and a popular blogger. He is the creator of the Milagro audio series, and his popular "Your Portable Empire" seminar attracts attendees from around the world.
Praise for Your Portable Empire "In a sea of snake oil and get-rich-quick n***ense about fast money on the Internet from people who haven't really done it, O'Bryan's book is a ship of sanity to an island of comm***ense e-commerce? This works."
—Mark Joyner, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simple.ology "The Internet has leveled the playing field, *** it possible for anybody to start a business. O'Bryan, however, has given us the easy-to-follow instruction manual on how to first discover your niche and then build it into a big enterprise that can run itself from almost anywhere-all from his successful and proven formulas. A great book for anybody serious about a better quality of life."
—Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Sunglass Corporation "This amazing book can free all working people to make money doing what they truly love!"
—Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits "I know O'Bryan as a friend and colleague. He has painstakingly put together a book, with no frills or fanfare, that straight-up shares his hard-won wisdom. May I urge you to get it and read it? Not only will you enjoy it-but once you act on what you learn, you can profit mightily as well. Why? Because what's in this book lets you stop *** the victim's compromise on a daily basis-and start doing the victory dance, whenever you want!"
—David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich "O'Bryan lives the portable empire, running his business from a laptop with a cigar and a glass of fine wine. There is no one better to be your guide as you create your own, because he's laid out every step for you in his inspiring and easy-to-read book. There is no need to be chained to a desk or locked in a cubicle, and your business can take you far beyond your kitchen table with the blueprint O'Bryan shares from his own successful journey."
—Craig Perrine, www.maverickmarketer.com "Freedom-O'Bryan's new book makes you understand exactly how to obtain it and create the lifestyle of your dreams. Anyone who can go from being a dead-broke musician living in a mobile home to generating six figures in a single month is worth reading."
—Bill Hibbler, coauthor of Meet and Grow Rich
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