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》WHAT WOULD DRUCKER DO NOW?: SOLUTIONS TO(I***N=9780071762205)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9780071762205
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-08
  • 页数:288
  • 价格:176.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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As technology, globalization, and business innovation advance at

breakneck speed, the question “What would Drucker do now?” becomes

more relevant by the day. More than anyone of his time, Peter

Drucker understood how the individual, the ***anization, and

society are interrelated. And no one better recognized and

articulated the challenges facing all three—or came up with more

practical soluti*** to those challenges.

Since 2007, the Drucker Institute’s executive director, Rick

Wartzman, has been asking what Drucke***ould do on a regular basis—

in his popular online column for Bloomberg Businessweek. In each

piece, Wartzman introduces a current issue and provides a view of

it through the eyes of Peter Drucker, based on his deep knowledge

of Drucker’s ideas and ideals.

What Would Drucker Do Now? culls Wartzman’s best, most timely

columns into a single volume, offering a perspective on business

and society you won’t find anywhere else. Featuring more than 80

articles, the book is ***anized into seven thematic secti***:

Management as a Discipline

The Practice of Management

Management Challenges for the Twenty-First Century

On Wall Street and Finance

On Values and Resp***ibility

The Public and Social Sectors

Art, Music, and Sports

Covering everything from the federal bailout of *** and the scandal

at Goldman Sachs to the roles religion and race relati*** play in a

well-functioning society, What Would Drucker Do Now? explores a

range of subjects as broad as Drucker’s remarkable mind. Wartzman

provides a smart, original, and provocative look at a world being

buffeted by change and in which all ***anizati***—private, public,

and nonprofit—are searching for answers. What would Drucker do now,





Rick Wartzman is the executive director of

Claremont Graduate University's Drucker Institute, an ***anization

that advances the teachings of Peter F. Drucke***ith the aim of

bettering society by stimulating effective management and

resp***ible leadership. A former reporter and editor at the Wall

Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, he is a columnist for

Bloomberg Businessweek online and the editor of The Drucker

Lectures: Essential Less*** on Management, Society, and










"Channeling Peter Drucker to tackle some of this century's most

difficult topics, What Would Drucker Do Now? is a veritable

treasure trove of fascinating reading. Drucker's insights were

nothing short of remarkable, and Rick Wartzman pays high tribute to

that fact while adding a few of his own."

--Marshall Goldsmith, author of the New York Times bestsellers MOJO

And What Got You Here Won't Get You There

"Rick Wartzman has accomplished what I didn't think was possible: a

tapestry of ideas drawn from Wartzman's observati*** and personal

experiences, woven togethe***ith the wisdom of the most important

management thinker of this or any other age."

--Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, the

University of Southern California, and author of the recently

published Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership

"Peter Drucker's thinking has had an enduring impact on

c***umer-driven companies like Macy's. . . . [What Would Drucker Do

Now?] serves as a compendium of the very best ideas that can help

all of our companies win in a highly competitive marketplace for

products, services, and customer experiences."

--Terry Lundgren, Chairman, President, and CEO, Macy's Inc.

"This collection of essays . . . will broaden you as a manager, a

leader, and as a human being. . . . Rick Wartzman has done the

world a great service by collecting the most incisive observati***

of a beautiful mind and linking them to problems that face leaders

and ***anizati*** everywhere."

--Brian Walker, President and CEO, Herman Miller, Inc.

"If Peter Drucker is the master, Rick Wartzman is the prized pupil.

Drucke***ould be delighted to see his theories applied in such a

cogent, thoughtful fashion."

--Jim Weddle, Managing Partner, Edward Jones, and c***ulting client

of Peter Drucker


This book offers an in-depth look at today's most pressing business issues through the eyes of Peter Drucker - the father of modern management. "Channeling Peter Drucker to tackle some of this century's most difficult topics, "What Would Drucker Do Now?" is a veritable treasure trove of fascinating reading. Drucker's insights were nothing short of remarkable, and Rick Wartzman pays high tribute to that fact while adding a few of his own". (Marshall Goldsmith, author of the New York Times bestsellers "Mojo" and "What Got You Here Won't Get You There"). "Rick Wartzman has accomplished what I didn't think was possible: a tapestry of ideas drawn from Wartzman's observati*** and personal experiences, woven togethe***ith the wisdom of the most important management thinker of this or any other age". (Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, the University of Southern California, and author of the recently published "Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership"). "Peter Drucker's thinking has had an enduring impact on c***umer-driven companies like Macy's...["What Would Drucker Do Now?"] serves as a compendium of the very best ideas that can help all of our companies win in a highly competitive marketplace for products, services, and customer experiences". (Terry Lundgren, Chairman, President, and CEO, Macy's Inc). "This collection of essays ...will broaden you as a manager, a leader, and as a human being...Rick Wartzman has done the world a great service by collecting the most incisive observati*** of a beautiful mind and linking them to problems that face leaders and ***anizati*** everywhere". (Brian Walker, President and CEO, Herman Miller, Inc). "If Peter Drucker is the master, Rick Wartzman is the prized pupil. Drucke***ould be delighted to see his theories applied in such a cogent, thoughtful fashion". (Jim Weddle, Managing Partner, Edward Jones, and c***ulting client of Peter Drucker). About the Book: As technology, globalization, and business innovation advance at breakneck speed, the question "What would Drucker do now?" becomes more relevant by the day. More than anyone of his time, Peter Drucker understood how the individual, the ***anization, and society are interrelated. And no one better recognized and articulated the challenges facing all three - or came up with more practical soluti*** to those challenges. Since 2007, the Drucker Institute's executive director, Rick Wartzman, has been asking what Drucke***ould do on a regular basis - in his popular online column for "Bloomberg Businessweek". In each piece, Wartzman introduces a current issue and provides a view of it through the eyes of Peter Drucker, based on his deep knowledge of Drucker's ideas and ideals. "What Would Drucker Do Now?" culls Wartzman's best, most timely columns into a single volume, offering a perspective on business and society you won't find anywhere else. Featuring more than 80 articles, the book is ***anized into seven thematic secti***: Management as a Discipline; The Practice of Management; Management Challenges for the Twenty-First Century On Wall Street and Finance On Values and Resp***ibility; The Public and Social Sectors; Art; Music; and, Sports. Covering everything from the federal bailout of *** and the scandal at Goldman Sachs to the roles religion and race relati*** play in a well-functioning society, "What Would Drucker Do Now?" explores a range of subjects as broad as Drucker's remarkable mind. Wartzman provides a smart, original, and provocative look at a world being buffeted by change and in which all ***anizati*** - private, public, and nonprofit - are searching for answers. What would Drucker do now, indeed?


  • 故事情节:4分

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  • 思想传递:6分

  • 知识深度:7分

  • 知识广度:4分

  • 实用性:7分

  • 章节划分:5分

  • 结构布局:8分

  • 新颖与独特:3分

  • 情感共鸣:9分

  • 引人入胜:3分

  • 现实相关:9分

  • 沉浸感:4分

  • 事实准确性:4分

  • 文化贡献:8分


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  • 下载便捷性:9分


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  • 体验满分(106+)
  • 三星好评(545+)


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