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PUPPY TRAINING GUIDE: The Ultimate Handbook To Train Your Puppy In Obedience, Crate Training And Potty Training + Dog Training For Beginners: Essential Guide to Successfully Training Your Dog In Obedience, Crate Training, & Potty Training (FREE BONUS VIDEO) Puppy Training You're about to discover the fundamentals of obedience training, crate training and potty training. There are outlined pointers that will introduce you to the very essence of training your puppy. In addition, the guidelines that you will find within this book will enable you to have full control over your puppy through proper commands. This will also teach you how to properly motivate your puppy in times of accidents and discouragement. In this book, only the most efficient, effective, and stress-free strategies are given in order to give the reader the best value for his money. As such, it is only fitting that only the major issues and problems that may arise as a result of obedience, crate, and potty training are thoroughly discussed. By c***istently practicing the strategies outlined in this book, I am very confident that you will be able to properly train your puppy without putting it into unnecessary stress and suffering. Remember that a well-trained puppy is a well-behaved pet - one that will create a better relati***hip between the puppy and the owner. A better relati***hip between the pet and the owner makes a happy household. Puppy Training Details: The Fundamentals of Puppy TrainingPuppy Obedience Training Crate Training Potty Training your Puppy Much, much more! Dog Training When it comes to teaching your pets new skills and tricks, you need to undergo three important stages: 1. Teaching Stage - In this first phase, your dog is unaware of the things that you are requiring him to do. This is the stage wherein you will introduce new skills to your pets using various learning aids. You will teach him commands or phrases that will elicit a resp***e or action. When you instruct him to sit, you can use treats or useful objects to help your pet comprehend what you want him to do when you utter the command. 2. Correction Stage - Once your dog understands the command, it is now time to polish his skills. First, hide the treats from your dog. If your pet manages to follow the command that you have given, provide him with kind praises and a treat. If the dog was not able to perform the action correctly, correct him gently and show how it is done. If he is able to do it properly, reward him with a treat. 3. Proofing Stage - You can only reach this stage if your pet shows exemplary performance in a c***istent manner. The proofing stage aims to ensure that your pet's resp***e is still accurate even though he is in a different environment or setting. In this phase, you need to challenge your dog's abilities by including some distracti*** around him. If your pet gets distracted, you have to coach him to stick to the drill. Having an obedient companion that stays focused amidst distracti*** will make him more reliable in any type of situation. Topics Covered..... Dog Training PreparationBasic Dog Training Principles Obedience Training Crate Training Potty Training Common Training Problems and How to Fix Them Purchase your copy today!
PUPPY TRAINING GUIDE: The Ultimate Handbook To Train Your Puppy In Obedience, Crate Training And Potty Training + Dog Training For Beginners: Essential Guide to Successfully Training Your Dog In Obedience, Crate Training, & Potty Training (FREE BONUS VIDEO) Puppy Training You're about to discover the fundamentals of obedience training, crate training and potty training. There are outlined pointers that will introduce you to the very essence of training your puppy. In addition, the guidelines that you will find within this book will enable you to have full control over your puppy through proper commands. This will also teach you how to properly motivate your puppy in times of accidents and discouragement. In this book, only the most efficient, effective, and stress-free strategies are given in order to give the reader the best value for his money. As such, it is only fitting that only the major issues and problems that may arise as a result of obedience, crate, and potty training are thoroughly discussed. By c***istently practicing the strategies outlined in this book, I am very confident that you will be able to properly train your puppy without putting it into unnecessary stress and suffering. Remember that a well-trained puppy is a well-behaved pet - one that will create a better relati***hip between the puppy and the owner. A better relati***hip between the pet and the owner makes a happy household. Puppy Training Details: The Fundamentals of Puppy TrainingPuppy Obedience Training Crate Training Potty Training your Puppy Much, much more! Dog Training When it comes to teaching your pets new skills and tricks, you need to undergo three important stages: 1. Teaching Stage - In this first phase, your dog is unaware of the things that you are requiring him to do. This is the stage wherein you will introduce new skills to your pets using various learning aids. You will teach him commands or phrases that will elicit a resp***e or action. When you instruct him to sit, you can use treats or useful objects to help your pet comprehend what you want him to do when you utter the command. 2. Correction Stage - Once your dog understands the command, it is now time to polish his skills. First, hide the treats from your dog. If your pet manages to follow the command that you have given, provide him with kind praises and a treat. If the dog was not able to perform the action correctly, correct him gently and show how it is done. If he is able to do it properly, reward him with a treat. 3. Proofing Stage - You can only reach this stage if your pet shows exemplary performance in a c***istent manner. The proofing stage aims to ensure that your pet's resp***e is still accurate even though he is in a different environment or setting. In this phase, you need to challenge your dog's abilities by including some distracti*** around him. If your pet gets distracted, you have to coach him to stick to the drill. Having an obedient companion that stays focused amidst distracti*** will make him more reliable in any type of situation. Topics Covered..... Dog Training PreparationBasic Dog Training Principles Obedience Training Crate Training Potty Training Common Training Problems and How to Fix Them Purchase your copy today!
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