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Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to Go from Everyday to Extraordinary周一早上的选择:从平常到不平常的12个有效途径电子书下载地址
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Leadership c***ultant Cottrell's latest packs a positive punch in surprisingly few pages. Though Cottrell (Monday Morning Mentoring), president and CEO of CornerStone Leadership Institute, focuses on states of mind that most people should logically be aiming to attain, each chapter feels like a life lesson learned anew. On reading that one should not remain in a victim mindset, it becomes clear how easy it is to descend into that why me? state of mind and readers are motivated to start thinking differently. This first choice sets the stage for a string of positive choices that Cottrell divides into character choices, action choices and investment choices, which include commitment to your goals and taking action instead of saying someday. Presented in short secti*** with lots of bullet points, Cottrell's advice sometimes reads like a gallery of motivational posters (choose commitment! don't beat yourself up for falling short!), sensible if not original. According to Cottrell, the way one experiences life can easily be controlled by mind power alone. Hopefully, the reade***on't be inclined to put off following his advice. (Jan.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Change Your Mondays and Change Your Life
Part One Character Choices: The Foundation of Success
1. The No-Victim Choice . . .Don't Let Your Past Eat Your Future
2. The Commitment Choice . . . Be Passionate Enough to Succeed
3. The Values Choice . . . Choose the Right Enemies
4. The Integrity Choice . . . Do the Right Thing
Part Two Action Choices: The Movement Toward Success
5. The Do-Something Choice . . .Don't Vacation on "Someday Isle"
6. The Persistence Choice . . . Learn from Failure
7. The Attitude Choice...Take the Enthusiastic Approach
8. The Adversity Choice . . .Conquer Difficult Times
Part Three Investment Choices: Making Your Success Lasting and Meaningful
9. The Relati***hip Choice . . . Connect with Success
10. The Criticism Choice . . .Embrace Tough Learning
11. The Reality Choice... Face the Truth
12. The Legacy Choice . . . Give Your Gift
The Final Word: Preparing for Your Special Moment of Success
Twelve Cholces--Twelve Questi***
Five Ways to Bring Monday Morning Choices into Your Organization
About the Author
David Cottrell, president and CEO of CornerStone Leadership Institute, is an internationally known leadership c***ultant, educator, and speaker. His twenty-five-plus years of business experience includes senior management positi*** with Xerox and FedEx, and his management expertise is reflected in twenty-five highly acclaimed books, including Monday Morning Mentoring and Monday Morning Choices. He has been a featured expert on public television and has presented his leadership message to more than 300,000 managers worldwide.
"In an easy, readable style David Cottrell identifies the essentials for quality leadership and management. Don’t miss Monday Morning Mentoring!" -- Ken Blanchard, Co-Author The One Minute Manager® and The Secret
A tremendous book for every student of success. The few hours spent reading it will reward you the rest of your life. -- Charles "Tremendous" Jones, Author of Life is Tremendous
All David wants you to do is make a choice. Once a week. It only takes a few minutes. The first choice you can make is in reading this book. I hope you do. -- Seth Godin, Author, The Dip
David Cottrell has reminded us that choices determine destiny. The wind and the rain or storms of life do not determine our destiny. Neither do other people and their opini*** determine our future. What does affect our lives is our power to choose. Choose to read this fine work. -- James H. Amos Jr., Chairman Emeritus, Mail Boxes Etc./ UPS Store, Chairman and CEO, Tasti D' Lite
David's gr*** of what it takes for career development and success continues to amaze me. His advice is right on target. -- Audrey Boone Tillman, Senior Vice President, Director of Human Resources, Aflac Incorporated
Monday Morning Choices illustrates the importance of taking control of your life. I found the book extremely useful in presenting the ease for *** c***cious decisi*** that lead to success. -- Dan Weinfurter, CEO, Capital H Group
Monday Morning Choices is a terrific handbook for improving your game as a leader. The book teaches 12 building blocks for becoming a more effective leader, ranging from "the no victim choice" to the "commitment choice." The advice and stories are *** and profound. -- Noel M. Tichy, coauthor of Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls with Warren Bennis, Penguin Group, 2007 and professor at the University of Michigan
Monday Morning Choices will certainly help those of us who struggle with the daily grind to create exceptional outcomes! I particularly enjoyed the inspiring stories. -- Vince Poscente, Author of The Age of Speed, Learning to Thrive in a More-Faster-Now World
作者简介:D***ID COTTRELL,president and CEO of Corner-Stone Leadership Institute, is an internationallyknown I.eadership c***u[tant, educator, and speaker.
He is the author of more than twenty books, includ-ing Monday Morning Mentoring; Listen Up, Leader; TheNext Level; Leadership Beyond the Status Quo; MondayMorning Leadership; Leadership ... Biblically Speak-ing; Management Insights; Leadership Courage; andBirdies, Pars, and Bogeys: Leadership Less*** fromthe Links. David has presented his leadership mes-sage to more than 250,000 managers worldwide. Hispowerful wisdom and insights on leadership have made him a highly sought-after keynote speakerand seminar leader. He and his wife, Karen, Live inHorseshoe Bay Texas
Learn to make the right decisi*** to achieve greater success Each of us has a different idea of success. Whether you strive for money, power, happiness, or love, your personal choices, the acti*** you take, and the relati***hips you choose to invest time and energy in, will determine whether you reach your goals. Internationally recognized leadership coach David Cottrell will show you how to make the right choices, even when theyre hard. There are character choices that define the person you will be on the road to success. Cottrell shows you how to make The No-Victim Choice to overcome roadblocks, and The Integrity Choice , to listen to your gut and do the right thing, even when its not the easiest thing to do. There are action choices you make to continue on your path to success. The Persistence Choice encourages you to bounce back from failure and learn less*** that will lead to your future success. The Do-Something Choice lets you to stop dreaming and start doing the things that will make you happy and successful. Finally, you make investment choices about the people you spend time with and develop relati***hips with. The Relati***hip Choice teaches you to invest your time in other successful people in order to contribute to your own future success. Learn to make all these choices and many more in Monday Morning Choices , and find yourself on the fast track to success!
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