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Budapest, awakened in 1989 after its long slumber behind the Iron Curtain, is one of Europe's ***test destinati***. It stands proudly at the center of Eastern Europe's cultural rebirth, and best of all, it still ranks as one of the continent's best bargains.
Frommer's Budapest & the Best of Hungary, 6th Edition has all the practical details and candid advice you need to plan a successful trip. This book has been completely updated to give you the best places to stay and dine, from historic ***els to intimate guesthouses and from grand cafes to atmospheric taverns and pubs. Explore the city's highlights on detailed walking tours and learn about the g***eous architecture of both the city's famous buildings and hidden treasures. And of course, we've got all the details on Budapest's exciting nightlife, its vibrant arts scene, and its fabulous thermal baths and spas.
Then explore the best of the Hungarian countryside, where you'll discover sunburnt hBudapest, awakened in 1989 after its long slumber behind the Iron Curtain, is one of Europe's ***test destinati***. It stands proudly at the center of Eastern Europe's cultural rebirth, and best of all, it still ranks as one of the continent's best bargains.
Frommer's Budapest & the Best of Hungary, 6th Edition has all the practical details and candid advice you need to plan a successful trip. This book has been completely updated to give you the best places to stay and dine, from historic ***els to intimate guesthouses and from grand cafes to atmospheric taverns and pubs. Explore the city's highlights on detailed walking tours and learn about the g***eous architecture of both the city's famous buildings and hidden treasures. And of course, we've got all the details on Budapest's exciting nightlife, its vibrant arts scene, and its fabulous thermal baths and spas.
Then explore the best of the Hungarian countryside, where you'll discover sunburnt hillside vineyards and deep verdant valleys, lush cherry orchards, the riverside towns along the Danube Bend, the famous caves in Aggletek, and the shores of Lake Balaton. Our book puts it all at your fingertips, with a handy glossary of Hungarian phrases and detailed color maps.illside vineyards and deep verdant valleys, lush cherry orchards, the riverside towns along the Danube Bend, the famous caves in Aggletek, and the shores of Lake Balaton. Our book puts it all at your fingertips, with a handy glossary of Hungarian phrases and detailed color maps.
List of Maps
What’s New in Budapest & Hungary.
1 The Best of Budapest.
1 The Best Little Adventures
2 The Best Places to Enjoy
3 The Best Off-the-Beaten-Track
4 The Best Places to Kill an Hour in Budapest
5 The Best Experiences
6 The Best Hotels in Budapest
7 The Best Dining Bets in Budapest
2 Planning Your Trip to Budapest.
1 Visitor Information
2 Entry Requirements&Customs
3 Money
The Hungarian Forint
4 When to Go
Hungary Calendar of Events
5 Travel Insurance
6 Health&Safety
7 Specialized Travel Resources
8 Planning Your Trip Online
9 Getting There
10 Packages for the Independent Traveler
11 Recommended Books
3 Suggested Budapest & Hungary Itineraries.
1 The Best of Budapest in 1 Day
2 The Best of Budapest in 2 Days
3 The Best of Hungary's Side Trip Opti***
4 Getting to Know Budapest.
1 Orientation
How to Start a Conversation With a Local
Hungarian Addres Terms
Neighborhoods in Brief
2 Getting Around
Fast Facts:Budapest
5 Where to Stay in Budapest.
1 The Inner City & Central Pest
2 Cen Buda
3 The Castle District
4 Outer Pest
5 Qbuda
6 The Buda Hills
7 Margaret Island
8 Youth Hostels
Staying in Private Rooms
6 Where to Dine in Budapest.
7 Exploring Budapest.
8 Strolling Around Budapest.
9 Budapest Shopping.
10 Budapest After Dark.
11 The Danube Bend.
12 The Lake Balaton Region.
13 Northeastern Hungary: Traveling into the Hills.
14 Southern Hungary: The Great Plain & the Mecsek Hills.
Appendix A: Help with a Tough Tongue.
Appendix B: Hungarian Cuisine.
Andrew Princz is a freelance culture and travel journalist/c***ultant who has visited over forty countries. He has also worked for various governments, c***ulting on country tourism and awareness projects. Andrew was the founding editor of DT – Diplomacy
Budapest, awakened in 1989 after its long slumber behind the Iron Curtain, is one of Europe′s ***test destinati***. It stands proudly at the center of Eastern Europe′s cultural rebirth, and best of all, it still ranks as one of the continent′s best bargains. Frommer′s Budapest & the Best of Hungary, 6th Edition has all the practical details and candid advice you need to plan a successful trip. This book has been completely updatedto give you the best places to stayand dine, from historic ***els to intimate guesthouses and from grand cafes to atmospheric taverns and pubs. Explore the city′s highlights on detailed walking tours andlearn about the g***eous architecture of both the city′s famous buildings and hidden treasures. And of course, we′ve got all the details on Budapest′s exciting nightlife, its vibrant arts scene, and its fabulous thermal baths and spas. Then explore the best of the Hungarian countryside, where you′ll discover sunburnt hillside vineyards and deep verdant valleys, lush cherry orchards, the riverside towns along the Danube Bend, the famous caves in Aggletek, and the shores of Lake Balaton. Our book puts it all at your fingertips, with a handy glossary of Hungarian phrases and detailed color maps.
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