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"I don't have two lives," Annie Leibovitz writes in the
Introduction to this collection of he***ork from 1990 to 2005.
"This is one life, and the personal pictures and the assignment
work are all part of it." Portraits of well-known figures-Johnny
Cash, Nicole Kidman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Keith Richards, Michael
Jordan, Joan Didion, R2-D2, Patti Smith, Nelson Mandela, Jack
Nicholson, and William Burroughs-appear alongside pictures of
Leibovitz's family and friends, reportage from the siege of
Sarajevo in the early Nineties, and landscapes. The pictures form a
narrative of a life rich in contrasts and continuities. The
p***ographer has a long relati***hip that ends with illness and
death. She chronicles the celebrati*** and heartbreaks of her large
and robust family. She has children of her own. All the while, she
is working, and the public work resonates with the themes of the
Annie Leibovitz was born on October 2, 1949, in Waterbury, Connecticut. Her fathe***as an officer in the air force and her childhood was spent on a succession of military bases. She began her career as a p***ojournalist for Rolling Stone in 1970, while she was still a student at the San Francisco Art Institute. Her pictures have appeared regularly on magazine covers ever since, and her large and distinguished body of work encompasses some of the most well-known portraits of our time.
Leibovitz’s first major assignment was for a cover story on John Lennon. She became Rolling Stone’s chief p***ographer in 1973, and by the time she left the magazine, ten years later, she had s*** 142 covers and published p***o-essays on scores of stories, including her memorable accounts of the resignation of Richard Nixon and of the 1975 Rolling Stones tour. In 1983, when she joined the staff of the revived Vanity Fair, she was established as the foremost rock music p***ographer and an astute documentarian of the social landscape. At Vanity Fair, and later at Vogue, she developed a large body of work–portraits of actors, directors, writers, musicians, athletes, and political and business figures, as well as fashion p***ographs–that expanded her collective portrait of contemporary life. In addition to her editorial work, she has created several influential advertising campaigns, including her award-winning portraits for American Express and the Gap. She has also collaborated with many arts ***anizati***. Leibovitz has a special interest in dance, and in 1990 she documented the creation of the White Oak Dance Project with Mikhail Baryshnikov and Mark Morris.
Several collecti*** of Leibovitz’s work have been published. They include Annie Leibovitz: P***ographs (1983); Annie Leibovitz: P***ographs 1970—1990 (1991); Olympic Portraits (1996); Women (1999), in collaboration with Susan Sontag; American Music (2003); and Annie Leibovitz at Work (2008), a first-person commentary on her career, from her coverage of the resignation of Nixon to the commissioned portraits of Queen Elizabeth II. Exhibiti*** of he***ork have appeared at museums and galleries all over the world, including the National Portrait Gallery and the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, D.C.; the International Center of P***ography in New York; the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam; the Maison Européenne de la P***ographie in Paris; and the National Portrait Gallery in London. The exhibition A P***ographer’s Life, 1990—2005 opened at the Brooklyn Museum and toured internationally.
Leibovitz is the recipient of many honors. In 2006 she was decorated a Commandeur in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government. The previous year, in a compilation of the forty top magazine covers of the past forty years by the American Society of Magazine Editors, she held the top two spots (#1 for the p***ograph of John Lennon and Yoko Ono taken for Rolling Stone the day Lennon was s***, and #2 for the pregnant Demi Moore in Vanity Fair). Leibovitz has been designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress. She lives in New York with her three children, Sarah, Susan, and Samuelle.
...after Susan died, on December 28, 2004, I began searching for p***ographs of her to put in a little book that was intended to be given to the people who came to her memorial service. The project was important to me, because it made me feel close to her and helped me to begin to say good-bye.
I edited this book with her in mind, as if she were standing behind me, saying what she would like to see in it.
I don't have two lives. This is one life, and the personal pictures and the assignment work are all part of it.
Taking intimate pictures of family members and people to whom you are close is a privilege, and it brings a certain resp***ibility.
I would go into the barn every morning and put it (a CD by Rosanne Cash) on very loud and cry for ten minutes or so and then start working, editing...
“I don’t have two lives,” Annie Leibovitz writes in the Introduction to this collection of he***ork from 1990 to 2005. “This is one life, and the personal pictures and the assignment work are all part of it.” Portraits of well-known figures–Johnny Cash, Nicole Kidman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Keith Richards, Michael Jordan, Joan Didion, R2-D2, Patti Smith, Nelson Mandela, Jack Nicholson, and William Burroughs–appear alongside pictures of Leibovitz’s family and friends, reportage from the siege of Sarajevo in the early Nineties, and landscapes. The pictures form a narrative of a life rich in contrasts and continuities. The p***ographer has a long relati***hip that ends with illness and death. She chronicles the celebrati*** and heartbreaks of her large and robust family. She has children of her own. All the while, she is working, and the public work resonates with the themes of the life.
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