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A big-picture guide to the financial information that really matters, and how investors can use it~Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's infamous, packed-beyond-capacity briefcase has for years represented the definitive behind-thescenes collection of market-moving financial knowledge and economic reports. Inside Greenspan's Briefcase breaks the seal, examining the essential reports, data, and numbers that investors must know, and explaining what they generally mean to market insiders. A guide to determining which information bites are important, and then uncovering clues within those key reports and data, it helps investors look beyond chat-room gossip and media noise to make informed and profitable decisi***. Robert Stein, a leading voice in today's financial community, explains how news and reports affect investor sentiment and market activity, and provides individual investors with an enhanced and finely honed awarenessof global macroeconomic issues as well as the more personal issues that affect long-term financial performance.
1 The Stock Market Is Not the Economy
2 The Fed:What It Does…What It Doesn't Do
3 What's Economics Got to Do with It?
4 Making Sense of Dollars
5 Gee,No GOP!
6 Working for a Living
7 The C***umers
8 The Producers
9 Inflation Indicators
10 The“Out of Favor”Indicators
11 The Big Picture
Epilogue——Wealth and You
Appendix A-Summary of Key Economic Reports
Appendix B-Sample Economic Reports
Publisher Comments:
The Information Alan Greenspan Is Reviewing Today--and How It Can Help You Make Better Investment Decisi*** Tomorrow
For professional investors, Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's infamous briefcase--bursting at its seams with market-moving financial knowledge and economic reports--holds key answers to where markets are headed. But what exactly is Greenspan looking at?
And more important, what does it mean to you?
Inside Greenspan's Briefcase breaks the seal. This illuminating book examines today's most essential reports, data, and numbers in terms of what they mean to market insiders and, in turn, how they impact market performance and investors everywhere. Details include:
1.How key economic reports are compiled, what they reveal, and what markets tend to read into them
2.Ways in which high-profile reports affect investor sentiment and market activity
3.How the Federal Reserve uses reports to plot the course of its monetary policy
More than anyone else, Fed chairman Alan Greenspan has an inside track on where financial markets will be tomorrow, next month, and even next year. But he won't tell you. Instead, let Inside Greenspan's Briefcase show you what matters to Greenspan and why, and help you look beyond chatroom gossip and media noise to make more informed and profitable investment decisi***.
"This book will go a long way to helping you make the best investment decisi*** for you. You won't be tempted to make every knee-jerk investment decision in reaction to the latest 'economic headline' to flash across the television screen..."--from Chapter 1
The U.S. economy exercises tremendous control over the U.S. stock market. Inside Greenspan's Briefcase examines how key reports and data impact market performance, both in the short and long term, and helps you know where Fed chairman Alan Greenspan and his pronouncements are headed--so you can get there first.
A guide to determining which reports and data are important, and then uncovering investment clues within them, this insider's look at what really moves the market discusses:
Key economic reports from Agricultural Prices to W***sale Trade, and what they mean to investors.
The four phases of the economy, and strategies for building wealth and avoiding risk in each
Clues for spotting an inflationary cycle in its earliest stages and adjusting your portfolio accordingly
Why, when economic figures all appear rosy, do financial markets often go in the tank? And how, when predicti*** of "gloom and doom" fill the airwaves, do savvy investors often reap double- and triple-digit returns? Inside Greenspan's Briefcase points out the realities of business cycles along with the facts and fallacies that drive often-illogical investor behavior. It provides a template for understanding where the economy is headed, details readily available signs of imminent economic change, and outlines pathways that investors can take to sidestep market downturns as they participate fully in the strong markets that inevitably follow.
Financial announcements in the popular press and ***yst's "***" recommendati*** are the modern form of fool's gold, containing information that investment professionals have already used to make investment decisi***. Find out where professional investors look for ideas and guidance, what they look for, and how they interpret and act upon the information they receive in the fascinating, fast-paced Inside Greenspan's Briefcase.
A big-picture guide to the financial information that really matters, and how investors can use it
Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's infamous, packed-beyond-capacity briefcase has for years represented the definitive behind-thescenes collection of market-moving financial knowledge and economic reports. Inside Greenspan's Briefcase breaks the seal, examining the essential reports, data, and numbers that investors must know, and explaining what they generally mean to market insiders. A guide to determining which information bites are important, and then uncovering clues within those key reports and data, it helps investors look beyond chat-room gossip and media noise to make informed and profitable decisi***. Robert Stein, a leading voice in today's financial community, explains how news and reports affect investor sentiment and market activity, and provides individual investors with an enhanced and finely honed awareness--of global macroeconomic issues as well as the more personal issues that affect long-term financial performance.
Book Description
A big-picture guide to the financial information that really matters, and how investors can use it
Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's infamous, packed-beyond-capacity briefcase has for years represented the definitive behind-thescenes collection of market-moving financial knowledge and economic reports. Inside Greenspan's Briefcase breaks the seal, examining the essential reports, data, and numbers that investors must know, and explaining what they generally mean to market insiders. A guide to determining which information bites are important, and then uncovering clues within those key reports and data, it helps investors look beyond chat-room gossip and media noise to make informed and profitable decisi***. Robert Stein, a leading voice in today's financial community, explains how news and reports affect investor sentiment and market activity, and provides individual investors with an enhanced and finely honed awareness--of global macroeconomic issues as well as the more personal issues that affect long-term financial performance.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 231 Width (mm) 160
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