Poorly Made in China: An Insider's Account of the Tactics Behind China's Production Game 中国的不良*** mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Praise for Poorly Made in China
"This fast-paced travelogue through the world of Chinese manufacturing is scary, fascinating, and very funny. Midler is not only a knowledgeable guide to the invisible underbelly of the global economy, he is a sympathetic and astute observer of China, its challenges, and its people. A great read."
—PIETRA RIVOLI, author of The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
"Paul Midler takes us for a ride through the fastest-growing economy in the world, revealing what can—and sometimes does—go wrong when U.S. companies shift production to China. Working in the heart of China's export hub, in the country's southern region, he has the advantage of a front-row seat to the no-holds-barred games played between manufacturers and importers. He introduces us to a cast of real-life characters and tells his story with a mix of affection and skepticism fo***hat is taking place in China today. Midler delivers a revealing and often funny tale of life and commerce in a country whose exports touch nearly everyone on the planet."
—SARA BONGIORNI, author of A Year Without 'Made in China': One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy
From the Inside Flap
It was a world gone wrong, one in which manufacturers thought little of manipulating product quality levels in order to save the smallest amounts, where savvy foreign business leaders were made to feel in control while they were taken for a ride by their partners, where entire manufacturing facilities sometimes vanished right into thin air… Welcome to Poorly Made in China!
At the height of the boom export manufacturing, Paul Midler returned to East Asia, a recently graduated Wharton MBA. In the right place at the right time, he was sought out by a number of foreign companies who wanted help in navigating the new economy. The adventures came fast, as did the business and cultural less***.
Poorly Made in China is a dramatic romp through China's export manufacturing sector, one that reveals what really goes on behind the scenes. The story follows the author from one project to the next, taking the reader through a diverse set of industries and revealing a number of challenges.
An engaging business narrative told with doses of humor and insight, this true story pulls back the curtain on the rising Chinese economy, providing a closer look at the rough-and-tumble environment in which so many of our c***umer products are being made. For those trying to make sense of why so many quality failures could come out of China at once, this book is an especially interesting read.
Poorly Made in China is the tale of a modern-day gold rush and its c***equences, the chronicling of a rising economic power and its path along a steep growth curve. Entertaining and eye-opening, the book highlights the extent to which culture affects business dealings, and the ultimate suggestion is that we may have more to be concerned about than product failures alone."
Praise for Poorly Made in China
"This fast-paced travelogue through the world of Chinese manufacturing is scary, fascinating, and very funny. Midler is not only a knowledgeable guide to the invisible underbelly of the global economy, he is a sympathetic and astute observer of China, its challenges, and its people. A great read."
—PIETRA RIVOLI, author of The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
"Paul Midler takes us for a ride through the fastest-growing economy in the world, revealing what can—and sometimes does—go wrong when U.S. companies shift production to China. Working in the heart of China's export hub, in the country's southern region, he has the advantage of a front-row seat to the no-holds-barred games played between manufacturers and importers. He introduces us to a cast of real-life characters and tells his story with a mix of affection and skepticism fo***hat is taking place in China today. Midler delivers a revealing and often funny tale of life and commerce in a country whose exports touch nearly everyone on the planet."
—SARA BONGIORNI, author of A Year Without 'Made in China': One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy
From the Inside Flap
It was a world gone wrong, one in which manufacturers thought little of manipulating product quality levels in order to save the smallest amounts, where savvy foreign business leaders were made to feel in control while they were taken for a ride by their partners, where entire manufacturing facilities sometimes vanished right into thin air… Welcome to Poorly Made in China!
At the height of the boom export manufacturing, Paul Midler returned to East Asia, a recently graduated Wharton MBA. In the right place at the right time, he was sought out by a number of foreign companies who wanted help in navigating the new economy. The adventures came fast, as did the business and cultural less***.
Poorly Made in China is a dramatic romp through China's export manufacturing sector, one that reveals what really goes on behind the scenes. The story follows the author from one project to the next, taking the reader through a diverse set of industries and revealing a number of challenges.
An engaging business narrative told with doses of humor and insight, this true story pulls back the curtain on the rising Chinese economy, providing a closer look at the rough-and-tumble environment in which so many of our c***umer products are being made. For those trying to make sense of why so many quality failures could come out of China at once, this book is an especially interesting read.
Best Book 2009 (The Economist)
Best Book for Business Owners (Inc.)
Great Finance Book of 2009 (Forbes)
Best of 2009 Business Book (Library Journal)
"Midler has upended a lot of the assumpti*** about this factory for the world." (Forbes)
“A must-read for people engaged in mainland business.” (South China Morning Post)
“Important, timely and entertaining.” (Taipei Times)
“Most of the people in Mr. Midler’s position would not dream of disclosing what they see.” (The Economist)
“Manages to be both instructive and entertaining.” (National Review)
“A fascinating, funny and important book.” (Asia Times)
“An invaluable book for anyone c***idering doing business in China.” (Epoch Times)
“A lively dissection of the cultural clash.” (Malaysia’s The Star)
“You won’t look at the label ‘Made in China’ the same way.” (Toronto Now)
“His warning is worth heeding – is China listening?” (Business Times)
"Plenty of laugh-out-loud moments." (Financial Times)
“Strongly recommended.” (Bangkok Post)
Product De*ion
Praise for Poorly Made in China
"This fast-paced travelogue through the world of Chinese manufacturing is scary, fascinating, and very funny. Midler is not only a knowledgeable guide to the invisible underbelly of the global economy, he is a sympathetic and astute observer of China, its challenges, and its people. A great read."
—Pietra Rivoli, author of The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
"Paul Midler takes us for a ride through the fastest-growing economy in the world, revealing what can—and sometimes does—go wrong when U.S. companies shift production to China. Working in the heart of China's export hub, in the country's southern region, he has the advantage of a front-row seat to the no-holds-barred games played between manufacturers and importers. He introduces us to a cast of real-life characters and tells his story with a mix of affection and skepticism fo***hat is taking place in China today. Midler delivers a revealing and often funny tale of life and commerce in a country whose exports touch nearly everyone on the planet."
—Sara Bongiorni, author of A Year Without 'Made in China'
Poorly Made in China is the tale of a modern-day gold rush and its c***equences, the chronicling of a rising economic power and its path along a steep growth curve. Entertaining and eye-opening, the book highlights the extent to which culture affects business dealings, and the ultimately suggestion is that we may have more to be concerned about than product failures alone."
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