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TOYOTA TALENT(I***N=9780071477451)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780071477451
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-04
  • 页数:326
  • 价格:190.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


Book De*ion

Toyota doesn't just produce cars; it produces talented people. In

the international bestseller, The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker

explained Toyota's remarkable success through a 4P model for

excellence-Philosophy, People, Problem Solving, and Process. Liker,

with coauthor David Meier, provided deeper insight into the

practical application of the principles in The Toyota Way

Fieldbook. Now, these authorities on Toyota reveal how you can

develop talented people and achieve incredible results in your


Toyota Talent walks you through the rigorous methodology used by

this global powerhouse to grow high-performing individuals from

within. Beginning with a review of Toyota's landmark approach to

developing people, the authors illustrate the critical importance

of creating a learning and teaching culture in your ***anization.

They provide specific examples necessary to train employees in all

areas-from the shop floor to engineering to staff members in

service ***anizati***-and show you how to *** and encourage

every individual to reach his or her top potential.

Toyota Talent provides you with the inside knowledge you need


* Identify your development needs and create a training


* Understand the various types of work and how to break

complicated jobs into teachable skills

* Set behavioral expectati*** by properly preparing your


* Recognize and develop potential trainers within your


* Effectively educate nonmanufacturing employees and members of

the staff

* Develop internal Lean Manufacturing experts

Guiding you with expert tips and training aids, as well as

real-world examples drawn from the authors' two decades of research

and field work, Liker and Meier show you how to get the most out of

people who live and breathe your company's philosophy-and who work

together toward a common goal.

From the Back Cover

Toyota's Secrets to Building an Exceptional Workforce

Leading Toyota authorities Jeffrey Liker and David Meier give you

the keys to growing top performers from within through a detailed

process of preparation, training, and follow-up. Drawing upon

Liker's detailed study of Toyota's manufacturing, technical, and

service ***anizati*** across the globe, and Meier's deep experience

gained from working with some of Toyota's best sensei, the authors

bring the company's proven practices to life through insight and

exercises, enabling you to

* Define your ***anizational needs and objectives

* Create development plans for all employees

* Grow your top talent from within

* Analyze routine work and ancillary tasks

* Break down a job for effective training

* Break the cycle of poor training and results to create a cycle

of continuous learning and improvement





Part One Getting the Organization Ready to Develop Exceptional


  Chapter 1 What Can We Learn from Toyota about Developing


    The Philosophy ofTraining and Development within


    The Unfortunate Reality   

    The Cycle of Struggle and Firefighting

    Breaking the Cycle of Defeat tO CrcatC a Cyclc

of Succcss

    If People Are the Answer,Selecting Quality

People Must Be thc.Key

    Develop People tO Ensure Prosperity

  Chapter 2 Toyota Works Hard tO Develop’Exceptional


    People Development Is Critical tO xoyota

    The Toyota Production S~tem Demands High


    Standar***ng Training tO Meet Global


    Toyota's Human S~tem Model

    FundalTlcntals ofTraining Are Applicable tO

Developing EmployeeTalent

    Teaching Fundamental a Standardized

Way at zoyota


    Can You Achieve Results Similar tO Those


  Chapter 3 Toyota and the Training Within Industry


    Training Within Industry

    Job Instruction Is the Foundation for Developing


    Toyota and the Job Instruction Method

    The Job Instruction Course

    m Is a Great Launching Point

  Chapter 4 Prepare the Organization

    Start at the Beginning

    Define the Organizational Needs and


    Assess the Current Situation

    Go tO the Source for Information

    Establish the Organization Structure

    Selecting zrainers

    NaturalTalents Necessary tO Be an Effective


    Fundamental Skills and AbilitiesThat Are


    Selection Process

    Making Development Plans for All Employees

    Development for Personal Achievement

    The Zalent Development Process

    Development Is a Long-zerm


Part Two Identify Critical Knowledge  

  Chapter 5 Begin at a HighLevel tO Understand Skill



    Start with the Broad


    Are Service and Technical Iobs Completely

Different from

    Manufacturing Jobs?

    A Framework for Classifying Jobs

    A Note on Standardization in Mechanistic versus

Organic Or[~nizafi***

    Developing Exceptional People in Different Types


    Move from Broad Classificati*** tO Specific

Skill Requirements

    Begin with Simple Tasks


Part Three Transfer Knowledge to Ohters

Part Four Verify Learning and Succes



  Jeffrey K. Liker, Ph.D., author of the bestselling The Toyota

Way, is Professor of Industrial and Operati*** Engineering at the

University of Michigan and coowner of lean c***ulting firm

Optiprise, Inc. His Shingo-Prize winning work has appeared in The

Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and other leading


  David P. Meier is coauthor (with Liker) of The Toyota Way

Fieldbook, and is President of Lean Associates, Inc., a c***ulting

company dedicated to ***ing other ***anizati*** in their

efforts to learn from the Toyota Way. David was a group leader for

Toyota Motor Manufacturing for ten years.











Book Description

Toyota doesn't just produce cars; it produces talented people. In the international bestseller, The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker explained Toyota's remarkable success through a 4P model for excellence-Philosophy, People, Problem Solving, and Process. Liker, with coauthor David Meier, provided deeper insight into the practical application of the principles in The Toyota Way Fieldbook. Now, these authorities on Toyota reveal how you can develop talented people and achieve incredible results in your company.

Toyota Talent walks you through the rigorous methodology used by this global powerhouse to grow high-performing individuals from within. Beginning with a review of Toyota's landmark approach to developing people, the authors illustrate the critical importance of creating a learning and teaching culture in your ***anization. They provide specific examples necessary to train employees in all areas-from the shop floor to engineering to staff members in service ***anizati***-and show you how to *** and encourage every individual to reach his or her top potential.

Toyota Talent provides you with the inside knowledge you need to

* Identify your development needs and create a training plan

* Understand the various types of work and how to break complicated jobs into teachable skills

* Set behavioral expectati*** by properly preparing you***orkplace

* Recognize and develop potential trainers within you***orkforce

* Effectively educate nonmanufacturing employees and members of the staff

* Develop internal Lean Manufacturing experts

Guiding you with expert tips and training aids, as well as real-world examples drawn from the authors' two decades of research and field work, Liker and Meier show you how to get the most out of people who live and breathe your company's philosophy-and who work together toward a common goal.

From the Back Cover

Toyota's Secrets to Building an Exceptional Workforce

Leading Toyota authorities Jeffrey Liker and David Meier give you the keys to growing top performers from within through a detailed process of preparation, training, and follow-up. Drawing upon Liker's detailed study of Toyota's manufacturing, technical, and service ***anizati*** across the globe, and Meier's deep experience gained from working with some of Toyota's best sensei, the authors bring the company's proven practices to life through insight and exercises, enabling you to

* Define your ***anizational needs and objectives

* Create development plans for all employees

* Grow your top talent from within

* Analyze routine work and ancillary tasks

* Break down a job for effective training

* Break the cycle of poor training and results to create a cycle of continuous learning and improvement


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  • 知识深度:8分

  • 知识广度:5分

  • 实用性:6分

  • 章节划分:8分

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  • 新颖与独特:8分

  • 情感共鸣:8分

  • 引人入胜:9分

  • 现实相关:6分

  • 沉浸感:7分

  • 事实准确性:8分

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  • 藏书馆(146+)
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  • 书籍完整(122+)
  • 一般般(85+)
  • 无盗版(126+)
  • 情节曲折(152+)


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