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Reminiscences of a Stock ***书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780470481592
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-12-21
  • 页数:440
  • 价格:USD 39.95
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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With new commentary and Insights on the life and times of Jesse Livermore "Reminiscences of a Stock ***" is the fictionalized biography of perhaps the most famous financial speculator of all time-Jesse Livermore. This annotated edition bridges the gap between Edwin Lefevre's fictionalized account of Livermore's life and the actual, historical events, places, and people that populate the book. It also describes the variety of trading approaches Livermore used throughout his life and ***yzes his psychological development as a trader and the less*** gained through hard experiences. Analyzes legendary trader Jesse Livermore's strategies and explains how they can be used in today's markets Provides factual details regarding the actual companies Livermore traded in and the people who helped/hindered him along the way Explains the structure and mechanics of the Livermore-era markets, including the bucket shops and the commodity exchanges Includes more than 100 pages of new material "Reminiscences of a Stock ***" has endured over 70 years because traders and investors continue to find less*** from Livermore's experiences that they can apply to their own trading. This annotated edition will continue the trend.



Chapter I.

Chapter II.

Chapter III.

Chapter IV.


Edwin LeFèvre was trained as a mining engineer, but became a journalist at age nineteen. He began writing about Wall Street in 1897, and produced eight books, including The Making of a Stockbroker, during his fifty-three-yea***riting career.

He worked for the New York Sun, served as financial editor of Harper's Weekly, and wrote for the Saturday Evening Post.

He was appointed an Ambassador of the United States by President Howard Taft in 1909, serving in posts in a number of countries, including Italy, France, and Spain. At the end of his diplomatic career in 1913, Lefévre returned to his home in Vermont where he resumed his li***ry work, writing novels and contributing short stories for magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and McClure's.

He was a celebrated finance author made most famous by his publication of the fictionalized story of Jesse Livermore, which first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post in 1922.

Jon D. Markman is an award-winning journalist, popular market ***yst, and ve***n fund manager. He was a pioneer in the development of stock-rating systems and screening software; a portfolio manager at a hedge fund; managing editor at CNBC on MSN Money; and an investment columnist and investigative reporter at the Los Angeles Times. Markman provides investment guidance in his daily Strategic Advantage and Trader's Advantage research services, as well as in his weekly MSN Money column and managed accounts. He is also the author of Swing Trading, which is published by Wiley, and two other finance books.







Ø 华尔街没有新鲜事,因为投机像群山一样古老,股市上今天发生的事,过去曾经发生过,将来也必然再次发生。在上涨或下跌前,股价总会呈现某些“习惯”,一种特定的模式。

Ø 股价的波动总是有原因的,但行情记录器不会告诉你他为什么这样动而不那样动,他不做任何解释。股价涨跌的原因知不知道没有关系,你要么立刻行动,要么丢掉机会。不要问为什么,原因总比机会晚来很久。

Ø 如果要发生什么事情,但是我又不知道会发生什么,我就没办法保护自己,所以,最好还是赶快离场。如果事情没有按照你预想的发展,那么肯定有什么地方发生问题,最好先离场。

Ø 我失误的原因是不能坚持自己的交易原则:市场***出现之前,不要出手。任何事情的成功都需要掐准时间,这也正是华尔街上众多高明的投机者失败的原因。世界上的***,大多随时随地都会做错事。

Ø 没有任何人有充分的理由天天买卖股票,没有任何人有足够的知识保证自己的每次交易都理智。如果没有好股票,银行是钞票最好的归宿。频繁的交易是盲目的交易,要耐心等待合适交易机会的出现。只有当我确信自己不会赔钱才能动手,而如果不确信一定能赚钱,我就该按兵不动。市场整体行情不好时,不要强迫交易,那只会带来亏损。

Ø 赚钱的交易不会让你成长,他只会拖你的后腿,你必须从失败和犯错中获得经验。经验必须用金钱来换,这就是为什么我们说“经验是昂贵的”的原因。我几次经历倾家荡产,但我的精神却从不倾家荡产,我每次都能从自己的失败中总结经验。

Ø 先要成功的第一步,了解游戏规则。

Ø 犯错的是人不是市场,不要抱怨市场,对市场发火一点好处也没有。永远不要与行情斗气,如果股市不如你意你就对他火冒三丈,就像得了肺炎便抱怨自己的肺一样愚蠢至极。永远别和行情争执,也别企盼行情给你理由或解释,时候给股市解剖验尸不能带来任何利润。

Ø 股市上只有赢家和输家,除此之外再无其他。只有通过真金白银在能证明自己观...










With new commentary and Insights on the life and times of Jesse Livermore "Reminiscences of a Stock ***" is the fictionalized biography of perhaps the most famous financial speculator of all time-Jesse Livermore. This annotated edition bridges the gap between Edwin Lefevre's fictionalized account of Livermore's life and the actual, historical events, places, and people that populate the book. It also describes the variety of trading approaches Livermore used throughout his life and ***yzes his psychological development as a trader and the less*** gained through hard experiences. Analyzes legendary trader Jesse Livermore's strategies and explains how they can be used in today's markets Provides factual details regarding the actual companies Livermore traded in and the people who helped/hindered him along the way Explains the structure and mechanics of the Livermore-era markets, including the bucket shops and the commodity exchanges Includes more than 100 pages of new material "Reminiscences of a Stock ***" has endured over 70 years because traders and investors continue to find less*** from Livermore's experiences that they can apply to their own trading. This annotated edition will continue the trend.


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